A project designed to create a new pairwise judging system using modern technologies aimed at optimizing the user experience of judges and admin users. See the inspiration for this project: Gavel by anishathalye. Refer to this excellent article for more details on the underlying formulas of Gavel! The majority of our algorithm will be based off of research done in the field of pairwise comparison.
Copy .env.template
into .env
and fill in the environmental variables
Environmental Variables:
JURY_NAME="Name of the jury app [Displays on the app!]"
JURY_ADMIN_PASSWORD="Password used to log into the admin dashboard"
MONGODB_URI="MongoDB connection URI string [ONLY for MongoDB Atlas]"
MONGODB_USER="Username for local mongo container [ONLY use if running local mongo instance]"
MONGODB_PASS="Password for local mongo container [ONLY use if running local mongo instance]"
I suggest you run the app with MongoDB Atlas! Create a free account and database here. It should provide you a URI string to fill into the .env
If you would rather use a local instance deployed with docker-compose, you can simply fill in the username and password you want to use with that database.
Run docker compose up
after configuring the .env
file. If you want to run mongo locally, run docker compose -f docker-compose-mongo.yml
Copy .env.template
into .env
and fill in the environmental variables (see above).
Simply run docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
and open the page at localhost:3000
If you want to run mongo locally, run docker compose -f docker-compose-mongo.dev.yml
Copy .env.template
into .env
and fill in the environmental variables. You will also need a MONGODB_URI
Additionally, copy client/.env.template
into client/.env
and copy over the relavent environmental variables from .env
This is used to expose the correct environmental variables to the running instance of CRA.
Client dev server (PORT 3000):
cd client
yarn install
yarn start
Backend dev server (PORT 8000):
cargo run
Here is the Figma design file: https://www.figma.com/file/qwBWs4i7pJMpFbcjMffDZU/Jury-(Gavel-Plus)?node-id=8%3A100&t=xYwfPwRAUeJw9jNr-1