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ZryletTC committed Jan 20, 2022
1 parent 73838af commit 471954e
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Showing 2 changed files with 391 additions and 46 deletions.
281 changes: 235 additions & 46 deletions xcs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
with safe_load('Event Sequencer'):
from pcdsdevices.sequencer import EventSequencer
seq = EventSequencer('ECS:SYS0:4', name='seq_4')
seq2 = EventSequencer('ECS:SYS0:11', name='seq_11')

with safe_load('LXE'):
from pcdsdevices.lxe import LaserEnergyPositioner
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ class LXE(LaserEnergyPositioner):
lxe_opa_calib_file = '/reg/neh/operator/xcsopr/experiments/'+get_current_experiment('xcs')+'/wpcalib_opa'

lxe = LXE('XCS:LAS:MMN:04', calibration_file=lxe_opa_calib_file, name='lxe_opa')
lxe_opa = LXE('XCS:LAS:MMN:04', calibration_file=lxe_opa_calib_file, name='lxe_opa')
except OSError:
logger.error('Could not load file: %s', lxe_opa_calib_file)
raise FileNotFoundError
Expand All @@ -61,46 +62,68 @@ class LXE(LaserEnergyPositioner):
from pcdsdevices.lxe import LaserEnergyPositioner, LaserTiming, LaserTimingCompensation
from pcdsdevices.epics_motor import Newport

lens_h = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:05', name='lens_h')

#las_wp = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:08', name='las_wp')
las_opa_wp = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:04', name='las_opa_wp')
lens_h = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:08', name='lens_h')
lens_v = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:06', name='lens_v')
lens_f = Newport('XCS:LAS:MMN:07', name='lens_f')
pol_wp = Newport('XCS:USR:MMN:07', name='pol_wp')

#lxt_ttc = LaserTimingCompensation('', delay_prefix='XCS:LAS:MMN:01', laser_prefix='LAS:FS4', name='lxt_ttc')
#lxt_ttc.delay.n_bounces = 10

#lxt = lxt_ttc.laser

# It's okay to be a little unhappy, no need to whine about it
# from ophyd.epics_motor import AlarmSeverity
import logging
# lxt_fast.tolerated_alarm = AlarmSeverity.MINOR

with safe_load('New lxt & lxt_ttc'):
from ophyd.device import Component as Cpt
#with safe_load('Old lxt & lxt_ttc'):
# from ophyd.device import Component as Cpt
# from pcdsdevices.epics_motor import Newport
# from pcdsdevices.lxe import LaserTiming
# from pcdsdevices.pseudopos import DelayMotor, SyncAxis, delay_class_factory
# DelayNewport = delay_class_factory(Newport)
# # Reconfigurable lxt_ttc
# # Any motor added in here will be moved in the group
# class LXTTTC(SyncAxis):
# lxt = Cpt(LaserTiming, 'LAS:FS4', name='lxt')
# txt = Cpt(DelayNewport, 'XCS:LAS:MMN:01',
# n_bounces=10, name='txt')
# tab_component_names = True
# scales = {'txt': -1}
# warn_deadband = 5e-14
# fix_sync_keep_still = 'lxt'
# sync_limits = (-10e-6, 10e-6)
# lxt_ttc = LXTTTC('', name='lxt_ttc')
# lxt = lxt_ttc.lxt

from pcdsdevices.epics_motor import Newport
with safe_load('New lxt & lxt_ttc'):
from pcdsdevices.device import ObjectComponent as OCpt
from pcdsdevices.lxe import LaserTiming
from pcdsdevices.pseudopos import DelayMotor, SyncAxis, delay_class_factory
from pcdsdevices.pseudopos import SyncAxis
from xcs.db import xcs_txt

DelayNewport = delay_class_factory(Newport)
lxt = LaserTiming('LAS:FS4', name='lxt') = 'txt'

# Reconfigurable lxt_ttc
# Any motor added in here will be moved in the group
class LXTTTC(SyncAxis):
lxt = Cpt(LaserTiming, 'LAS:FS4', name='lxt')
txt = Cpt(DelayNewport, 'XCS:LAS:MMN:01',
n_bounces=10, name='txt')
lxt = OCpt(lxt)
txt = OCpt(xcs_txt)

tab_component_names = True
scales = {'txt': -1}
warn_deadband = 5e-14
fix_sync_keep_still = 'lxt'
sync_limits = (-10e-6, 10e-6)

lxt_ttc = LXTTTC('', name='lxt_ttc')
lxt = lxt_ttc.lxt

with safe_load('Delay Scan'):
from ophyd.device import Device, Component as Cpt
Expand All @@ -114,11 +137,13 @@ class LXTTTC(SyncAxis):
tt_ty = IMS('XCS:SB2:MMS:46',name='tt_ty')
lib_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:04',name='lib_y')
det_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:40',name='det_y')
lp = EpicsSignal('XCS:USR:ao1:7',name='lp')

from xcs.devices import LaserShutter
lp = LaserShutter('XCS:USR:ao1:7', name='lp')
def lp_close():
def lp_open():

