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This AVI is developed as part of the tutorial in the GAVIP user manual. Each branch corresponds to a different step in the tutorial.

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AVI Development Tutorial

In this tutorial we will build an AVI from scratch. The AVI will start off very simply, then move on to using the Django Rest Framework, then finish by introducing a custom HTML view. The analysis within the AVI will be quite basic and will not evolve during the tutorial.

For every phase of the tutorial, all the code will be available on GitHub in a branch corresponding to the tutorial phase. The GitHub link will be provided at the start of that phase.

AVI Recap

First, lets recall some details about AVIs

  1. AVI's are run via the AVI framework, isolated within a Docker container (AVI Container).

  2. AVI's consist of an interface and one or more pipelines.

  3. When developing an AVI, both of these components operate simultaneously in the AVI Container.

  4. When an AVI runs, it persists data on a mounted volume

  5. When a user runs the AVI within the platform, they just run the AVI interface.

    1. The user then queues jobs within the platform, rather than running them immediately.
    2. GAVIP then handles resource allocation, and runs the pipeline when appropriate.

So, during development, we are going to run both the interface and pipelines simultaneously, within a container.

Preparing the AVI

For the AVI to work it needs the following

  1. The AVI Container (built from the AVI template)
  2. The AVI code mounted in to the AVI framework (the framework is provided by the AVI template)
  3. A data volume to store logs and results

Download the AVI template

To download the AVI template, run docker pull<AVI template>:<version>

docker pull

The ps_avi_python:0.2.10 AVI template is fine for this tutorial, but if you need a Java runtime or Python 3, you will want to use a different template.

Create the AVI directories

Lets create a directory to store the AVI code, and the AVI data:

mkdir ~/my_first_avi
cd ~/my_first_avi
mkdir data avi # Create the data and code folders
cd ~/my_first_avi/data
mkdir input output logs db # Create the data subdirectories

Now we have created a folder for our AVI code ~/my_first_avi/avi and a data directory which will store our database, logs, analysis inputs and outputs ~/my_first_avi/data.

Phase 1: Create the AVI skeleton

In this phase of the tutorial, we are going to make the files that the AVI needs to startup. The code that you should expect to have at the end of this tutorial is available at

Before writing any code, create this file so the AVI framework recognizes our AVI folder as an application.

Lets begin by creating our This file maps urls to different functions. We will start off very simply, with one view.

Create ~/my_first_avi/avi/ with the following content:

from avi import views
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),

We saw in that we imported views, and mapped an empty URL to views.index. So lets create this file now, with an index function.

Create ~/my_first_avi/avi/ with the following content:

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):
    context = {
        "name": "John Smith"
    return render(request, 'avi/index.html', context)

This index function is creating a context dictionary, and using that to render a HTML response using a template at avi/index.html. We haven't created that template yet, that's the next step.


Our view function index() is rendering a response using a template. We will now create that template, and use the context to alter the response.

Create ~/my_first_avi/avi/templates/avi/index.html. Note that the render function takes 'avi/index.html' as a parameter. We could use 'foo/index.html' and use the same parameter in the render function. Put the following in the template:

Hello {{name}}!

Start up the AVI

Now that we have a skeleton AVI, lets start our AVI and look at the results.

Run the following command to start the AVI. The individual parts of the command are explained below separately:

docker run -dit \
    -e SETTINGS=settings.standalone \
    -v ~/my_first_avi/data:/data \
    -v ~/my_first_avi/avi:/opt/gavip_avi/avi \
    -p 10000:10000 \ \
docker run -dit:Docker creates and starts a container in detached mode, with a pseudo-tty, keeping STDIN open if not attached. See docker docs for more:
-e SETTINGS=settings.standalone:We set the SETTINGS environment variable to settings.standalone to start the AVI in standalone mode.
-v .../data:Mount the data folder into the AVI
-v .../avi:Mount the avi code folder into the AVI
-p ...10000:Map port 10000 within the container to port 10000 on this computer (the web interface starts on port 10000 in the container)
repositories.....develop:Use the ps_avi_python:develop template for the container
supervisord:Run supervisord when the container starts (this starts the AVI pipeline workers, and AVI interface web servers)

Now that the AVI has started up, navigate to http://localhost:10000 to view your AVI. You should get redirected to http://localhost:10000/avi/ and see "Hello John Smith!"

