Texel 1.06
2016-07-10: Texel 1.06 (ELO: +56)
- Don't use ply-2 killers for move ordering.
- Be more restrictive when extending losing (SEE<0) checks.
- Don't do check extensions for moves that are reduced by LMR.
- Don't do singular extensions if the unextended score is a mate score.
- Don't do LMR for the first 2 pseudo-legal moves.
- More aggressive LMR.
- More aggressive null move searches.
- Don't resolve a known loss score bound if there are other moves that are
potentially not losing.
Parallel search:
- Allow a helper thread that fails high to interrupt the master thread.
- Changed MIN_SPLIT_DEPTH from 10 to 7 to make better use of multiple threads in
short time control games. - Changed maximum number of search threads to 512.
- Added support for windows NUMA systems having more than 64 cores.
- Evaluation term to encourage "pawn breaks".
- Bonus for "latent" pawn attacks on enemy minor and major pieces.
- Bonus for safe queen contact checks.
- Only treat pawns on rank 2 and 3 as backwards pawns.
- King safety bonus for pieces (except bishops) on the same side of the board as
the king. - Parameter tuning.
- More patterns for fortress detection in bishop endings.
- On-demand tablebase generation for 4-men pawn-less positions.
- Knowledge about KRKBNN endgame, which is generally a draw.
- Better evaluation of KRBNKRB endgame.
- Larger evaluation score in KRRMKRR endgames
- Improved 50 move draw handling for TB probes.
- Reduced TB probe overhead.
- Implemented a small (512KB) per-thread evaluation hash table.
- Removed support for fractional depth.
- Made the transposition table 4-way set associative.
- Removed "64-bit" from the engine name. 64 bit is now considered standard.
- UCI option to disable null moves.
- Made "BufferTime" a UCI parameter to control time handling safety margin.
- Don't start a new search iteration if it is unlikely that it can finish before
the allocated thinking time is up. - In analysis mode, don't age transposition table entries when starting a new