Another Bash script to backup a BIG-IP device.
The backup script is executed from the BIG-IP device and the UCS file created is copied to a remote SCP server. After the file has been copied, it is deleted locally. All the backup steps are logged to the local syslog.
Create a directory on BIG-IP to host the backup script and the ssh key pair:
mkdir -p /shared/scripts/f5-backup/
Copy the script to the BIG-IP and put it on the directory previously created ;
Give execute permission to the script:
cd /shared/scripts/f5-backup/ chmod +x
Generate a SSH key pair which will be used by the script to copy the UCS file to the remote SCP server:
mkdir mykeys ssh-keygen -f mykeys/f5user
Copy the public key (, in this case) to the SCP server and put it in the file .ssh/authorized_keys inside the user's home directory ;
Adjust the following settings inside the script file accordingly with your environment:
SCPHOST="" SCPUSER="f5user" SCPKEY="/shared/scripts/f5-backup/mykeys/f5user" SCPREMOTEDIR="/home/f5user/"
To encrypt the UCS file configure the PASSPHRASE variable inside the script (if left blank the UCS will be not encrypted);
Test the script (using DEBUG=1, inside the script) ;
Note: If trying to create an encrypted UCS file, use the root user to execute the script (
Create an iCall script which will execute the script:
tmsh create sys icall script backup tmsh modify sys icall script backup definition { exec /shared/scripts/f5-backup/ }
Create an iCall periodic handler which will execute the iCall script created previously (adjust the "interval" setting accordingly to your needs):
tmsh create sys icall handler periodic backup first-occurrence 2022-02-02:00:00:00 interval 86400 script backup
Save the configuration:
tmsh save sys config
# ./
Feb 7 09:59:12 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[3811]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => Starting the backup.
Feb 7 09:59:12 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[3812]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => Running the UCS save operation (encrypted).
Feb 7 09:59:30 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5558]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => UCS file saved successfully (local:/var/local/ucs/bigip1-20220207-095912.ucs).
Feb 7 09:59:30 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5570]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => Running the UCS SCP copy operation.
Feb 7 09:59:31 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5576]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => UCS file copied to the SCP server successfully (remote:
Feb 7 09:59:31 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5577]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => Running the UCS delete operation.
Feb 7 09:59:31 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5585]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => UCS file deleted successfully (local:/var/local/ucs/bigip1-20220207-095912.ucs).
Feb 7 09:59:31 bigip1.f5lab.local info admin[5586]: [backup-task][ID=20220207095912] => Backup succeeded.