Plugin App to provide Discussion Forum functionality.
This is a completely custom module designed to showcase what is possible within a custom Open Atrium App. It does not require any modules other than those normally included in oa_core. It demonstrates how extensively custom content types can be modified to provide a rich collaborative experience. It demonstrates custom messages and complex Views-based widgets.
Rather than using the Forums and/or Advanced Forums module, a light-weight custom forum application was written for Open Atrium. It uses a single content-type "oa_discussion_post" for both top-level topics as well as replies. This allows replies to have the full functionality of a main topic (attachments, etc). Each post/reply has a Parent entityreference field to indicate which node it is a reply to. When the Parent field is null/empty, the node is a top-level topic. This allows a reply to be promoted to a top-level topic by just clearing the Parent field. Entire reply chains or topics can be moved by simply changing the Parent pointer.
By not using Drupal Comment entities, Discussion replies are less susceptible to automated spam bots designed to attack Drupal sites. To add additional antispam protection, modules such as Captcha can be added to the reply form. If something like Mollum is really needed, normal Drupal comments can still be enabled, although Mollum has been shown to actually cause more spam in some cases. In general, anonymous replies and comments should not be allowed on sites. If public comments/replies are needed, use the Open Atrium Wiki (oa_wiki) content type with comments and Disqus installed rather than using Discussions.
Discussions use the global oa_media field for handling attachments. Attachments to replies are aggregated in the Document/Media widget that displays all media attached to replies of a specific topic thread.
Notification settings for Replies are directed to the top-level topic post to provide consistent notifications within a thread.
A custom message oa_reply is used to alter normal oa_create messages when a node is being created that is a reply to an existing node. This allows new replies to reference the parent node in the notification message.
Additional permissions are defined to allow replies to be created/edited/deleted separately from top-level topics.
OA Discussion was architected to only allow a single level of replies. While the oa_parent field could (in theory) be used to point a reply to another reply, other parts of the code (including Views and Widgets) assume the Parent node is the top-level original post. In general, replies-to-replies is not recommended for many reasons:
Multi-threaded Discussions (replies to replies) has poor usability. Users need to scan the entire thread for new content, rather than just looking at the bottom of the thread for new replies.
Multi-threaded Discussions encourage deeper tangents of discussions that often should be their own topics. These sidebars distract from the original topic. When using a notification-based discussion such as OA2, being notified by these tangential replies often annoys users who subscribed to the main topic.
Multi-threaded Discussions are a challenge from a performance perspective. Since any reply in the database could potentially be shown on page of the display, you must query all replies in order to render each page. For example, if 20 replies are shown per page, reply #100 could just as easily be shown as a reply to #1. You can't use the normal Drupal pager which uses SQL to limit the page to the first 20 results of the query.
If a client requires a more complex multi-threaded discussion, similar to Reddit or Stack Overflow with rich ratings, etc, it is recommended that a new custom OA2 app is written rather than trying to modify the built-in Discussions.
Used for both top-level topics as well as replies to existing topics (see oa_parent field). Additional fields are:
- oa_parent - An entityreference field that points to the top-level Topic node for a reply. Top-level topics have a null/empty oa_parent field.
The full node detail page is panelized to always show the original post summary at the top, followed by a View of the replies to the topic, followed by the Reply form widget. Viewing any oa_discussion_post node will always show this same panels view of the original topic. The only difference when going to a specific reply detail page is that the specified reply is automatically expanded in the View and highlighted by a green bar along the left.
A variant of the node/edit form is used to control the column layout of fields.
Used to replace normal oa_create messages when creating a new reply to an existing topic node.
Contains several view displays for showing discussion content:
Discussion Replies - (widget) Displays the replies to a given Parent topic. Used to show the Replies listing below the original topic on the main oa_discussion_post content page. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions–replies.tpl.php
Discussion Parent - (widget) Displays the summary of the Parent topic for any reply. Used to show the original post on the oa_discussion_post content page. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions--original-post.tpl.php
Discussion Attachments - (widget) Displays the attachments in a thread within the Document/Media widget. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions–attachments.tpl.php
Discussion Topics - (widget) Displays the list of top-level topics in a Space/Section. Intended for display on a Section landing page, and added as the default widget on the Discussion Section section-type. This is a complex view that performs extensive aggregation to count the number of replies within a topic in a performant way. Take great care when modifying this view. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions--discussion-topics.tpl.php
User Topics - (widget) Similar to Discussion Topics, but only shows topics created by a specific user. Used on the default user dashboard to show the user's posts. As with Discussion Topics, this view performs aggregation to count repies within the topic so take care when modifying this view. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions--discussion-user.tpl.php
User Reply Topics - (widget) Similar to Discussion Topics, but only shows topics where the user has created a reply. Rather than linking the reply, it links to the entire thread. The Reply Count only counts the number of replies made by the specified user. Clicking the Last update link takes you to the last reply from the specified user. This widget is used on the default user dashboard to show a user's replies. Template in templates/views-view-fields--open-atrium-discussions--discussion-user-reply.tpl.php