Windows desktop notifier for Rite Aid COVID-19 vaccine appointment slots
Store numbers are stored as strings and leading zeros aren't necessary ie. stores=['11144','11143','3768']
When it finds availability, it will beep the number of times specified by numBeeps (default 10)
Set enableOutput to False if you only want to see when a shot is found.
Set enableOutput to True (default) to see the results of each request
The slots seem to get refreshed near midnight. The program alerted me at 11:54PM ET and I was immediately able to get one.
Not sure if it refreshes for all timezones near midnight ET, or midnight in each timezone.
I recommend signing up for first slot you get, you can always cancel it if you get another at a closer store later on.
THERE CAN BE FALSE POSITIVES. Not sure why this happens, but it happened a few times throughout the day that their API said a slot was open, but when I tried to sign up in the browser, no slots were actually available. If its not near midnight, its probably a false positive.