#with safe_load('User Opal'):
# from pcdsdevices.areadetector.detectors import PCDSDetector
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,29 +211,12 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
# y_up_south_prefix='XCS:MON:MMS:28', in_pos=3.3, out_pos=13.18,
# name='xcs_ccm')

with safe_load('User Dumb Motor'):
from pcdsdevices.epics_motor import IMS
top_slit_x = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:33', name='top_slit_x')
top_slit_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:34', name='top_slit_y')
bot_slit_x = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:35', name='bot_slit_x')
#1z = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:36', name='1z')
jet_z = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:41', name='jet_z')
#mirror_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:48', name='mirror_y')
#sam_x = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:44', name='sam_x')
#sam_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:43', name='sam_y')
#sam_th = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:45', name='sam_th')
#huber_Rx = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:32', name='huber_Rx')
#huber_x = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:30', name='huber_x')
#huber_Ry = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:29', name='huber_Ry')
#huber_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:19', name='huber_y')
bot_slit_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:37', name='bot_slit_y')
jet_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:38', name='jet_y')
jet_x = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:39', name='jet_x')
det_y = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:40', name='det_y')
#jj2hg = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:25', name='jj2hg')
#jj2ho = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:26', name='jj2ho')
#jj2vg = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:27', name='jj2vg')
#jj2vo = IMS('XCS:USR:MMS:28', name='jj2vo')
# this all thould go and we should start using the questionnaire.
# that's what it's goe.

with safe_load('Timetool'):
from pcdsdevices.timetool import TimetoolWithNav
tt = TimetoolWithNav('XCS:SB2:TIMETOOL', name='xcs_timetool', prefix_det='XCS:GIGE:08')
Expand All @@ -218,6 +226,15 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
from xcs.db import scan_pvs

with safe_load('XFLS Motors (Temporary)'):
from ophyd import Device, Component as Cpt
from pcdsdevices.epics_motor import IMS
from pcdsdevices.interface import BaseInterface
class XFLS(BaseInterface, Device):
x = Cpt(IMS, ':MMS:22', name='x')
y = Cpt(IMS, ':MMS:23', name='y')
z = Cpt(IMS, ':MMS:24', name='z')
crl2 = XFLS('XCS:SB2', name='xcs_xfls')

with safe_load('Create Aliases'):
#from xcs.db import at2l0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,6 +264,9 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
from xcs.db import xcs_sb2_upstream_slits as s5
from xcs.db import xcs_sb2_downstream_slits as s6

from xcs.db import at1l0 as fat1
from xcs.db import at2l0 as fat2

from xcs.db import xcs_attenuator as att
from xcs.db import xcs_pulsepicker as pp
from xcs.db import xcs_gon as gon
Expand All @@ -255,9 +275,17 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
from xcs.db import xcs_lxt_fast as lxt_fast

from xcs.db import xcs_ccm as ccm
ccmE =
#from xcs.db import xcs_xfls as crl2
from xcs.db import xcs_pfls as crl1

from xcs.db import xcs_samplestage
gon_sx = xcs_samplestage.x
gon_sy = xcs_samplestage.y
gon_sz = xcs_samplestage.z

ccmE = = 'ccmE'
ccmE_vernier = ccm.calc.energy_with_vernier
ccmE_vernier = ccm.energy_with_vernier = 'ccmE_vernier'

with safe_load('Pink/Mono Offset'):
Expand All @@ -277,6 +305,11 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
lib_y: 'default'

with safe_load('Syringe Pump'):
#from xcs.syringepump import SyringePump
from xcs.devices import SyringePump

with safe_load('import macros'):
from xcs.macros import *

Expand All @@ -291,3 +324,159 @@ class RovingSpec(Device):
with safe_load('bluesky setup'):
from bluesky.callbacks.mpl_plotting import initialize_qt_teleporter
with safe_load('ladm_det'):
xcsdet_y = IMS('XCS:LAM:MMS:07',name = 'xcsdet_y')
xcsdet_x = IMS('XCS:LAM:MMS:06',name = 'xcsdet_x')

with safe_load('drift monitor'):
import numpy as np
import json
import sys
import time
import os
import socket
import logging
class drift():
def drift_log(idata):
savefilename = "/cds/home/opr/xcsopr/experiments/xcsl2619/drift_log.txt"
currenttime = time.ctime()
out_f = open(savefilename,'a')
out_f.write(str(idata)+ "," + currenttime.split(" ")[3] +"\n")

def tt_rough_FB(ttamp_th = 0.02, ipm4_th = 500, tt_window = 0.05):
fbvalue = 0 # for drift record
tenshots_tt = np.zeros([1,])
dlen = 0
while(dlen < 61):
#ttcomm = Popen("caget XPP:TIMETOOL:TTALL",shell = True, stdout=PIPE)
#ttdata = (ttcomm.communicate()[0]).decode()
ttall = EpicsSignal('XCS:TIMETOOL:TTALL')
ttdata = ttall.get()

