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This library was created for Quickbooks OAuth2. It simplifies the OAuth process and renewing of the access token when it is about to expire. This can be turned off in the AppConfig. It also simplifies the process of making requests to Quickbooks. It has typescript types for all the requests and responses.

Example grabbing a customer from Quickbooks

const QuickBooks = require("quickbooks-node-promise");
const qbo = new QuickBooks(appConfig, realmID);
const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({ Id: "1234" });
const customer = customer.QueryResponse.Customer[0];
console.log(`Hi my customer's name is ${customer.Name}`);

Fully typed using documentation

Typescript types were scrapped from the Quickbooks documentation. The types may not be perfect at the moment due to quickbooks documentation not being perfect. If you find any issues, please create an issue on github.



Check the example for node express setup endpoints

Example of server on github


npm i quickbooks-node-promise

Config setup

A config setup is needed for each instance. The minimum needed is supplying the instance with a store method properties which are explained later. The appKey and appSecret are required to create, refresh, and revoke tokens. To create a token the redirectUrl and scope fields are also required. Use the authorizeUrl method to generate an OAuth link. More on the OAuth process later. The useProduction field is false by default so for production enviroment you must supply true for this.

A very basic example using internal store. This example will not autoRefresh the token and cannot be used to manage token information such as revoking a token.

const appConfig: AppConfig = {
  autoRefresh: false,
  accessToken: '123'

const qbo = new Quickbooks(appConfig, realmID);

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({ Id: "1234" });

A more advanced example using a Function Store. When the accessToken expires, it will automatically refresh the accessToken. You should change getToken and saveToken to use a database or some other storage method.

const realms = {};

// QB config
const QBAppconfig = {
  appKey: QB_APP_KEY,
  appSecret: QB_APP_SECRET,
  redirectUrl: QB_REDIRECT_URL,
  scope: [
  getToken(realmId, appConfig) {
      return Promise.resolve(realms[realmId]);
  saveToken(realmId, tokenData, appConfig, extra) {
      realms[realmId] = saveTokenData;
      return Promise.resolve(saveTokenData);
Property Type Description
appKey string Required for token management such as creating, refreshing or revoking tokens. not needed if supplying a token and just need to hit normal endpoints
appSecret string Required for token management such as creating, refreshing or revoking tokens. not needed if supplying a token and just need to hit normal endpoints
redirectUrl string Required if using Oauth flow. Must be the same as the url put on the quickbooks developer portal
scope string[] Required if using Oauth flow. Available scopes detailed below
minorversion number null for latest version
webhookVerifierToken string Used for verifying the webhook
useProduction string default is false, determines weather to use production or sandbox url
debug boolean default is false, if true will console log all requests and responses.
state string CSRF Token, used to prevent CSRF attacks. If not supplied, one will be generated for you. Can optionally be supplied in the authorizeUrl method. Used to compare with the state returned from the OAuth process.
autoRefresh boolean default is true, will auto refresh auth token if about to expire and the appKey and appSecret are supplied
autoRefreshBufferSeconds number defualt is 60 seconds, number of seconds before token expires that will trigger to get a new token

Scopes available:

Quickbooks.scopes = {
  Accounting: "",
  Payment: "",
  Payroll: "",
  TimeTracking: "",
  Benefits: "",
  Profile: "profile",
  Email: "email",
  Phone: "phone",
  Address: "address",
  OpenId: "openid",
  Intuit_name: "intuit_name",

Create Store

The store is how the token information is saved and retrieved. There are 3 different ways to create a store. Internal, Class and Functions. Only one method can be used at a time. If more than one method is being used, an error will be thrown.

The Internal Method

The internal method is used if you are managing the OAuth process and token information yourself. by setting autoRefresh to false and supplying the accessToken you can use all of the instance methods to access quickbooks. You will not be able to create, refresh or revoke tokens. If you add the optional refreshToken you can use the refreshAccessToken method to refresh the token and can set autoRefresh to true to auto refresh the token. autoRefresh requires appKey and appSecret.

