Sort and color the output of iptables --list-rules
- download the bash script in
- after verification, make it executable with
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/iptsort
- try it with
iptables -S | iptsort
- install (or download it in
if not available for your distribution) the excellent bat - build the necessary tree structure with
mkdir -p ~/.cache/bat/ ~/.config/bat/syntaxes/
- download the lexer in
- rebuild the bat cache with
bat cache --build
- try it with
iptables -S | bat
that's all !
you can now orchestrate the whole thing with iptables -S | iptsort | bat
you can add this helper in your ~/.bashrc
script :
function iptables {
org=$( which iptables ) || return;
if [ "${1}" ]
"${org}" $@
"${org}" -S | iptsort | bat -p
this following helper can also be very useful :
function ss {
org=$( which ss ) || return;
if [ "${1}" ]
"${org}" $@
"${org}" -plntu | sed -e 1d -e 's/users:(//g' -e 's/)$//g' | awk '{print $1, $5, $7}' | column -t | bat -pl c
the lexer was partially written using Iro.