This program is a calculator for calculating the area of a given firgues. It supports square, rectangle, circle, trapezoid, and right triangle. The user inputs some key information about the firgue, and the program will print out its area. Program members: Peizhao Mei(Pem70) Menghao Hu(meh282) Lihan Wang(liw130)
This program is a calculator for calculating the area of a given firgues. It supports square, rectangle, circle, trapezoid, and right triangle. The user inputs some key information about the firgue, and the program will print out its area. If the a user gives a key information out of range, this program will not calculate the area, and print information to tell a user the reason instead.
This program is really easy to use, since users only need to run one file, "1.ipynb". Users should have access to environment to run it, such as Jupyter Notebook or VScode with python downloaded from extension. User can upload the file to Jupyter Notebook, and click the block and press "Enter" on keyboard. Then, users could just follow the information shown in the command line under the block. Here is an example:
If you want to calculate the area of a square with length of 3:
After pressing "Enter" on keyboard, it will print ""Please select the type of your firgue: 1.square 2.rectangle 4.trapezoid 5.right triangle" in the command line. Now, you should input "1" and enter. It will print "Please input the length of the square (integer only)" in command line. Now, you should input "3" and enter. The result will show in the command line, "The area of given square is 9".
This program is limited to calculate the area of five different kind of shape. If you would like to contribute to this file, please follow the instructions bellow:
Step 1 - Fork the desired project.
Step 2 - Clone the Project.
Step 3 - Create A New Branch.
Step 4 - Develop, Stage, and Commit.
Step 5 - Push the Changes.
Step 6 - Create a Pull Request.
For step 3, if you want improve the function file, you could consider add methods to calculate other shapes, or create more functions besides calculating areas. Please don't forget to edit instructions for users that will be shown in command line.