This is a step by step lab/demo which shows how to use F5 CIS (Container Ingress Services) to expose an application running on a Kubernetes cluster - more specifically on a GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster. We will deploy the CIS controller on the cluster and then explore the use of the custom resourses provided by the CIS to expose a demo application (composed by 5 fake microservices). The following CIS custom resources are used on this demo: VirtualServer, TLSProfile and Policy. As these custom resouces are created/updated on cluster, the CIS controller (watching for them) automatically create/update the configuration on the BIG-IP system to expose the application.
This is a high level view of what will be performed on this demo (excluding the environment setup):
Deploy a demo application on the cluster (Deployment and Service resources);
Create a VirtualServer custom resource to expose the application over HTTP (port 80) through BIG-IP and test the application;
Scale up one of the application's microservice and see how the BIG-IP configuration is automatically updated by the CIS controller;
Create a TLSProfile custom resource which will contain the details of how the TLS traffic for the application should be processed;
Update the VirtualServer resource to reference the TLSProfile created in the previous step, test the application over HTTPS and see the modications done on the BIG-IP by the CIS;
Create an iRule using iControl and a WAF policy using the declarative WAF interface;
Create a Policy custom resource which will reference both the iRule and the WAF policy created on the previous step;
Update the VirtualServer resource to reference the Policy created on the previous step, test the application and see the modifications done on the BIG-IP by the CIS;
Define some environment variables:
export PROJECTNAME="f5-cis-lab-001" export REGION="us-central1" export ZONE="us-central1-a"
Create a GCP project:
gcloud projects create $PROJECTNAME --name="My F5 CIS Lab"
Configure the newly created project as the default project:
gcloud config set project $PROJECTNAME
Get the billing account ID which will be used by this project:
gcloud alpha billing accounts list
Link the newly created project with your billing account :
gcloud alpha billing projects link $PROJECTNAME --billing-account XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX
Get your public IP and save it in an environment variable (this public IP will be used to restrict the access to your lab environment):
export MYIP=$(curl
Enable some GCP APIs that will be used later on:
gcloud services enable gcloud services enable gcloud services enable
Delete the default network and firewall rules (just for cleanup, this step is optional):
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-icmp --quiet gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-internal --quiet gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-rdp --quiet gcloud compute firewall-rules delete default-allow-ssh --quiet gcloud compute networks delete default --quiet
Create 3 VPC networks (external,internal,management):
gcloud compute networks create net-external --subnet-mode=custom gcloud compute networks create net-internal --subnet-mode=custom gcloud compute networks create net-management --subnet-mode=custom
Create 3 subnets (one for each VPC created in the previous step):
gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-external --network=net-external --range= --region=$REGION gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-internal --network=net-internal --range= --region=$REGION gcloud compute networks subnets create subnet-management --network=net-management --range= --region=$REGION
Generare a SSH key pair (which will be used to access your environment):
ssh-keygen -f mykey echo "admin:$(cat" >
Upload the public key to the project metadata (the corresponding private key will be used to login in the VMs):
gcloud compute project-info add-metadata --metadata-from-file=ssh-keys=./
Create a GKE cluster:
gcloud container clusters create f5-cis-gke-cluster --project=$PROJECTNAME --zone=$ZONE --network=net-internal --subnetwork=subnet-internal --cluster-ipv4-cidr=
Configure the kubectl command to use the newly created GKE cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials f5-cis-gke-cluster
Check the CGE cluster's nodes:
kubectl get nodes
Clone F5 GDM templates repository:
git clone
Copy the needed templates files to your current directory (we will the deploy a BIG-IP Standalone with 3-NICs using PAYG):
cp f5-google-gdm-templates/supported/standalone/3nic/existing-stack/payg/* .
