First: Run make (use bonus target so it can do the fancy stuff)
Second: ./miniRT [file] {args}
It should work on both mac and linux
The file is the scene it needs to render, a bunch of example scenes are given in the scenes directory
The arguments could be: --save, --no-res-cap and --save-on-exit
- --save makes the window not open, and render out a max quality (defined in scene file) and saves it to screenshot.bmp
- --no-res-cap removes the resolution cap, It wont clamp to your screen size
- --save-on-exit saves the last frame to screenshot.bmp while still opening the window
The controlls themselves are hopefully pretty simple:
- WASD to move your camera around
- Q to move your camera up
- E to move your camera down
- Left click somewhere to look in that direction (Makes that pixel the new center)
- R/F/P to increase/decrease/auto-calculate the white point
- T to switch to the next camera
- Esc to quit
There are 4 different frame types:
- FI - First: A 1 sample per pixel render
- AA - Anti-Aliasing: Run after FI, a [N] sample per pixel where there are edges determined by a sobel filter, render on top of the old frame, N is defined in the scene file
- NR - Noise-Reduction: Run after all AA frames, detects areas with high noise (noise is how much a pixel has changed since the last frame) and renders [N] samples there, much more efficient than AA for GI enabled scenes, and pretty good for non-GI scenes too, N again is defined in the scene file
- DI - Dirty: A frame where the camera has moved, and will be completely replaced by a FI frame next frame, Restarting from the top does not look good, you can't really see where you are going
Every single like is a new instruction
They all start with a keyword, and then some arguments, Capitalized keywords can only
appear once
Lines starting with '#' are comments.
You can have:
- R [width] [height] - The resolution
- A [hdrcolor] - The ambiant color, ratio is a multiplier, can go above 1 for bright stuff
- AA [samples] ... - The Anti-Aliasing sample count, Bonus, can have multiple numbers, so 'AA 2 4 8' will render a AA frame with 2, then with 4, and then with 8
- NR [samples] ... - The Noise-Rediction sample count, Bonus
- GI - Enables Global-Illumination, Bonus
- c [transform] [fov] - Camera
- l [location] [hdrcolor] - Point Light
- dl [lookdir] [hdrcolor] - Directional Light, Bonus, Light goes in the direction of [lookdir]
- sp [location] [size] [material] - Sphere
- pl [transform] [material] - Plane
- cy [transform] [diameter] [height] [material] - Cylinder
- sq [transform] [size] [material] - Square
- cu [transform] [size] [material] - Cube, Bonus
- tr [location] [location] [location] [material] - Triangle, Bonus, Makes a triangle between the 3 given locations
- obj [transform] [obj_path] [material] - Obj file, Bonus, path is relative to scene file
Ive used things like [transform] and [color] and such above, they are written like this:
location: [x],[y],[z]
lookdir: [x],[y],[z]
transform: [location] [lookdir]
color: [r],[g],[b]
hdrcolor: [ratio] [color]
material: its either:
- a plain [color], diffuse only
- or Defined by a tree like structure:
- D [color] - Diffuse
- E [hdrcolor] - Emissive
- M [ratio] [material] [material] - Mix
- A [material] [material] - Add
- C [size] [color] [material] - Checkerboard
- P [color] - Perfect mirror
- S [color] [pow] - Specular
- 255,255,255 - Plain color
- A D 127,63,63 S 255,255,255 100 - Diffuse + Specular
- A C 1 127,127,127 C 0.5 127,127,127 C 0.25 127,127,127 D 127,127,127 S 255,255,255 75 - A bunch of checkerboards of different sizes + specular
- M 0.5 C 1 127,127,127 D 255,0,0 D 0,255,0 - %50 red checkered, %50 green diffuse
Anything not specified is just a number, so [fov], [pow] and [size] are just numbers
- Anti-Alliasing / Noise reduction
- Threading
- HDR colors, after rendering is done converted to 0-255 RGB values via reindard mapping
- Fancy materials
- Directional lights
- .obj file parings, you can render .obj's! (see deermageddon scene file)
- BVH (Bounding volume hierarchy) purely added to speed up rendering the deermageddon scene, might take a while to generate though, but rendering is much, much faster
All in all, it was a fun project, untill the norm came along
Now its all ugly, where are my empty lines and comments inside functions?
Why must i declare a variables on the top of the function when i only use it at the bottom?