If you do not supply an accessToken, you must supply the appKey, appSecret, refreshUrl and scope to create, refresh or revoke tokens. If no other store properties are given, this is the method chosen.

// QB config
const QBAppconfig = {
  autoRefresh: false,
  accessToken: '123',
// QB config
const QBAppconfig = {
  appKey: QB_APP_KEY,
  appSecret: QB_APP_SECRET,
  redirectUrl: QB_REDIRECT_URL,
  scope: [
  accessToken: '123',
  refreshToken: '123',

The Functions method

The functions method supplies the appConfig with two functions. getToken and saveToken. These functions will be used to get and save the token information. The getToken and saveToken functions both return a promise with token information. extra has the information supplied in the original qbo instance.

// QB config
const QBAppconfig = {
  appKey: QB_APP_KEY,
  appSecret: QB_APP_SECRET,
  redirectUrl: QB_REDIRECT_URL,
  scope: [
  getToken(realmId: number | string, appConfig: AppConfig, extra: any) {
    // should pull from database or some other storage method
    return Promise.resolve(realms[realmId]);
  saveToken(realmId: number | string, tokenData: StoreTokenData, appConfig: AppConfig, extra: any) {
    // should save to database or some other storage method
    realms[realmId] = saveTokenData;
    return Promise.resolve(saveTokenData);

The Class method

This method was previously the only store method. It was a class given to AppConfig with a getQBToken and storeQBToken. It returns a promise with the token information. extra has the information supplied in the original qbo instance.

class QBStore implements QBStoreStrategy {
   * Uses a realmID to lookup the token information.
   * Must return a promise with the token information
  getQBToken(getTokenData: StoreGetTokenData, appConfig: AppConfig, extra: any) {
    const realmID = getTokenData.realmID.toString();
    // should pull from database or some other storage method
   * Used to store the new token information
   * Will be looked up using the realmID
  storeQBToken(storeData: StoreSaveTokenData, appConfig: AppConfig, extra: any) {
    const realmID = storeData.realmID.toString();
    // should save to database or some other storage method
    realmInfo[realmID] = storeData

// QB config
const QBAppconfig = {
  appKey: QB_APP_KEY,
  appSecret: QB_APP_SECRET,
  redirectUrl: QB_REDIRECT_URL,
  scope: [
  storeStrategy: new QBStore(),


The OAuth process is used to get the initial token information. The OAuth process is a 3 step process. The first step is to generate an OAuth link. The second step is to use the authCode to create the token. The third step is to use the token to make requests to Quickbooks. The first step is done by using the authorizeUrl method. The second step is done by using the createToken method. The third step is done by using the Quickbooks class.

The authorizeUrl method will return a url to redirect the user to. The user will then login to Quickbooks and authorize your app. Once the user authorizes your app, they will be redirected to the redirectUrl you supplied in the config. The redirectUrl will have a query string with the authCode and realmID. The authCode is used to create the token and the realmID is used to make requests to Quickbooks.

// --- End points required to get inital token, Express example
// QB requestToken - Used to start the process
const states = {}; // optional, can be anything you want to track states
app.get("/requestToken", (req, res) => {
  const state = Quickbooks.generateState(); // optional
  states[state] = true; // optional
  const authUrl = Quickbooks.authorizeUrl(QBAppconfig, state); // state is optional

// QB token callback - This endpoint must match what you put in your quickbooks app and config
app.get("/callback", async (req, res) => {
  let realmID = req.query.realmId;
  let authCode = req.query.code;
  let state = req.query.state;

  // should check state here to prevent CSRF attacks
  if (!states[state]) {
  states[state] = false;

  // check if realmID and authCode are present
  if (!realmID || typeof realmID !== "string" || !authCode || typeof authCode !== "string") {

  // create token
  try {
    var qbo = new Quickbooks(QBAppconfig, realmID);
    const newToken = await qbo.createToken(authCode);
    res.send(newToken); // Should not send token out
  } catch (err) {
    console.log("Error getting token", err);


The query is used to search for a resources. The query is a javascript object or an array of query items that will be converted to a query string. You can also create your own query string instead. Quickbooks does not allow OR in the where statement so all filters will be joined by AND.