Phase 2: Lets add analysis

In this phase of the tutorial, we are going to add a pipeline for the AVI to run. We are then going to create a model so we can store and add parameters to the pipeline.

The code that you should expect to have at the end of this tutorial is available at

All pipelines must be available in We are going to create a basic analysis pipeline which uses a basic implementation of the Fibonacci sequence to do some work.

Add the following to

import os
from django.conf import settings
# Class used for creating pipeline tasks
from pipeline.classes import (
    AviParameter, AviLocalTarget,

def fib(n):
    if n == 1:
        return 1
    elif n == 0:
        return 0
        return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

class CalcFib(AviTask):
    fib_num = AviParameter()

    def output(self):
        return AviLocalTarget(os.path.join(
            "fib_%s.txt" % self.fib_num

    def run(self):
        fib_result = fib(self.fib_num)
        with open(self.output().path, 'wb') as out:
            print fib_result
            out.write("%s number in fib sequence is %s" % (self.fib_num, fib_result))

This forms a very basic pipeline task with no dependencies. If we wanted to create a more complex pipeline, we could add a requires() method to specify a dependency. The example AVIs provide several examples of pipelines with dependencies. The pipeline is built on Luigi, and the Luigi documentation can be used as a resource for pipeline development.

We will now create a model to store the parameters for the pipeline. The pipeline will read these parameters, and the AVI interface will set them.

Add the following to to create the TutorialModel:

from django.db import models
from pipeline.models import AviJob

class TutorialModel(AviJob):
    fib_num = models.IntegerField()
    pipeline_task = "CalcFib"

The model has two parameters, fib_num and pipeline_task. fib_num must match the parameter required by the pipeline we created in The pipeline_task parameter maps this model to the pipeline task we have made earlier. Because this model extends AviJob, it initiates the pipeline task when this model is saved.

There are additional parameters provided by the AviJob class which can be overwritten to adjust how the pipeline is executed. For example, the RAM to be allocated to the pipeline can be specified.

Note: Now that we have added a model to represent some data, we have to synchronize our AVI database so that it has the necessary tables to store the models.

This is explained in the next section Update the AVI.

Once we have created the model, and the tasks, we need a way to create an instance of the TutorialModel to initiate the pipeline.

Add the following import and function to

from avi.models import TutorialModel
def create(request, fib):
    tutmod, created = TutorialModel.objects.get_or_create(
    context = {
        "tutmod": tutmod,
        "fib": fib
    return render(request, 'avi/create.html', context)

Note that we are taking in a parameter in the function, and using that to populate the model. We are also using a new template to render a response. We could use the create() function rather than get_or_create() but in this case, it allows us to retrieve a model instance if it already exists. We will use this to pass an existing model instance if it exists, and display its job status using the create.html template. In the context we also pass in the created model instance, we will use this in the template.


Put the following in templates/avi/create.html:

<p>We have created a TutorialModel instance, with fib={{fib}}</p>
<p>The PrimaryKey of the model instance is {{}}.</p>
<p>The job status is {{tutmod.request.pipeline_state.state}}</p>

Note that in this response we show the primary key of the new model instance, we also show the status of the job using the associated pipeline_state model. For more details on the internal structure of the pipeline models and their available fields, refer to the AVI Framework documentation.

Since we have created a new view function, we need to map a URL to it. Remember that the view function also expected an additional parameter fib. We are going to build that in to the url structure, so that we can navigate to /10 to run this view with fib set to 10.

Modify so that the urlpatterns are as follows:

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),
    url(r'^(?P<fib>[0-9]+)$', views.create, name='create'),

Update the AVI

We now have an analysis pipeline, and a model to provide its arguments. When writing updates to the front-end, the AVI updates automatically. However, the back-end needs to have the worker process restarted so that the pipeline is loaded up. Because we have added a model to our AVI, we also need to prepare the database.

In this step, we are going to open Bash inside of the container, access the Supervisor command line interface, synchronize the database and restart the worker. Alternatively, you could restart the whole container once its ID is known by running docker restart <id>.

