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PagoPA microservice that handles transactions' lifecycle and workflow

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What is this?

This is a PagoPA microservice that handles transactions' lifecycle and workflow.

Environment variables

These are all environment variables needed by the application:

Variable name Description type default
MONGO_HOST Host where MongoDB instance used to persise events and view resides string
MONGO_USERNAME Username used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_PASSWORD Password used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_PORT Port used for connecting to MongoDB instance string
MONGO_MIN_POOL_SIZE Min amount of connections to be retained into connection pool. See docs * string
MONGO_MAX_POOL_SIZE Max amount of connections to be retained into connection pool.See docs * string
MONGO_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS Max timeout after which an idle connection is killed in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a connection to be opened. See docs * string
MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a command send or receive before timing out. See docs * string
MONGO_SERVER_SELECTION_TIMEOUT_MS Max time to wait for a server to be selected while performing a communication with Mongo in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_WAITING_QUEUE_MS Max time a thread has to wait for a connection to be available in milliseconds. See docs * string
MONGO_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_MS Hearth beat frequency in milliseconds. This is an hello command that is sent periodically on each active connection to perform an health check. See docs * string
REDIS_HOST Host where the redis instance used to persist idempotency keys can be found string
REDIS_PASSWORD Password used for connecting to Redis instance string
NODO_URI Nodo connection URI string
NODO_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards Nodo number
NODO_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards Nodo number
NODO_ALL_CCP_ON_TRANSFER_IBAN_ENABLED Flag to enable light check for allCCP. If true it checks only all transfers' iban. If false, it checks also metadata boolean
NODE_FOR_PSP_URI Node for psp api URI string
NODO_PER_PM_URI Nodo per PM api URI string
NODO_ECOMMERCE_CLIENT_ID ecommerce client id used for node closePayment string
ECOMMERCE_PAYMENT_METHODS_URI eCommerce payment methods service connection URI string
ECOMMERCE_PAYMENT_METHODS_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards eCommerce payment methods service number
ECOMMERCE_PAYMENT_METHODS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards eCommerce payment methods service number
WALLET_URI pagopa wallet service connection URI string
WALLET_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards wallet service number
WALLET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards wallet service number
WALLET_API_KEY wallet service API key string
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_URI Notifications service connection URI string
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards Notifications service number
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards Notifications service number
NOTIFICATIONS_SERVICE_API_KEY Notifications service API Key string
PAYMENT_TOKEN_VALIDITY_TIME Validity time in seconds of a payment token number
ECOMMERCE_STORAGE_TRANSIENT_CONNECTION_STRING Transient queue connection string string
TRANSACTION_EXPIRATION_QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue for transaction expiration for activated transactions string
TRANSACTION_CLOSE_PAYMENT_RETRY_QUEUE_NAME Name of the retry queue for closure error events string
TRANSACTION_CLOSE_PAYMENT_QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue for close payment events string
TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue for notification requested events string
TRANSACTION_REFUND_QUEUE_NAME Name of the refund queue for transactions that receive a closePayment with OK authorization and KO outcome string
TRANSIENT_QUEUES_TTL_SECONDS TTL to be used when sending events on transient queues number 7 days
TRANSACTIONS_RETRY_OFFSET Seconds to offset validity end to account for more retries number
CLOSURE_RETRY_INTERVAL Seconds to wait at closing the transaction before making a retry number
PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_KEY API Key for Personal Data Vault (PDV is used to safely encrypt PIIs, e.g. the user's email address) string
PERSONAL_DATA_VAULT_API_BASE_PATH API base path for Personal Data Vault string
NPG_API_KEY API Key for Nuovo Payment Gateway (NPG, used for authorizing payments). string
NPG_URI NPG connection uri string
NPG_READ_TIMEOUT Timeout for requests towards NPG string
NPG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Timeout for establishing connections towards NPG string
NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request string
NPG_CARDS_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_CARDS_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
CHECKOUT_BASE_PATH Checkout basepath where the user will be brought to after the authorization process is completed string
ECOMMERCE_EVENT_VERSION Ecommerce event version used during transaction activated value accepted V1 and v2 string
SESSION_URL_BASEPATH Url used into npg order build request to enhance the merchantUrl field string
SESSION_URL_OUTCOME_SUFFIX Suffix concatenated to the merchant url to enhance the resultUrl field in the order build to NPG string
SESSION_URL_NOTIFICATION_URL Url used into npg order build request to enhance the notificationUrl field string
JWT_NPG_NOTIFICATION_SECRET Secret key used to sign npg notification url authorization jwt string
JWT_ECOMMERCE_SECRET Secret key used to sign authorization jwt for ecommerce REST calls string
JWT_ECOMMERCE_WEBVIEW_SECRET Secret key used to sign authorization jwt for ecommerce REST calls from authorization webview string
NODE_FORWARDER_API_KEY Node forwarder api key string
REDIRECT_PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE_LIST List of all redirect payment type codes that are expected to be present in other redirect configurations such as REDIRECT_URL_MAPPING (used for configuration cross validation) string
REDIRECT_PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE_DESCRIPTION_MAPPING Redirect Payment type code to description mapping string
NODE_FORWARDER_URL Node forwarder backend URL string
REDIRECT_URL_MAPPING Key-value string map PSP to backend URI mapping that will be used for Redirect payments string
NODE_FORWARDER_READ_TIMEOUT Node forwarder request read timeout number
NODE_FORWARDER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT Node forwarder request connection timeout number
TRANSACTIONS_AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED_QUEUE_NAME Name of the queue for transaction payment gateway polling for authorization requested transactions string
AUTH_REQUESTED_EVENT_VISIBILITY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS Authorization requested event visibility timeout in seconds number
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM PAYPAL payment method string
NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_PAYPAL_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Bancomat pay payment method string
NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_BANCOMATPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM My bank payment method string
NPG_MYBANK_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_MYBANK_PSP_LIST configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Satispay payment method string
NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_SATISPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS Secret structure that holds psp - api keys association for authorization request used for APM Apple pay payment method string
NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_LIST List of all psp ids that are expected to be found into the NPG_APPLEPAY_PSP_KEYS configuration (used for configuration cross validation) string
NPG_AUTHORIZATION_EXCLUDED_ERROR_CODES NPG error codes for which eCommerce will not perform retry during authorization request string
EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_DOCUMENT_TTL_SECONDS Exclusive lock Redis document TTL for authorization status update (in seconds) number 2