There are two main methods for querying. find[EntityName] and count[EntityName]. The find method will return the resources and the count method will return the count of the resources.

Special query properties

Property Type Description
limit number The limit is the number of resources to return. The default and max is 1000. special default of 1000 if fetchAll is true
offset number The offset is the number of resources to skip. The default is 0. converts to startposition in the query string by adding 1
asc string The asc is the field name to sort by in ascending order. The default is undefined. Cannot be used with desc or sort
desc string The desc is the field name to sort by in descending order. The default is undefined. Cannot be used with asc or sort
sort string, string[], string[][] The sort is an array of field names to sort by. The default is undefined. Cannot be used with asc or desc. More information on sorting below
fetchAll boolean The fetchAll is a boolean to fetch all the resources. The default is false. If true, will make multiple requests to get all the resources. Limit and offset will be used so setting a smaller limit will make more requests to fetch all the resources. If limit is not set, a default limit of 1000 will be used.
items QueryItem[] The items is an array of query items. The default is undefined. The items array is an array of query items. The query item is an object with the following properties:
items.field string The field is the field name to filter by. Required
items.value string The value is the value to filter by. Required
items.operator "=", "IN", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "LIKE" The operator is the operator to use for the filter. The default is "=". Available values are
[key] string Any other property will be converted to a query string. The key will be the field name and the value will be the value to filter by. The operator will be "="


The find method is used to find resources.

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  Id: "1234",
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  field: "Id",
  value: "1234",
  operator: "=", // optional, default is "="

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  limit: 10,
  items: [
      field: "Id",
      value: "1234"

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers("SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Id = '1234'");

// return object looks like:
// {
//     QueryResponse: {
//         startPosition?: number;
//         totalCount?: number;
//         maxResults?: number;
//         Customer?: Customer[];
//     };
//     time: string;
// }


The count method is used to count the number of resources. The count method will return a queryrequest with a single property called totalCount. The totalCount is the number of resources that match the query. You can use the same input for count[EntittyName] as you do for find[EntityName].

const count = await qbo.countCustomers({
  Id: "1234",

const count = await qbo.countCustomers({
  field: "Name",
  value: "hello%world",
  operator: "like",

// return object looks like:
// {
//     QueryResponse: {
//         totalCount: number;
//     };
//     time: string;
// }

Sorting query

You can sort the query by using the sort property or for single sorting the asc or desc fields. You can only use 1 of the 3 methods on a query. The sort property is an array of either string or array. if the item is an array, the first item in the array is the field name and the second item is the direction. The direction can be ASC or DESC. If the item is a string, it will be the field name and sorted ASC. If the sort field is an array of 2 strings, the first item is the field name and the second item is the direction. The direction can be ASC or DESC. capitlization of ASC or DESC does not matter

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  asc: "Id",
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  desc: "Id",
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  sort: [["Id", "desc"], ["Name", "asc"]],
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  sort: [["Id", "desc"], "Name"],
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  sort: ["Id", "Name"],
  limit: 10,

const customers = await qbo.findCustomers({
  sort: ["Id", "desc"],
  limit: 10,


The webhook is used to verify the webhook signature. The webhook signature is a sha256 hash of the payload and compared with the verify webhook string you receive once you create the webhook in Quickbooks. To see how to configure the webhook url, go here: Quickbooks Webhook Docs. There is a helper method for checking the signature against the payload to confirm the webhook is verfied. There is also types to use for the payload. The webhook will be sent to periodically (seems pretty quick) with all changes on any realms your app is connected to."/qbwebhook", (req, res) => {
  const webhookPayload = req.body as WebhookPayload
  const signature = req.get('intuit-signature');
  console.log("signature", signature, "webhookPayload", JSON.stringify(webhookPayload, null, 2))

  if (!signature) {
    console.log("no signature");

  const signatureCheck = Quickbooks.VerifyWebhookWithConfig(QBAppconfig, webhookPayload, signature);
  // const signatureCheck = Quickbooks.VerifyWebhook(verifyString, webhookPayload, signature);
  // const signatureCheck = qbo.VerifyWebhook(webhookPayload, signature); // instance
  if (!signatureCheck) {
    console.log("signatureCheck failed");

  console.log("webhookPayload is verified", webhookPayload);

