A RxJava-based port of Net::HTTP::FollowTail to the JVM-land.
This allows you to follow logs like tail -f
through HTTP.
rxjava-http-tail is pushed to Clojars.
So if you're using Leiningen, just add this dependency:
[rxjava-http-tail "0.1.2"]
With Gradle:
repositories {
maven {
url "http://clojars.org/repo"
dependencies {
runtime group: 'rxjava-http-tail', name: 'rxjava-http-tail', version: '0.1.2'
And Maven:
It can be used from any language on the JVM, but here's an example in Clojure:
(ns example
(:import rx.HttpTail))
(defn read-offset []
(Long/parseLong (slurp "offset.txt")))
(defn write-offset [o]
(spit "offset.txt" o))
(defn on-result [result]
(let [body (.getBody result)] ; the body is an instance of java.io.InputStream
(write-offset (.getOffset result))
(prn (slurp body))
(.close body)))
(-> (HttpTail. "http://crawl.akrasiac.org/logfile-git" (read-offset) 15000)
(.subscribe on-result))
$ echo -n "59690466" > offset.txt
$ lein run -m example
Please feel free to submit pull requests! Bugfixes and simple non-breaking improvements will be accepted without any questions :-)
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For more information, please refer to the UNLICENSE
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