The functionality has been merged into the perc-toolkit module of Percussion CMS 8
Content Rest Service
Provides a restful interface for import content into the CMS through import templates that are defined in Velocity Templates.
This version has been updated for the 7.3.2 [732_20180928] Patch level.
Installation ` Download the release version and unzip it on the Percussion Server.
Run the Install.bat or script from a command prompt while the Percussion Service is in a stopped state.
Windows Example (Percussion is installed in the C:\Rhythmyx folder):
c:\downloads\psotoolkit\Install.bat C:\Rhythmyx
Linux Example: Percussion is installed in the /opt/Percussion folder.
$ ./ /opt/Percussion
Contributing The project is configured with Apache Maven and currently requires maven 3 or greater.
After cloning the project.
mvn clean install
Will build the distribution zip and execute tests. To skip tests, pass the -DskipTests=true parameter.