  // Do stuff here with the webhookPayload
    "eventNotifications": [{
      "realmId": "193514507456064",
      "dataChangeEvent": {
        "entities": [
            "name": "Customer",
            "id": "67",
            "operation": "Create",
            "lastUpdated": "2023-10-27T19:26:27.000Z"

Change Data Capture (CDC)

The change data capture (cdc) operation returns a list of objects that have changed since a specified time. This operation is for an app that periodically polls data services in order to refresh its local copy of object data. The app calls the cdc operation, specifying a comma separated list of object types and a date-time stamp specifying how far to look back. Data services returns all objects specified by entityList that have changed since the specified date-time. Look-back time can be up to 30 days.

Quickbooks CDC Docs

The since date can be a Date, number or string. If it is a number, it will be converted to a date then ISO 8601 string. If it is a string, it will be sent as is. Can be YYYY-MM-DD or full ISO 8601. If it is a date, it will be converted to ISO 8601

  // minus 30 days from today
  const testDateDate = new Date( - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
  const cdcData = await qbo.changeDataCapture(['Invoice', 'Customer'], testDateDate);

  console.log("cdcData", cdcData);

QuickBooks Methods

Kind: global class

new QuickBooks(appConfig, realmID)

Node.js client encapsulating access to the QuickBooks V3 Rest API. An instance of this class should be instantiated on behalf of each user and company accessing the api.

Param Description
appConfig application information
realmID QuickBooks companyId, returned as a request parameter when the user is redirected to the provided callback URL following authentication

quickBooks.authorizeUrl() ⇒ string

Redirect link to Authorization Page

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks Returns: string - authorize Uri

quickBooks.createToken(authCode, realmID) ⇒ object

Creates new token for the realmID from the returned authorization code received in the callback request

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks Returns: object - new token with expiration dates from storeStrategy

Param Type Description
authCode string The code returned in your callback as a param called "code"
realmID number The company identifier in your callback as a param called "realmId"


Save token

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
token object the token to send to store area


Get token

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

quickBooks.refreshWithAccessToken(token) ⇒ Token

Use the refresh token to obtain a new access token.

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks Returns: Token - returns fresh token with access_token and refresh_token

Param Type Description
token Token has the refresh_token

quickBooks.refreshAccessToken() ⇒ Token

Use the refresh token to obtain a new access token.

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks Returns: Token - returns fresh token with access_token and refresh_token


Use either refresh token or access token to revoke access (OAuth2).

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Description
useRefresh boolean - Indicates which token to use: true to use the refresh token, false to use the access token.


Validate id_token

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

quickBooks.getPublicKey(modulus, exponent)

get Public Key

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks



Get user info (OAuth2).

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks


Batch operation to enable an application to perform multiple operations in a single request. The following batch items are supported: create update delete query The maximum number of batch items in a single request is 25.

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
items object JavaScript array of batch items

quickBooks.changeDataCapture(entities, since)

The change data capture (CDC) operation returns a list of entities that have changed since a specified time.

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
entities object Comma separated list or JavaScript array of entities to search for changes
since object | number | string JS Date object, JS Date milliseconds, or string in ISO 8601 - to look back for changes until

quickBooks.upload(filename, contentType, stream, entityType, entityId)

Uploads a file as an Attachable in QBO, optionally linking it to the specified QBO Entity.

