- F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init
The F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init is a tool that aims to simplify startup scripts for BIG-IP Virtual Edition.
By providing a single convenient yaml or json-based configuration file which
- leverages F5 Automation Tool Chain declarations that are easier to author, validate and maintain as code (vs. bigip.conf files)
- renders secrets from public cloud vaults
- renders runtime variables from metadata services
resulting in a complete overlay deployment tool for configuring a BIG-IP instance, it allows us to extend our cloud solutions from native templates to other instance provisioning tools, such as Terraform and Ansible. For more information regarding sending startup scripts to BIG-IP VE, see VE documentation.
From a high level overview, using this tool involves three steps:
Step 1: Download OR render inline a Runtime Init configuration file (runtime-init-conf.yaml).
curl -o /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml https://my-source-host/my-repo/bigip-configs/0.0.1/runtime-init-conf.yaml
See configuration details below.
Step 2: Download and install F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init using the self-extracting installer:
curl -o /tmp/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash /tmp/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud azure'
Step 3: Load the configuration file:
f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
See usage examples below.
This repository includes both the F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init source code and a self-extracting installer script for installing the main package.
The installer script will do the following:
- Determine the cloud environment where the script is running
- Extract and verify the appropriate cloud-specific package archive (or the all-inclusive package archive if cloud is not detected)
- Install the package archive and create a command alias for f5-bigip-runtime-init
Based on the content of the provided YAML or JSON conifguration file, F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init will do the following:
- Download, verify, and install F5 Automation Toolchain components (DO, AS3, TS, and CFE) from package metadata, URLs, or local files
- Download, verify, and install custom iApp LX packages from URLs or local files
- Accept Automation Toolchain declarations from URLs or local files
- Get secrets from cloud provider secret management APIs (Azure KeyVault, AWS Secret Manager, GCP Secrets Manager)
- Get select attributes from cloud provider instance and network metadata
- Render valid Automation Toolchain declarations based on rendered runtime variables (such as secrets and metadata attributes above) and provided declarations
- POST rendered declarations to Automation Toolchain endpoints and verify success or failure
- Run user-specified pre-onboard and post-onboard commands
- Send a webhook with a customizable telemetry data to a user-specified endpoint
- BIG-IP or later
- A mechanism to copy the configuration file to the BIG-IP instance (cloud-init, user data, provider-specific methods)
- Access to the Internet (or other network location if files are locally hosted) for downloading the self-extracting installer package, RPM files, and SHA256 checksums for package verification
- Access to the cloud provider metadata service, if rendering metadata runtime parameters
- An IAM identity associated to the BIG-IP instance(s) with sufficient roles/permissions for accessing cloud provider APIs
F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init has been tested and validated with the following versions of BIG-IP:
BIG-IP Version | Build Number |
15.1.0 | 0.0.4 |
14.1.2 | 0.0.6 |
The F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init configuration consists of the following attributes:
Attribute | Default Value | Required | Description |
pre_onboard_enabled | none | No | List of commands to run that do not check if BIG-IP and MCPD are up and running. However, execution before BIG-IP is ready depends on cloud agent/download times/etc. |
runtime_parameters | none | No | List of runtime parameters to gather. |
bigip_ready_enabled | none | No | List of commands to run after BIG-IP and MCPD are up and running. Example: tmsh commands, misc optimizations, etc. |
extension_packages | none | No | List of URLs to download and install iControl LX extension packages before onboarding. |
extension_services | none | No | List of declarations to configure. |
post_onboard_enabled | none | No | List of commands to run after sending iControl LX declarations. |
post_hook | none | No | Webhook to send upon completion. |
See SCHEMA.md for complete schema documentation and configuration examples.
The self extracting installer accepts the following parameters:
--cloud | -c : Specifies cloud provider name. Allowed values: ( all, aws, azure, or gcp ). When not provided, intergrations with Public Clouds (AWS, Azure or/and GCP) are disabled
--key | -k : Provides location for GPG key used for verifying signature on RPM file
--skip-verify : Disables RPM signature verification
--skip-toolchain-metadata-sync : Disables downloading automation toolchain metadata from the Internet
curl https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud aws'
See Private Environments section below.