Configure the GDM template:
sed -i "s/region:/region: $REGION/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/availabilityZone1:/availabilityZone1: $ZONE/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/mgmtNetwork:/mgmtNetwork: net-management/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/mgmtSubnet:/mgmtSubnet: subnet-management/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/restrictedSrcAddress:/restrictedSrcAddress: $MYIP/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/restrictedSrcAddressApp:/restrictedSrcAddressApp: $MYIP/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/network1:/network1: net-external/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/subnet1:/subnet1: subnet-external/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/network2:/network2: net-internal/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/subnet2:/subnet2: subnet-internal/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/instanceType: n1-standard-4/instanceType: e2-standard-8/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/applicationPort: 443/applicationPort: 80 443/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml sed -i "s/bigIpModules: ltm:nominal/bigIpModules: ltm:nominal,asm:nominal/" f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml
Deploy the BIG-IP:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments create f5-cis-lab --config f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.yaml
Note: The BIG-IP can take up to 8 min to became available.
Get the BIG-IP public management IP :
export BIGIP=`gcloud compute instances describe bigip1-f5-cis-lab --format='get(networkInterfaces[1].accessConfigs[0].natIP)' --zone $ZONE`
Get the BIG-IP internal self-IP (which will be used when configuring CIS controller):
export INTERNAL_SELFIP=`gcloud compute instances describe bigip1-f5-cis-lab --format='get(networkInterfaces[2].networkIP)' --zone $ZONE`
Log in the BIG-IP using the private key created previously:
ssh -i mykey admin@$BIGIP
Change the admin's password :
modify /auth user admin password "F5training@123"
Create a partition (which will be managed by CIS):
create /auth partition GKE
Add a network route to the Pods network (
create /net route k8s_pods network gw
Change the port lockdown setting of the Internal Self-IP to "Allow Default":
modify /net self self_internal allow-service default
Save the config and quit :
save sys config quit
Create a firewall rule which will allow the CIS controller to communicate with the BIG-IP:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-rule-allow-cis --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=net-internal --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:443 --source-ranges= --target-tags=appfw-f5-cis-lab
Adjust the CIS deploy file (configuring the Internal Self-IP):
sed "s/X.X.X.X/$INTERNAL_SELFIP/" k8s_manifests/f5cis/cis_deploy.original.yaml > k8s_manifests/f5cis/cis_deploy.yaml
Check the CIS deploy file:
less k8s_manifests/f5cis/cis_deploy.yaml
Deploy the CIS controller:
kubectl create secret generic bigip-login -n kube-system --from-literal=username="admin" --from-literal=password="F5training@123" kubectl create serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n kube-system kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/f5cis/customresourcedefinitions.yaml kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/f5cis/k8s_rbac.yaml kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/f5cis/cis_deploy.yaml
Deploy the demo SHOP application with all of your microservices (payment,order,shipping,product,user) on GKE:
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop.yaml
Check the PODs of all microservices:
kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE order-788575f6cb-k5zdx 1/1 Running 0 12s order-788575f6cb-t8t76 1/1 Running 0 12s order-788575f6cb-vwh4j 1/1 Running 0 12s payment-77bc8bd9cb-2v9hs 1/1 Running 0 14s payment-77bc8bd9cb-4v8rt 1/1 Running 0 14s payment-77bc8bd9cb-wnpm9 1/1 Running 0 14s product-6b8c9986f4-ccz8b 1/1 Running 0 11s product-6b8c9986f4-kzgp6 1/1 Running 0 11s product-6b8c9986f4-s777p 1/1 Running 0 11s shipping-676bd48c48-862tl 1/1 Running 0 12s shipping-676bd48c48-qccjn 1/1 Running 0 11s shipping-676bd48c48-zp9lh 1/1 Running 0 11s user-76dccd7788-cvjdp 1/1 Running 0 10s user-76dccd7788-jwrjr 1/1 Running 0 10s user-76dccd7788-nqthw 1/1 Running 0 10s
