A Web Push library for Java 7. Supports payloads and VAPID.
For Gradle, add the following dependency to build.gradle
compile group: 'nl.martijndwars', name: 'web-push', version: '3.0.0'
For Maven, add the following dependency to pom.xml
This library depends on BouncyCastle, which acts as a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provider. BouncyCastle's JARs are signed, and depending on how you package your application, you may need to include BouncyCastle yourself as well.
To build the project yourself, clone this repository and build a run:
./gradlew assemble
To build a fat JAR in build/libs
(e.g. to use the CLI):
./gradlew shadowJar
This library is meant to be used as a Java API. However, it also exposes a CLI to easily generate a VAPID keypair and send a push notification.
A command-line interface is available to easily generate a keypair (for VAPID) and to try sending a notification.
Usage: <main class> [command] [command options]
generate-key Generate a VAPID keypair
Usage: generate-key
send-notification Send a push notification
Usage: send-notification [options]
A subscription in JSON format.
The public key as base64url encoded string.
The private key as base64url encoded string.
The message to send.
Default: Hello, world!
The number of seconds that the push service should retain the message.
For example, to generate a keypair and output the keys in base64url encoding:
$ java -jar build/libs/web-push-3.0.0-all.jar generate-key
Use the public key in the call to pushManager.subscribe
to get a subscription. Then, to send a notification:
$ java -jar build/libs/web-push-3.0.0-all.jar send-notification \
--subscription="{'endpoint':'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send/fH-M3xRoLms:APA91bGB0rkNdxTFsXaJGyyyY7LtEmtHJXy8EqW48zSssxDXXACWCvc9eXjBVU54nrBkARTj4Xvl303PoNc0_rwAMrY9dvkQzi9fkaKLP0vlwoB0uqKygPeL77Y19VYHbj_v_FolUlHa','keys':{'p256dh':'BOtBVgsHVWXzwhDAoFE8P2IgQvabz_tuJjIlNacmS3XZ3fRDuVWiBp8bPR3vHCA78edquclcXXYb-olcj3QtIZ4=','auth':'IOScBh9LW5mJ_K2JwXyNqQ=='}}" \
--publicKey="BGgL7I82SAQM78oyGwaJdrQFhVfZqL9h4Y18BLtgJQ-9pSGXwxqAWQudqmcv41RcWgk1ssUeItv4-8khxbhYveM=" \
--privateKey="ANlfcVVFB4JiMYcI74_h9h04QZ1Ks96AyEa1yrMgDwn3" \
--payload="Hello, lovely world!"
If you are behind a corporate proxy you may need to specify the proxy host. This library respects Java's Network Properties, which means that you can pass https.proxyHost
and http.proxyPort
when invoking java
, e.g. java -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.corp.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.corp.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 -jar ...
First, create an instance of the push service:
pushService = new PushService(...);
Then, create a notification based on the user's subscription:
Notification notification = new Notification(...);
To send a push notification:
Use sendAsync
instead of send
to get a Future<HttpResponse>
See doc/UsageExample.md for detailed usage instructions. If you plan on using VAPID, read doc/VAPID.md.
Our integration tests use Web Push Testing Service (WPTS) to automate browser interaction. To install WPTS:
npm install web-push-testing-service -g
Then, to start WPTS:
web-push-testing-service start wpts
Finally, to run all tests:
./gradlew test
There may not be enough entropy to generate a random seed, which is common on headless servers. There exist two ways to overcome this problem:
Install haveged, a "random number generator that remedies low-entropy conditions in the Linux random device that can occur under some workloads, especially on headless servers." This tutorial explains how to install haveged on different Linux distributions.
Change the source for random number generation in the JVM from
. This page offers some explanation.
To give credit where credit is due, the PushService is mostly a Java port of marco-c/web-push. The HttpEce class is mostly a Java port of martinthomson/encrypted-content-encoding.
- Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push
- Voluntary Application Server Identification for Web Push
- Web Push Book
- Web Push: Data Encryption Test Page
- Push Companion
- For PHP, see web-push-libs/web-push-php
- For NodeJS, see web-push-libs/web-push
- For Python, see web-push-libs/pywebpush