You work for the Music Artist
company as a backend developer.
This company owns the largest database referencing music artists all around planet Earth.
You are part of the Music Artist API
Team which develops various API to access to the artist database.
A new Product Owner has been recently hired and has just presented the new Roadmap for the next weeks.
A new partnership has just been setup with the Music Fans Social Network
. This platform allows music fans to post comments
about their favorite artists. The partnership will be announced soon with a lot of advertising and on your company side,
it has been decided to quickly provide some fan comments along with artist information through the API you are working on.
Your mission is to update the existing API to add the comments to artist info. In addition, new streaming API will be added as part of the initiative.
There are 2 components
It simulates an external (distant) rest service. There is no need to modify it as part of this challenge.
It run on port 3004
by default and provides comments
See com.bonitasoft.reactiveworkshop.external.ExternalApplication
The backend to work on.
It run on port 8080
The only requirement is JDK 8. The project has not been tested with JDK 9+, so please only use JDK 8.
The projects use Lombok for code generation. In order to make the projects build in your IDE
- Eclipse:
- IntelliJ: and also enable the Annotation Processors in the IDE project
- others: see the
tab in the Lombok documentation
Run the external-service
with command ./gradlew :external-service:bootRun
It will launch the spring boot application on http://localhost:3004/
Try this url to verify it works
Run the backend
with command ./gradlew :backend:bootRun
It will serve the application on http://localhost:8080/
Try this url to verify it works (it contains currently a large amount of artists)
In the current state, it uses an embedded h2 database
It should be called on this url: http://localhost:8080/artist/{artistId}/comments
and should return something like
"artistId": "dfjksl342f32",
"artistName": "Radiohead",
"genre": "Rock",
"comments": [
"userName": "johndoe",
"comment": "Nice band!"
"userName": "walterbates",
"comment": "It rocks"
Add a new api method that return the 10 last comments and associated artists filtered by a genre name
It should be called on this url: http://localhost:8080/genre/{genre}/comments
and should return something like
"artistId": "dfjksl342f32",
"artistName": "Radiohead",
"userName": "johndoe",
"comment": "Nice band!"
"artistId": "fdsklj39fsjl",
"artistName": "Archive",
"userName": "walterbates",
"comment": "It rocks"
Add a new api method that return a stream of comments and associated artists filtered by a genre name
It should be called on this url: http://localhost:8080/genre/{genre}/comments/stream
and return an infinite stream of json like this:
"artistId": "dfjksl342f32",
"artistName": "Radiohead",
"userName": "johndoe",
"comment": "Nice band!"
"artistId": "fdsklj39fsjl",
"artistName": "Archive",
"userName": "walterbates",
"comment": "It rocks"
Replace h2 database by MongoDB and use reactive repository ReactiveMongoRepository
instead of JpaRepository
(for the class com.bonitasoft.reactiveworkshop.repository.ArtistRepository
You must run the MongoDB as a docker container using docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.2