Access the AVI

First we need to get the container ID, so that we can access it. This is the same ID that was returned when we ran the docker run command from earlier. To determine the container ID, we run docker ps to list all running containers. You should see a single container in a list, including its "CONTAINER ID" and "NAMES".

To access the AVI, run docker exec -it <container id> bash which will run bash interactively within the container.

Access Supervisor

Once inside the container, you can run ps -ef to see all processes being run.

  1. Run supervisorctl to access supervisor, you should get a supervisor prompt once this command is run.
  2. Run status to view all supervisor processes and their status.

Synchronize the database

While in the supervisor prompt (it should look like ``supervisor> ``) run:

start prepare_avi

This job will synchronize the database with our AVI models. This job is run automatically when the AVI starts up; so if you like you can restart the AVI instead of logging in.

Restart the worker

While in the supervisor prompt (it should look like ``supervisor> ``) run:

restart worker-avi

This will restart the worker, causing it to reload the contents of Running status afterwards will show us the status of the jobs, at which point we verify the worker-avi process is in a RUNNING state after the restart.

View the changes

Now that we have created a pipeline, and a model, and a view to create an instance of the model, lets look at the results.

  1. Lets navigate to http://localhost:10000/avi and we will see the usual page

  2. Navigate to http://localhost:10000/avi/10 and we will see a different response using our create.html template.

  3. For the URL given, we should expect the following response:

    We have created a TutorialModel instance, with fib=10
    The PrimaryKey of the model instance is 28.
    The job status is PENDING

Although this response doesn't seem like much, a lot has happened in the background.

  1. A new model has been created, which when it got saved created a new job request for the worker.
  2. The worker then immediately retrieved the job request, retrieved the pipeline arguments from the model, and started running its pipeline
  3. The progress of the job was then automatically stored in the job model.
  4. Once complete, the result should have been saved to the output directory (see the last line of our pipeline)

So now, if we refresh the page http://localhost:10000/avi/10 the status should have updated to "SUCCESS" from "PENDING" If that is the case, if you navigate to ~/my_first_avi/data/output we should see a fib_10.txt which contains the result!

Congratulations, you now have a functioning AVI that users can interact with, and your first analysis pipeline.

Phase 3: Using the Django Rest Framework

At this point we have a functioning AVI. But the interface is a bit dull and a bit limited (what if we wanted a second parameter in our pipeline?)

So in this step of the tutorial, we are going to improve our interface (without any additional HTML) by adding views using the Django Rest Framework.

The Django Rest Framework tutorial is recommended as a resource for AVI development

As in the other phases, the expected code is available online at


The Django Rest Framework provides a REST API around your models, and will generate a web interface for users to interact with for you. For this to work, we are missing one thing: a serializer! This is a class which defines the interface between the API and the model (this includes how fields are represented, what fields are read-only, etc)

The serializer is used to define how information should be translated between the database model and the web interface. There is plenty of information on the Django Rest Framework documentation on serializers.

Create with the following content:

from rest_framework import serializers
from avi.models import TutorialModel

class TutorialModelSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):

    class Meta:
        model = TutorialModel
        fields = '__all__'
        depth = 2

We are letting the serializer populate most of its fields automatically using the Meta class.

Now that we have a serializer, lets simplify our Replacing everything in with the following:

from avi.models import TutorialModel
from avi.serializers import TutorialModelSerializer
from rest_framework import generics
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer, AdminRenderer

class TutorialModelList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
    queryset = TutorialModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = TutorialModelSerializer
    renderer_classes = (JSONRenderer, AdminRenderer)

You can see that we are using our Model and our Serializer along with some generic views provided by the Django Rest Framework. It is worth noticing the renderer_classes line where we specify JSONRenderer first, then the AdminRenderer. If we make a request to the url which gets mapped to this view from the command line, we will get a JSON response rather than HTML. Alternatively, in a browser we get a nice web interface.

Change your to have the following content. We are going to use that single class in now:

from avi import views
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^$', views.TutorialModelList.as_view(), name='tutorialmodel-list'),

And that's all the work done, we could now delete the templates directory and its HTML files if we wished. We will keep them for now as the final phase is reusing these Django Rest Framework views in a fancier custom HTML page.


This AVI is developed as part of the tutorial in the GAVIP user manual. Each branch corresponds to a different step in the tutorial.






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