Note: This repository contains the core code of the Nucleon framework. If you want to build an application using Nucleon, visit the main Nucleon repository.
- Powerful bootstrap for Phalcon
- Optimizer (neutrino\optimizer)
- Framework optimizer. Compile the main code & classes that are frequently used into one single file.
- Auto-Loader Optimizer. Transalte the composer autoloader, in Phalcon autoloader.
- Middleware
- Logic
- Throttle middleware
- Model
- Lowest resource consumption for model description.
- Auth
- Manager
- Throttle login
- Cache Strategy
- Allow to manage multiple backend cache storage
- Providers
- Lazy instantiation of all phalcon & neutrino services. Loaded once (for shared), when needed.
- Facades
- Allows you to use the facade pattern
- Migrations
- Migrations are like version control for your database. (inspired from laravel migrations)
- Console (neutrino\cli)
- Dotconst (neutrino\const)
- Phalcon: Phalcon framework
- Nucleon icon. re-colorized by nucleon.