current_tt = ttdata[1,]
ttamp = ttdata[2,]
ipm4val = ttdata[3,]
ttfwhm = ttdata[5,]
#current_tt = float((ttdata.split(" "))[3])
#ttamp = float((ttdata.split(" "))[4])
#ipm2val = float((ttdata.split(" "))[5])
#ttfwhm = float((ttdata.split(" "))[7])
if(dlen%10 == 0):
if (ttamp > ttamp_th)and(ipm4val > ipm4_th)and(ttfwhm < 130)and(ttfwhm > 30)and(current_tt != tenshots_tt[-1,]):# for filtering the last one is for when DAQ is stopping
tenshots_tt = np.insert(tenshots_tt,dlen,current_tt)
dlen = np.shape(tenshots_tt)[0]
tenshots_tt = np.delete(tenshots_tt,0)
ave_tt = np.mean(tenshots_tt)
print("Moving average of timetool value:", ave_tt)

if np.abs(ave_tt) > tt_window:
print("feedback %f ps"%ave_tt)
fbvalue = ave_tt + fbvalue

def pid_control(kp,ki,kd,ave_data,faketime):
fd_value = kp*ave_data[0,] + ki*(np.sum(ave_data[:,]))+kd*((ave_data[1,]-ave_data[0,])/faketime)
return fd_value
def matlabPV_FB(feedbackvalue):#get and put timedelay signal
matPV = EpicsSignal('LAS:FS4:VIT:matlab:04')
org_matPV = matPV.get()#the matlab PV value before FB
fbvalns = feedbackvalue * 1e+9#feedback value in ns
fbinput = org_matPV + fbvalns#relative to absolute value
def get_ttall():#get timetool related signal
ttall = EpicsSignal('XCS:TIMETOOL:TTALL')
ttdata = ttall.get()
current_tt = ttdata[1,]
ttamp = ttdata[2,]
ipm4val = ttdata[3,]
ttfwhm = ttdata[5,]
return current_tt, ttamp, ipm4val, ttfwhm
def tt_recover(scanrange = 5e-12,stepsize = -0.5e-12,direction = "p",testshot = 240):#For tt_signal recover in 10 ps
#las.tt_y.umv(54.67)#LuAG to find tt signal
originaldelay = lxt()
if direction == "p":
print("Search tt signal from positive to negative")
elif direction == "n":
print("Search tt signal from negative to positive")
stepsize = -1 * stepsize
j = 0
while(abs(stepsize * j) < abs(scanrange * 2) ):
ttdata = np.zeros([testshot,])
ii = 0
for ii in range(testshot):
current_tt, ttamp, ipm2val, ttfwhm = drift.get_ttall()#get 240 shots to find timetool signal
if (ttamp > 0.03)and(ttfwhm < 130)and(ttfwhm > 70)and(ttamp<2):
ttdata[ii,] = ttamp
if np.count_nonzero(ttdata[:,]) > 30:#1/4 shots have timetool signal
print("Found timetool signal and set current lxt to 0")
print(f"we will reset the current {lxt()} position to 0")
#las.tt_y.umv(67.1777)#Switch to YAG
print("Please run las.tt_rough_FB()")
ttfb = input("Turn on feedback? yes(y) or No 'any other' ")
if ((ttfb == "yes") or (ttfb == "y")):
print("feedback on")
drift.tt_rough_FB(kp= 0.2,ki=0.1)
print("No feedback yet")
print(f"searching timetool signal {lxt()}")
j = j + 1
print("The script cannot find the timetool signal in this range. Try las.tt_find()")


def tt_find(ini_delay = 10e-9):#tt signal find tool the ini_delay is now input argument
if lxt() != 0:
print('\033[1m'+ "Set current position to 0 to search" + '\033[0m')
elif lxt() ==0:
#las.tt_y.umv(54.67)#LuAG to find tt signal
delayinput = ini_delay#Search window
i = 0#iteration time
while(1):#20ns search until finding the correlation switched
print('\033[1m'+ "Can you see 'The positive correlation(p)' or 'The negative correlation(n)?' p/n or quit this script q"+'\033[0m')
bs = input()#input the current correlation
if i == 0:# for the initialization
prebs = bs

if (i < 10)and(prebs == bs):#First search in 100 ns. 100 ns is too large. If cannot find in 10 iteration need to check the other side
if bs == "p":
delayinput = -1 * abs(delayinput)
i = i + 1
print(f"Searching the negative correlation with 10ns. Number of iteration:{i}")
elif bs == "n":#find non-correlation
delayinput = abs(delayinput)
i = i + 1
print(f"Searching the positive or no correlation with 10ns. Number of iteration:{i}")
elif bs == "q":
print('\033[1m'+"Can you see 'The positive correlation(p)'or'The negative correlation(n)?' p/n or quit this script q" + '\033[0m')
elif (prebs != bs):
print('\033[1m'+"Switch to binary search"+'\033[0m')
prebs = bs#the correlation change?

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