Self-extracting installer, RPMs, and file hashes are available from the following locations:
"commandToExecute": "concat('mkdir -p /config/cloud; mkdir -p /var/log/cloud/azure; cp $(ls -v | tail -n1)/runtime-init-conf.yaml /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml; curl -L https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- ', variables('singleQuote'), '--cloud azure', variables('singleQuote'), ' 2>&1')",
"fileUris": [
"commandToExecute": "[concat('mkdir -p /config/cloud; mkdir -p /var/log/cloud/azure; echo -e ', variables('singleQuote'), parameters('runtimeConfig'), variables('singleQuote'), ' > /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml; curl -L https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run; bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- ', variables('singleQuote'), '--cloud azure', variables('singleQuote'), ' 2>&1; f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml 2>&1')]"
Terraform plans will generally consist of the following,
- a startup_script template (.tpl)
- passing the rendered startup script to the instance's startup script parameter
In this snippet,
data "template_file" "startup_script" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/startup-script.tpl")}"
vars = {
secret_id = "mySecret01"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm" {
name = "${module.utils.env_prefix}-vm0"
location = azurerm_resource_group.deployment.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.deployment.name
network_interface_ids = [azurerm_network_interface.mgmt.id, azurerm_network_interface.internal.id, azurerm_network_interface.external.id]
primary_network_interface_id = azurerm_network_interface.mgmt.id
vm_size = var.instance_size
delete_os_disk_on_termination = true
delete_data_disks_on_termination = true
storage_image_reference {
publisher = var.publisher
offer = var.offer
sku = var.sku
version = var.bigip_version
plan {
publisher = var.publisher
product = var.offer
name = var.sku
storage_os_disk {
name = "osdisk0"
caching = "ReadWrite"
create_option = "FromImage"
managed_disk_type = "Standard_LRS"
os_profile_linux_config {
disable_password_authentication = false
os_profile {
computer_name = "f5vm"
admin_username = var.admin_username
admin_password = module.utils.admin_password
custom_data = "${data.template_file.startup_script.rendered}"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "run_startup_cmd" {
name = "${module.utils.env_prefix}-run-startup-cmd"
virtual_machine_id = azurerm_virtual_machine.vm.id
publisher = "Microsoft.OSTCExtensions"
type = "CustomScriptForLinux"
type_handler_version = "1.2"
settings = <<SETTINGS
"commandToExecute": "bash /var/lib/waagent/CustomData"
the startup script is templatized in startup-script.tpl and sent using the vm os_profile's custom_data
parameter. On BIG-IP versions 15.1+ Cloud-Init will execute this script directly. However, for earlier versions, azurerm_virtual_machine_extension is used to run it. See BIG-IP's Cloud-Init documentation for more information.
The startup script contains the following contents.
mkdir -p /config/cloud
cat << 'EOF' > /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
- name: ADMIN_PASS
type: secret
environment: azure
type: KeyVault
vaultUrl: https://my-keyvault.vault.azure.net
secretId: ${secret_id}
field: password
- name: provision_rest
type: inline
- /usr/bin/setdb provision.extramb 500
- /usr/bin/setdb restjavad.useextramb true
- name: set_message_size
type: inline
- '/usr/bin/curl -s -f -u admin: -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ''{"maxMessageBodySize":134217728}'' -X POST http://localhost:8100/mgmt/shared/server/messaging/settings/8100 | jq .'
- extensionType: do
extensionVersion: 1.17.0
- extensionType: as3
extensionVersion: 3.24.0
- extensionType: ts
extensionVersion: 1.16.0
- extensionType: do
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/do_w_admin.json
- extensionType: as3
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/as3.json
curl https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud azure'
f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
NOTE: --cloud azure
is passed to the installer to specify the environment
The terraform variable that is templatized is ${secret_id}
which will be rendered by terraform before sending to the instance's custom_data
parameter. Ex. the rendered custom_data
finally sent to BIG-IP will contain the actual key name 'mySecret01' to gather at runtime:
- name: ADMIN_PASS
type: secret
environment: azure
type: KeyVault
vaultUrl: https://my-keyvault.vault.azure.net
secretId: mySecret01
field: password
When BIG-IP is launched, Runtime Init will fetch the value for the secret namedmySecret01
from the native vault and set the runtime variable ADMIN_PASS
. Any declarations containing {{{ ADMIN_PASS }}}
(ex. do.json, as3.json templates formatted with mustache) will be populated with the secret value (ex. the admin password). field provides field name to which this secret is map to and it instructs Runtime Init to masks the secret value in any logging outputs.