An example configuration of these environment variables is in the .env.example file.

(*): for Mongo connection string options see docs

Run the application with Docker

Create your environment typing :

cp .env.example .env

Then from current project directory run :

docker-compose up

if all right you'll see something like that :

# -- snip --
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-mongo-1                          | {"t":{"$date":"2022-04-27T13:12:50.647+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23015,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"Listening on","attr":{"address":""}}
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-mongo-1                          | {"t":{"$date":"2022-04-27T13:12:50.647+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":23016,   "ctx":"listener","msg":"Waiting for connections","attr":{"port":27017,"ssl":"off"}}
## -- snip --
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |   .   ____          _            __ _ _
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |  /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |  \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |   '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |  =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |  :: Spring Boot ::                (v2.6.7)
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  |
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:52.189  INFO 1 --- [           main] t.PagopaEcommerceTransactionsApplication : Starting PagopaEcommerceTransactionsApplication v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT using Java 18-ea on db36c3a40060 with PID 1 (/app/BOOT-INF/classes started by root in /app)
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:52.199  INFO 1 --- [           main] t.PagopaEcommerceTransactionsApplication : No active profile set, falling back to 1 default profile: "default"
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:54.492  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http)
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:54.514  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService   : Starting service [Tomcat]
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:54.515  INFO 1 --- [           main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine  : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.62]
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:54.699  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/]       : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:54.699  INFO 1 --- [           main] w.s.c.ServletWebServerApplicationContext : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 2349 ms
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:55.784  INFO 1 --- [           main] c.a.c.i.jackson.JacksonVersion           : Package versions: jackson-annotations=2.13.2, jackson-core=2.13.2, jackson-databind=, jackson-dataformat-xml=2.13.2, jackson-datatype-jsr310=2.13.2, azure-core=1.26.0, Troubleshooting version conflicts:
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:55.924  INFO 1 --- [           main] AbstractAzureServiceClientBuilderFactory : Will configure the default credential of type DefaultAzureCredential for class
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:56.279  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-service-pagopa-ecommerce-transactions-1  | 2022-04-27 13:12:56.296  INFO 1 --- [           main] t.PagopaEcommerceTransactionsApplication : Started PagopaEcommerceTransactionsApplication in 5.104 seconds (JVM running for 6.584)

When running with the Docker container you can check data persisted to either Mongo or Redis with their respective web interfaces (Mongo express/Redis Insight). To do so, go to:

Run the application with springboot-plugin

Create your environment:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env.local | xargs)

Then from current project directory run :

mvn validate # --> used to perform ecommerce-commons library checkout from git repo and install throught maven plugin
mvn spring-boot:run

For testing purpose the commons reference can be change from a specific release to a branch by changing the following configurations tags:





updating also the commons library version to the one of the specific branch

Code formatting

Code formatting checks are automatically performed during build phase. If the code is not well formatted an error is raised blocking the maven build.

Helpful commands:

mvn spotless:check # --> used to perform format checks
mvn spotless:apply # --> used to format all misformatted files


Repo has Github workflow and actions that trigger Azure devops deploy pipeline once a PR is merged on main branch.

In order to properly set version bump parameters for call Azure devops deploy pipelines will be check for the following tags presence during PR analysis:

Tag Semantic versioning scope Meaning
patch Application version Patch-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
minor Application version Minor-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
major Application version Major-bump application version into pom.xml and Chart app version
ignore-for-release Application version Ignore application version bump
chart-patch Chart version Patch-bump Chart version
chart-minor Chart version Minor-bump Chart version
chart-major Chart version Major-bump Chart version
skip-release Any The release will be skipped altogether

For the check to be successfully passed only one of the Application version labels and only ones of the Chart version labels must be contemporary present for a given PR or the skip-release for skipping release step


PagoPA microservice that handles transactions' lifecycle and workflow







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