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One time payments

peterkeen edited this page Dec 15, 2014 · 3 revisions

To start selling products, just include Payola::Sellable in your model. For example, if you have a Book model:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Payola::Sellable

Each sellable model requires three attributes:

  • price:integer, (attribute) an amount in the format that Stripe expects. For USD this is cents.
  • permalink:string, (attribute) a human-readable slug that is exposed in the URL
  • name:string, (attribute) a human-readable name exposed on product pages

For example, to create a 'Book' model:

$ rails g model Book price:integer permalink:string name:string
$ rake db:migrate

Add the concern:

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Payola::Sellable

Finally, add a book to the database:

$ rails console
irb(main):001:0> Book.create(name: 'The Book', permalink: 'the-book', price: 1000)

There are two optional methods you can implement on your sellable:

  • redirect_path takes the sale as an argument and returns a path. The buyer's browser will be redirected to that path after a successful sale. This defaults to /.
  • currency returns the currency for this product. Payola will default to usd, which can be changed with the default_currency config setting.

When people buy your product, Payola records information in Payola::Sale records and will record history if you have the paper_trail gem installed. It is highly recommended to install paper_trail.

Checkout Button

To sell a product, use the checkout partial like this:

<%= render 'payola/transactions/checkout', sellable: YourProductClass.first %>

This will insert a Stripe Checkout button. The checkout partial has a bunch of options:

  • sellable: The product to sell. Required.
  • button_text: What to put on the button. Defaults to "Pay Now"
  • button_class: What class to put on the actual button. Defaults to "stripe-button-el".
  • name: What to put at the top of the Checkout popup. Defaults to
  • description: What to show as the description in the popup. Defaults to product name + the formatted price.
  • product_image_path: An image to insert into the Checkout popup. Defaults to blank.
  • panel_label: The label of the button in the Checkout popup.
  • allow_remember_me: Whether to show the Remember me checkbox. Defaults to true.
  • email: Email address to pre-fill. Defaults to blank.
  • custom_fields: Data to pass to the charge_verifier (see Configuration Options)

Custom Forms

Payola's custom form support is basic but functional. Setting up a custom form has two steps. First, include the stripe_header partial in your layout's <head> tag:

<%= render 'payola/transactions/stripe_header' %>

Now, to set up your form, give you need to give it the class payola-payment-form and set a few data attributes:

<%= form_for @whatever,
    html: {
      class: 'payola-payment-form',
      'data-payola-base-path' => main_app.payola_path,
      'data-payola-product' => @product.product_class,
      'data-payola-permalink' => @product.permalink
    } do |f| %>
  <span class="payola-payment-error"></span>
  <input type="email" name="stripeEmail"
  Card Number<br>
  <input type="text" data-stripe="number"></input><br>
  Exp Month<br>
  <input type="text" data-stripe="exp_month"></input><br>
  Exp Year<br>
  <input type="text" data-stripe="exp_year"></input><br>
  <input type="text" data-stripe="cvc"></input><br>
  <input type="submit"></input>
<% end %>

You need to set these three data attributes:

  • data-payola-base-path: should always be set to main_app.payola_path
  • data-payola-product: the product_class of the sellable you're selling
  • data-payola-permalink: the permalink for this specific sellable

In addition, you should mark up the email input in your form with data-payola="email" in order for it to be set up in your Payola::Sale properly.

After that, you should mark up your card fields as laid out in the Stripe docs. Ensure that these fields do not have name attributes because you do not want them to be submitted to your application.