live-content-import-fix [Mediasite Video Platform]
Update Mediasite Presentation XML files with IsLive set to false and LiveStatus set to 0 to not to subsequently import Live Content.
- It does not touch original media
import_fix.exe --live IMPORT_DIR IMPORT_DIR IMPORT_DIR [...]
Wrap calls in a loop to surpass the command-line string length limitation (8191 characters):
for /d %f in ("IMPORT_FOLDERS\*") do @import_fix.exe --live "%~ff" >>fixed.txt
Windows Server 2012 dropped support for Windows Media Server
and streaming over MMS://
They had switched to Live Smooth Streaming.
The Mediasite Broadcast — Windows Media (wmv, wma) content server can't be set up any more.
Sonic Foundry suggest a downgrade to Windows Server 2008, but unless you are going to import Live Content presentations originating from previous Mediasite Server versions you are all good.
But we were not.
Does not support zipped packages (unzip them first)
- Why is it such a bad idea to parse XML with regex and why it is not
- Built with Perl2Exe
- IDE Microsoft Notepad :))
Released into the public domain.
Don't blame me.