Create a static public IP (which will be used to access the SHOP demo application):
gcloud compute addresses create static-shop-ip
Get the public IP address which were allocated:
export SHOP_IP=`gcloud compute addresses list --filter="name=('static-shop-ip')" --format="value(address)"`
Create a target instance (which points to the BIG-IP VM instance):
gcloud compute target-instances create bigip1-target-instance --instance=bigip1-f5-cis-lab
Create two forwarding rules (one for HTTP and other for HTTPs):
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create forwarding-rule-shop-http --ip-protocol=TCP --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL --network-tier=PREMIUM --ports=80 --target-instance=bigip1-target-instance --address $SHOP_IP gcloud compute forwarding-rules create forwarding-rule-shop-https --ip-protocol=TCP --load-balancing-scheme=EXTERNAL --network-tier=PREMIUM --ports=443 --target-instance=bigip1-target-instance --address $SHOP_IP
Adjust the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
sed "s/X.X.X.X/$SHOP_IP/" k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.v1.original.yaml > k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Check the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
less k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Deploy the VirtualServer CIS resource:
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Check all the demo microservices:
curl -s http://$SHOP_IP/payment -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: payment-77bc8bd9cb-wnpm9 Date: 18/Feb/2022:23:49:47 +0000 URI: /payment Request ID: b6d9d6b1c5e2403369cf89743ce6fa09 curl -s http://$SHOP_IP/order -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: order-788575f6cb-t8t76 Date: 18/Feb/2022:23:49:48 +0000 URI: /order Request ID: c0e97a4e5578a96bd6555244c48244c3 curl -s http://$SHOP_IP/shipping -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: shipping-676bd48c48-qccjn Date: 18/Feb/2022:23:49:48 +0000 URI: /shipping Request ID: bbc6bd57764d01632e42b26a3b01dcb5 curl -s http://$SHOP_IP/product -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: product-6b8c9986f4-ccz8b Date: 18/Feb/2022:23:49:49 +0000 URI: /product Request ID: 19be107dd0832b3aa41da1fcdd0a1a0e curl -s http://$SHOP_IP/user -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: user-76dccd7788-nqthw Date: 18/Feb/2022:23:52:09 +0000 URI: /user Request ID: 16ed9f21c19e4cdacaa2f7b26384a85e
Note: In the output of the above commands, the Server name contains the POD's name. You can run the above commands multiple times to see how the PODs are being load balanced.
Try to access a non existent URI PATH (you shoud receive an RST):
curl http://$SHOP_IP/nonexistent -H "Host:" curl: (56) Recv failure: Conexão fechada pela outra ponta
Check the BIG-IP configuration on the Configuration Utiliy (get the management IP in environment variable "BIGIP"):
echo "https://$BIGIP/"
Scale up the "product" microservice to 10 replicas (you should see the changes happen automatically on BIG-IP):
kubectl scale deployment/product --replicas=10 kubectl get pod -l app=product NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE product-6b8c9986f4-6vrld 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-bbwlq 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-ccz8b 1/1 Running 0 14m product-6b8c9986f4-ckvjg 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-dbppv 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-fmtbb 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-kzgp6 1/1 Running 0 14m product-6b8c9986f4-nqqr5 1/1 Running 0 3s product-6b8c9986f4-s777p 1/1 Running 0 14m product-6b8c9986f4-xljrn 1/1 Running 0 3s
Create the TLSProfile CIS resource (which contains the details about how the TLS traffic will be processed):
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop-tlsprofile.yaml
Update the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
sed "s/X.X.X.X/$SHOP_IP/" k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.v2.original.yaml > k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Check the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
less k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Update the VirtualServer CIS resource:
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Check all the demo microservices (using HTTPS):
