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General Build Information

Guille Polito edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 5 revisions


This page presents general steps and requirements to build the Pharo-VM.


You can check with the specific platform dependencies, but generally for building the VM it is required the following set of tools:

  • A working Pharo
  • CMake (at least version 3.7.2)
  • CLang
  • Binutils (make and friends)
  • wget
  • unzip
  • automake
  • libtool


Once you've installed the dependencies, here are the basic building steps.

Don't forget to check the GitHub repository, replace pharo-project with your username if you've forked.

$ git clone
$ cmake -S pharo-vm -B buildDirectory
$ cmake --build buildDirectory --target install

This will configure and compile your VM inside the buildDirectory/build/dist directory.

About Dependencies

If cmake command fails due to missing dependencies, add this parameter to the end of the configure step. This parameter forces the build to use binary dependencies downloaded from our file servers.

$ git clone
$ cmake --build buildDirectory --target install

Build in Debug mode

CMake accepts at configure time the -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE parameter to control if the compilation happens in debug (Debug), release (Release) or release with debug symbols (RelWithDebInfo). For example to build the VM in Debug mode you must use the following command:

$ git clone
$ cmake -S pharo-vm -B buildDirectory -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build buildDirectory --target install

By default, Pharo builds in RelWithDebInfo

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