In this AWS example snippet,
data "template_file" "startup_script" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/startup-script.tpl")}"
vars = {
secret_id = "${aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.AdminSecret.secret_id}"
resource "aws_instance" "vm01" {
ami = "${var.AWS_BIGIP_AMI_ID}"
instance_type = "m5.xlarge"
availability_zone = "${var.AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}a"
network_interface {
network_interface_id = "${aws_network_interface.mgmt1.id}"
device_index = 0
network_interface {
network_interface_id = "${aws_network_interface.external1.id}"
device_index = 1
iam_instance_profile = "${aws_iam_instance_profile.instance_profile.name}"
tags = merge(var.global_tags, {Name="runtime-init-vm0-${module.utils.env_prefix}"})
user_data = "${data.template_file.startup_script.rendered}"
the startup script is templatized in startup-script.tpl and contains the following contents.
mkdir -p /config/cloud
cat << 'EOF' > /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
- name: ADMIN_PASS
type: secret
environment: aws
type: SecretsManager
secretId: ${secret_id}
- name: provision_rest
type: inline
- /usr/bin/setdb provision.extramb 500
- /usr/bin/setdb restjavad.useextramb true
- extensionType: do
extensionVersion: 1.17.0
- extensionType: as3
extensionVersion: 3.24.0
- extensionType: ts
extensionVersion: 1.16.0
- extensionType: do
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/do_w_admin.json
- extensionType: as3
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/as3.json
curl https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud aws'
f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
--cloud aws
is passed to the installer to specify the environment- when extension package includes
is not required; however,extensionVersion
is required when package defined withoutextensionUrl
- extensionType: as3
extensionUrl: https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension/releases/download/v3.24.0/f5-appsvcs-3.24.0-5.noarch.rpm
The terraform variable that is templatized is ```${secret_id}``` which will be rendered by terraform before sending to the instance's ```user_data``` parameter. Ex. the rendered ```user_data``` finally sent to BIG-IP will contain the actual name of secret 'mySecret01' to gather at runtime:
- name: ADMIN_PASS
type: secret
environment: aws
type: SecretsManager
secretId: mySecret01
When BIG-IP is launched, Runtime Init will fetch the value for the secret named mySecret01
from the native vault and set the runtime variable ADMIN_PASS
. Any declarations containing {{{ ADMIN_PASS }}}
(ex. do.json, as3.json templates formatted with mustache) will be populated with the secret value (ex. the password).
Similar to examples above,
data "template_file" "startup_script" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/startup-script.tpl")}"
vars = {
secret_id = "mySecret01"
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm01" {
name = "tf-func-test-vm-${module.utils.env_prefix}"
machine_type = "${var.instance-type}"
zone = "${var.primary_zone}"
can_ip_forward = true
description = "${var.reaper_tag}"
labels = {
f5_bigip_runtime_init = "${module.utils.env_prefix}"
another_tag = "with_a_value"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "${data.google_compute_image.f5-bigip-image.self_link}"
network_interface {
network = "${google_compute_network.ext_network.self_link}"
subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.ext_subnetwork.self_link}"
network_ip = "${var.vm-ext-private-ip}"
access_config {
network_interface {
network = "${google_compute_network.mgmt_network.self_link}"
subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.mgmt_subnetwork.self_link}"
network_ip = "${var.vm-mgmt-private-ip}"
access_config {
network_interface {
network = "${google_compute_network.int_network.self_link}"
subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.int_subnetwork.self_link}"
network_ip = "${var.vm-int-private-ip}"
metadata = {
foo = "bar"
metadata_startup_script = "${data.template_file.startup_script.rendered}"
service_account {
email = google_service_account.sa.email
scopes = ["cloud-platform"]
the startup script startup-script.tpl is passed to via the instance's metadata_startup_script
mkdir -p /config/cloud
cat << 'EOF' > /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
- name: ADMIN_PASS
type: secret
environment: gcp
type: SecretsManager
version: latest
secretId: ${secret_id}
- name: provision_rest
type: inline
- /usr/bin/setdb provision.extramb 500
- /usr/bin/setdb restjavad.useextramb true
- extensionType: do
extensionVersion: 1.17.0
- extensionType: as3
extensionVersion: 3.24.0
- extensionType: ts
extensionVersion: 1.16.0
- extensionType: do
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/do_w_admin.json
- extensionType: as3
type: url
value: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/main/examples/declarations/as3.json
curl https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.2.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud gcp'
f5-bigip-runtime-init --config-file /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml
NOTE: --cloud gcp
is passed to the installer to specify the environment
runtime_parameters allows to defined list of parameters and these parameters can be used for substituting tokens defined within declarations. There are a few types of parameters:
- secret - fetches secret from Secret Vault
runtime_parameters: - name: ADMIN_PASS type: secret secretProvider: environment: azure type: KeyVault vaultUrl: https://my-keyvault.vault.azure.net secretId: mySecret01
- metadata - fetches common pre-defined metadata from the Metadata Service
runtime_parameters: - name: MGMT_ROUTE type: metadata metadataProvider: environment: aws type: network field: subnet-ipv4-cidr-block index: 0
- static - defines a static value. Example below will replace AVAILABILITY_ZONE token with "us-west-2a" string
runtime_parameters: - name: AVAILABILITY_ZONE type: static value: us-west-2a
- url - defines url to fetch a runtime parameter (ex. custom metadata). This parameter allows to provide HTTP headers as well as JMESPath query for querying JSON document/response. The headers and query fields are optional.