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
filename string the name of the file
contentType string the mime type of the file
stream object ReadableStream of file contents
entityType object optional string name of the QBO entity the Attachable will be linked to (e.g. Invoice)
entityId object optional Id of the QBO entity the Attachable will be linked to


Creates the Account in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
account object The unsaved account, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Attachable in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
attachable object The unsaved attachable, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Bill in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
bill object The unsaved bill, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the BillPayment in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
billPayment object The unsaved billPayment, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Class in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
class object The unsaved class, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the CreditMemo in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
creditMemo object The unsaved creditMemo, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Customer in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
customer object The unsaved customer, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Department in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
department object The unsaved department, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Deposit in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
deposit object The unsaved Deposit, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Employee in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
employee object The unsaved employee, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Estimate in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
estimate object The unsaved estimate, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Invoice in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
invoice object The unsaved invoice, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Item in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
item object The unsaved item, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the JournalCode in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
journalCode object The unsaved journalCode, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the JournalEntry in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
journalEntry object The unsaved journalEntry, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Payment in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
payment object The unsaved payment, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the PaymentMethod in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
paymentMethod object The unsaved paymentMethod, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Purchase in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
purchase object The unsaved purchase, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the PurchaseOrder in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
purchaseOrder object The unsaved purchaseOrder, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the RefundReceipt in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
refundReceipt object The unsaved refundReceipt, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the SalesReceipt in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
salesReceipt object The unsaved salesReceipt, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the TaxAgency in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
taxAgency object The unsaved taxAgency, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the TaxService in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
taxService object The unsaved taxService, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Term in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
term object The unsaved term, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the TimeActivity in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
timeActivity object The unsaved timeActivity, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Transfer in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
transfer object The unsaved Transfer, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the Vendor in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
vendor object The unsaved vendor, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Creates the VendorCredit in QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
vendorCredit object The unsaved vendorCredit, to be persisted in QuickBooks


Retrieves the Account from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Account


Retrieves the Attachable from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Attachable


Retrieves the Bill from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Bill


Retrieves the BillPayment from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent BillPayment


Retrieves the Class from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Class


Retrieves the CompanyInfo from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent CompanyInfo


Retrieves the CreditMemo from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent CreditMemo


Retrieves the Customer from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Customer


Retrieves the Department from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Department


Retrieves the Deposit from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Deposit


Retrieves the Employee from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Employee


Retrieves the Estimate from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Estimate


Retrieves an ExchangeRate from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object An object with options including the required sourcecurrencycode parameter and optional asofdate parameter.


Retrieves the Estimate PDF from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Estimate

quickBooks.sendEstimatePdf(Id, sendTo)

Emails the Estimate PDF from QuickBooks to the address supplied in Estimate.BillEmail.EmailAddress or the specified 'sendTo' address

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Estimate
sendTo string optional email address to send the PDF to. If not provided, address supplied in Estimate.BillEmail.EmailAddress will be used


Retrieves the Invoice from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Invoice


Retrieves the Invoice PDF from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Invoice

quickBooks.sendInvoicePdf(Id, sendTo)

Emails the Invoice PDF from QuickBooks to the address supplied in Invoice.BillEmail.EmailAddress or the specified 'sendTo' address

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Invoice
sendTo string optional email address to send the PDF to. If not provided, address supplied in Invoice.BillEmail.EmailAddress will be used


Retrieves the Item from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Item


Retrieves the JournalCode from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent JournalCode


Retrieves the JournalEntry from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent JournalEntry


Retrieves the Payment from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Payment


Retrieves the PaymentMethod from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent PaymentMethod


Retrieves the Preferences from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks


Retrieves the Purchase from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Purchase


Retrieves the PurchaseOrder from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent PurchaseOrder


Retrieves the RefundReceipt from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent RefundReceipt


Retrieves the Reports from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Reports


Retrieves the SalesReceipt from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent SalesReceipt


Retrieves the SalesReceipt PDF from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent SalesReceipt

quickBooks.sendSalesReceiptPdf(Id, sendTo)

