ttorrent-android-service is an Android BitTorrent library with strong focus on ease of use and simple integration into your projects. All requests are handled on a single worker thread in an IntentService and thus your application can perform long-running download operations in the background by design.
The implementation of the BitTorrent protocol itself is provided by ttorrent.
To get started with ttorrent-android-service in your Android project, all you need is to declare the Gradle dependency.
dependencies {
compile 'de.sulaco.bittorrent:ttorrent-android-service:0.2.3'
You can either use BitTorrentDownloadService
directly or use BitTorrentDownloadManager
that encapsulates the communication with the IntentService. More details are available in our example projects.
BitTorrentDownloadManager bitTorrentDownloadManager = new BitTorrentDownloadManager(context);
DownloadRequest request = new DownloadRequest()
.setTorrentFile(Uri.parse( "/storage/emulated/0/test/baden-wuerttemberg.torrent"))
.setDestinationDirectory(Uri.parse( "/storage/emulated/0/test/"));
Copyright (C) 2016 Philipp Henkel
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file for more details.