runtime_parameters: - name: REGION type: url value: query: region headers: - name: Content-Type value: json - name: User-Agent value: some-user-agent
By default, this tool makes calls to the Internet to download a GPG key here to verify RPM signatures, find the latest Automation Tool Chain packages and send usage data. To disable calls to the Internet, you can use the examples below:
Example (secure) of hosting the gpg key locally and disabling checking for latest Automation Tool Chain packages.
curl https://myprivatehost/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud aws --key https://mylocalhost/gpg.key --skip-toolchain-metadata-sync'
Example (thisisinsecure) of skipping downloading the GPG key and checking for latest Automation Tool Chain packages, using a local copy of the metadata instead.
curl https://myprivatehost/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -o f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run && bash f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud aws --skip-verify --skip-toolchain-metadata-sync'
To disable the f5-bigip-runtime-init command from sending usage reporting, you can include the '--skip-telemetry' parameter.
f5-bigip-runtime-init -c /config/cloud/runtime-init-conf.yaml --skip-telemetry
Or, if using the extension_services
feature to send declarations, by disabling phone home with the autoPhonehome property in your Declarative Onboarding (DO) declaration.
For more information on how to disable Automatic Phone Home, see this Overview of the Automatic Update Check and Automatic Phone Home features.
F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init uses the F5 Automation Toolchain for configuration of BIG-IP instances. Any errors thrown from these components will be surfaced in the bigIpRuntimeInit.log (or a custom log location as specified below).
Help with troubleshooting individual Automation Toolchain components can be found at F5's Public Cloud Docs:
- DO: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-declarative-onboarding/latest/troubleshooting.html
- AS3: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-appsvcs-extension/latest/userguide/troubleshooting.html
- TS: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-telemetry-streaming/latest/userguide/troubleshooting.html
- CFE: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/extensions/f5-cloud-failover/latest/userguide/troubleshooting.html
The default log location is /var/log/cloud/bigIpRuntimeInit.log. This location can be customized (see below).
The following enviroment variables can be used for setting logging options:
- F5_BIGIP_RUNTIME_INIT_LOG_LEVEL (string) - Defines log level
error: 0,
warn: 1,
info: 2,
debug: 5,
silly: 6
- F5_BIGIP_RUNTIME_INIT_LOG_FILENAME (string) - Defines path to log file (i.e. /var/log/cloud/bigIpRuntimeInit.log)
- F5_BIGIP_RUNTIME_INIT_LOG_TO_JSON (boolean) - Defines if logs should be output in JSON format:
{"message":"this is a json message","level":"info","timestamp":"2020-08-04T00:22:28.069Z"}
Example of how to set the log level using an environment variable: export F5_BIGIP_RUNTIME_INIT_LOG_LEVEL=silly && bash /var/tmp/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.2.0-1.gz.run -- '--cloud ${CLOUD}'
By default, runtime will mask out (i.e. "********") the following common fields when logging:
However, it is possible to extend this list by providing additional metadata (field) for the Secret object:
- name: MY_SECRET
type: secret
environment: azure
type: KeyVault
vaultUrl: https://my-keyvault.vault.azure.net
secretId: mySecret01
field: newCustomSecretField
This example shows how to instruct Runtime Init to mask out the value for newCustomSecretField
Add the following to the beginning of user data to log startup events to a local file/serial console. See the simple example for more information.
mkdir -p /var/log/cloud
trap "rm -f $npipe" EXIT
mknod $npipe p
tee <$npipe -a $LOG_FILE /dev/ttyS0 &
exec 1>&-
exec 1>$npipe
exec 2>&1
For more information on F5 cloud solutions, including manual configuration procedures for some deployment scenarios, see F5's Public Cloud Docs.
The example declarations in this document are intended to provide reference onboarding configurations for F5 BIG-IP Virtual Editions. Read more about Support Policies.
If you find an issue, we would love to hear about it.
- Use the Issues link on the GitHub menu bar in this repository for items such as enhancement or feature requests and non-urgent bug fixes. Tell us as much as you can about what you found and how you found it.
Copyright 2014-2020 F5 Networks Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.