Emails the SalesReceipt PDF from QuickBooks to the address supplied in SalesReceipt.BillEmail.EmailAddress or the specified 'sendTo' address

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent SalesReceipt
sendTo string optional email address to send the PDF to. If not provided, address supplied in SalesReceipt.BillEmail.EmailAddress will be used


Retrieves the TaxAgency from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent TaxAgency


Retrieves the TaxCode from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent TaxCode


Retrieves the TaxRate from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent TaxRate


Retrieves the Term from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Term


Retrieves the TimeActivity from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent TimeActivity


Retrieves the Transfer from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Term


Retrieves the Vendor from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent Vendor


Retrieves the VendorCredit from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Id string The Id of persistent VendorCredit


Updates QuickBooks version of Account

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
account object The persistent Account, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Attachable

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
attachable object The persistent Attachable, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Bill

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
bill object The persistent Bill, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of BillPayment

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
billPayment object The persistent BillPayment, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Class

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
class object The persistent Class, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of CompanyInfo

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
companyInfo object The persistent CompanyInfo, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of CreditMemo

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
creditMemo object The persistent CreditMemo, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Customer

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
customer object The persistent Customer, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Department

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
department object The persistent Department, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Deposit

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
deposit object The persistent Deposit, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Employee

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
employee object The persistent Employee, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Estimate

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
estimate object The persistent Estimate, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Invoice

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
invoice object The persistent Invoice, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Item

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
item object The persistent Item, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of JournalCode

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
journalCode object The persistent JournalCode, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of JournalEntry

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
journalEntry object The persistent JournalEntry, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Payment

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
payment object The persistent Payment, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of PaymentMethod

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
paymentMethod object The persistent PaymentMethod, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Preferences

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
preferences object The persistent Preferences, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Purchase

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
purchase object The persistent Purchase, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of PurchaseOrder

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
purchaseOrder object The persistent PurchaseOrder, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of RefundReceipt

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
refundReceipt object The persistent RefundReceipt, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of SalesReceipt

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
salesReceipt object The persistent SalesReceipt, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of TaxAgency

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
taxAgency object The persistent TaxAgency, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of TaxCode

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
taxCode object The persistent TaxCode, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of TaxRate

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
taxRate object The persistent TaxRate, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Term

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
term object The persistent Term, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of TimeActivity

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
timeActivity object The persistent TimeActivity, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Transfer

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
Transfer object The persistent Transfer, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of Vendor

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
vendor object The persistent Vendor, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of VendorCredit

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
vendorCredit object The persistent VendorCredit, including Id and SyncToken fields


Updates QuickBooks version of ExchangeRate

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
exchangeRate object The persistent ExchangeRate, including Id and SyncToken fields


Deletes the Attachable from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Attachable to be deleted, or the Id of the Attachable, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Attachable


Deletes the Bill from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Bill to be deleted, or the Id of the Bill, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Bill


Deletes the BillPayment from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent BillPayment to be deleted, or the Id of the BillPayment, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the BillPayment


Deletes the CreditMemo from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent CreditMemo to be deleted, or the Id of the CreditMemo, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the CreditMemo


Deletes the Deposit from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Deposit to be deleted, or the Id of the Deposit, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Deposit


Deletes the Estimate from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Estimate to be deleted, or the Id of the Estimate, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Estimate


Deletes the Invoice from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Invoice to be deleted, or the Id of the Invoice, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Invoice


Deletes the JournalCode from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent JournalCode to be deleted, or the Id of the JournalCode, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the JournalCode


Deletes the JournalEntry from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent JournalEntry to be deleted, or the Id of the JournalEntry, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the JournalEntry


Deletes the Payment from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Payment to be deleted, or the Id of the Payment, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Payment


Deletes the Purchase from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Purchase to be deleted, or the Id of the Purchase, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Purchase


