experimental work in progress, do not use this seriously!
This packages the CSL
collection from http://citationstyles.org for usage with node.js
The only argument is a callback
function, which gets called with an array of built-in styles
var csl = require('citatonstyles');
csl.list(function (err, res) {
console.log(err || res);
should log:
[ { id: 'academy-of-management-review',
path: '/path/to/academy-of-management-review.csl' } ]
- "dependent" styles are ignored for now, since I have not figured out how to actually use them (with
) - if you found more, please report them
- using
- 'PATCH' (the last number) will get updated for every change in the upstream styles repo
- the git short hash of the upstream repo will be added as build metadata
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, same as the styles themselves.