curl -k -s https://$SHOP_IP/payment -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: payment-77bc8bd9cb-2v9hs Date: 19/Feb/2022:00:04:08 +0000 URI: /payment Request ID: 3c716484b224fed55ea2f50e07c9c1e1 curl -k -s https://$SHOP_IP/order -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: order-788575f6cb-t8t76 Date: 19/Feb/2022:00:04:09 +0000 URI: /order Request ID: 36a1c0ccbff0c9075ed9c481aa02ba12 curl -k -s https://$SHOP_IP/shipping -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: shipping-676bd48c48-qccjn Date: 19/Feb/2022:00:04:09 +0000 URI: /shipping Request ID: 1b41622aaae84552821002194fcbe6d8 curl -k -s https://$SHOP_IP/product -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: product-6b8c9986f4-kzgp6 Date: 19/Feb/2022:00:04:10 +0000 URI: /product Request ID: 0ddf865f3fde70ca727142c686425d7c curl -k -s https://$SHOP_IP/user -H "Host:" Server address: Server name: user-76dccd7788-cvjdp Date: 19/Feb/2022:00:04:14 +0000 URI: /user Request ID: a83c5d7ce65276b45131a2f38c0285b8
Check the BIG-IP configuration on the Configuration Utiliy (get the management IP in the environment variable "BIGIP"):
echo "https://$BIGIP/"
Create an iRule (which will show a "Content not found" message when the user try to access a non existent URI PATH):
curl -sku "admin:F5training@123" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule -d '{"name":"irule_not_found","apiAnonymous":"when HTTP_REQUEST {\n set pool [LB::server pool]\n if { $pool == \"\"} {\n HTTP::respond 404 content \"{\\\"status\\\": 404, \\\"message\\\": \\\"Content not found\\\"}\\r\\n\"\n } \n }"}' | jq .
Create an ASM policy using the Declarative WAF interface (policy in blocking mode with signature staging disabled):
curl -sku "admin:F5training@123" -X POST https://$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/uploads/asmpolicy_shop_f5lab_com.json -H 'Content-Range: 0-554/555' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @asmpolicy_shop_f5lab_com.json | jq . curl -sku "admin:F5training@123" -X POST https://$BIGIP/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"filename":"asmpolicy_shop_f5lab_com.json", "policy": { "fullPath":"/Common/asmpolicy_shop_f5lab_com" } }' | jq .
Create the Policy CIS resource file (which contain details about what irules, profiles and policies will be applied to the virtual server):
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop-policy.yaml
Update the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
sed "s/X.X.X.X/$SHOP_IP/" k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.v3.original.yaml > k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Check the Virtual Server CIS resource file:
less k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Update the VirtualServer CIS resource:
kubectl apply -f k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml
Try to access a non existent URI PATH (you should see a JSON error message ):
curl -k https://$SHOP_IP/nonexistent -H "Host:" {"status": 404, "message": "Content not found"}
Simulate an attack to the application (you should see the ASM blocking response page):
curl -k -s "https://$SHOP_IP/payment?name=<script>alert('xss');</script>" -H "Host:" <html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body>The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br>Your support ID is: 1311895922317197328<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>
Check the BIG-IP configuration on the Configuration Utiliy (get the management IP in environment variable "BIGIP"):
echo "https://$BIGIP/"
Delete the two forwarding rules:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete forwarding-rule-shop-http --quiet gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete forwarding-rule-shop-https --quiet
Delete the target instance:
gcloud compute target-instances delete bigip1-target-instance --quiet
Delete the static public IP:
gcloud compute addresses delete static-shop-ip --quiet
Delete the BIG-IP deployment:
gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete f5-cis-lab --delete-policy=DELETE --quiet
Delete the GKE cluster:
gcloud container clusters delete f5-cis-gke-cluster --quiet
Delete the remaining firewall rule:
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete fw-rule-allow-cis --quiet
Clean up the directory:
rm -rf ./f5-google-gdm-templates/ rm f5-existing-stack-payg-3nic-bigip.* rm k8s_manifests/f5cis/cis_deploy.yaml rm k8s_manifests/demo/shop-virtualserver.yaml