Http server responding 200 to all request and dumping request data
npm i -g @petitchevalroux/debug-http-client
debug-http-client --help
start the http server
--version Affiche le numéro de version [booléen]
--port, -p Port to bind on [nombre] [défaut: 80]
--ip, -i Ip to bind on [chaine de caractère] [défaut: ""]
--cache-max-age <seconds> Specifies the maximum amount of time a resource
will be considered fresh. Contrary to Expires, this
directive is relative to the time of the request.
[nombre] [défaut: 0]
--response-timeout <milliseconds> Specifies the maximum amount of time before
sending the response [nombre] [défaut: 1000]
-h, --help Affiche de l'aide [booléen]