The Tinker App provides basic functionality to interact with a Particle device's digital and analog pins. Users can read and write to pins, control LEDs, and monitor sensors through Particle Cloud functions. It includes functions for digital and analog read/write capabilities, making it an ideal starting point for learning how to interact with Particle hardware.
- Particle Device (e.g., Photon, Argon, Boron): Particle Development Boards
The Tinker app exposes the following functions for use through the Particle Cloud:
digitalread: Reads the digital state (HIGH or LOW) of a specified pin.
- String, the name of the pin to read from. -
Returns: Integer, the pin state (0 or 1) or -1 on failure.
digitalwrite: Sets the specified pin to HIGH or LOW.
- String, pin name and state (e.g., "D0, HIGH"). -
Returns: Integer, 1 on success or a negative number on failure.
analogread: Reads the analog value of a specified pin.
- String, the name of the pin to read from. -
Returns: Integer, the analog value (0-4095) or -1 on failure.
analogwrite: Sets the analog value (PWM) of a specified pin.
- String, pin name and PWM value (e.g., "D0, 128"). -
Returns: Integer, 1 on success or a negative number on failure.
The following settings are used for this application:
- System Thread: ENABLED
- System Mode: AUTOMATIC
- Particle Industries, Inc.: Original Author GitHub