Deletes the PurchaseOrder from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent PurchaseOrder to be deleted, or the Id of the PurchaseOrder, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the PurchaseOrder


Deletes the RefundReceipt from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent RefundReceipt to be deleted, or the Id of the RefundReceipt, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the RefundReceipt


Deletes the SalesReceipt from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent SalesReceipt to be deleted, or the Id of the SalesReceipt, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the SalesReceipt


Deletes the TimeActivity from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent TimeActivity to be deleted, or the Id of the TimeActivity, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the TimeActivity


Deletes the Transfer from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Transfer to be deleted, or the Id of the Transfer, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Transfer


Deletes the VendorCredit from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent VendorCredit to be deleted, or the Id of the VendorCredit, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the VendorCredit


Voids the Invoice from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
idOrEntity object The persistent Invoice to be voided, or the Id of the Invoice, in which case an extra GET request will be issued to first retrieve the Invoice


Voids QuickBooks version of Payment

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
payment object The persistent Payment, including Id and SyncToken fields


Finds all Accounts in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Attachables in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Bills in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all BillPayments in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Budgets in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Classs in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all CompanyInfos in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all CreditMemos in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Customers in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Departments in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Deposits in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Employees in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Estimates in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Invoices in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Items in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all JournalCodes in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all JournalEntrys in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Payments in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all PaymentMethods in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Preferencess in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Purchases in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all PurchaseOrders in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all RefundReceipts in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all SalesReceipts in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all TaxAgencys in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all TaxCodes in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all TaxRates in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Terms in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all TimeActivitys in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Transfers in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all Vendors in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all VendorCredits in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Finds all ExchangeRates in QuickBooks, optionally matching the specified criteria

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
criteria object (Optional) String or single-valued map converted to a where clause of the form "where key = 'value'"


Retrieves the BalanceSheet Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the ProfitAndLoss Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the ProfitAndLossDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the TrialBalance Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the CashFlow Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the InventoryValuationSummary Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the CustomerSales Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the ItemSales Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the CustomerIncome Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the CustomerBalance Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the CustomerBalanceDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the AgedReceivables Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the AgedReceivableDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the VendorBalance Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the VendorBalanceDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the AgedPayables Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the AgedPayableDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the VendorExpenses Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the TransactionList Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the GeneralLedgerDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the TaxSummary Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the DepartmentSales Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the ClassSales Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report


Retrieves the AccountListDetail Report from QuickBooks

Kind: instance method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
options object (Optional) Map of key-value pairs passed as options to the Report

QuickBooks.authorizeUrl(appConfig) ⇒ string

Redirect link to Authorization Page

Kind: static method of QuickBooks Returns: string - authorize Uri

Param Type Description
appConfig object The config for your app

QuickBooks.createToken(appConfig, authCode, realmID) ⇒ object

Creates new token for the realmID from the returned authorization code received in the callback request

Kind: static method of QuickBooks Returns: object - new token with expiration dates from storeStrategy

Param Type Description
appConfig object The config for your app
authCode string The code returned in your callback as a param called "code"
realmID number The company identifier in your callback as a param called "realmId"

QuickBooks._dateNotExpired(expired_timestamp) ⇒ boolean

Helper Method to check token expiry { set Token Object }

Kind: static method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
expired_timestamp object | number | string JS Date object, JS Date milliseconds, or string in ISO 8601 - when token expires

QuickBooks.isAccessTokenValid(token) ⇒ boolean

Check if access_token is valid

Kind: static method of QuickBooks Returns: boolean - token has expired or not

Param Type Description
token object returned from storeStrategy

QuickBooks.isRefreshTokenValid(token) ⇒ boolean

Check if there is a valid (not expired) access token

Kind: static method of QuickBooks Returns: boolean - token has expired or not

Param Type Description
token object returned from storeStrategy

QuickBooks.saveToken(store, info)

Save token

Kind: static method of QuickBooks

Param Type Description
store storeStrategy The store strategy class used for getting and setting the token
info object the realmID and token to send to store area


Get token

Kind: static method of QuickBooks