Projects created from Udemy Course on Vue JS
- Creating and using a Vue instance
- Using Directives for reactive and conditional rendering
- Using v-for and v-if
- Using v-on for interactivity
- Creating and working with components and props
- V-model and computed properties
- Lifecyle hooks
A Vue instance accepts an options object that allows us to manipulate html and add reactivity through various Vue features.
A Vue directive follows the v- pattern and allows us to add dynamic attributes to elements of the html.
The v-if directive accomplishes conditional rendering.
The v-for directive creates dynamic lists.
V-on allows interactivity by binding instance methods to the click handler of elements.
Components in Vue encapsulate HTML with Vue interactivity and create reusable code.
V-models map data to pieces of HTML to allow two-way data binding,
Computed properties use complex logic to return modified pieces of data.
Lifecycle hooks like created, mounted, and updated allow vue instances to run specific code throughout its lifespan.
- Webpack - tool to launch a server to host our code and see edits of application in realtime
Command - vue init Example - vue init webpack-simple starbase And follow the instructions to install node modules