A Data Structure for handling Tabular Data in Memory.
The table is implemented as a list of dicts, it also have value indexes for faster direct row lookup by column value.
Create a Table:
from tablepy.table import Table
table = Table(['ID','name'])
print table
It supports len, iteration and indexing:
print len(table), not table
print iter(table)
print table[0]
Add a column with a constant value:
print table
Add a column with an interable arg (must be the same size as our table):
table.addColumn('iterable arg',[4,5])
print table
There are methods to get a row by a column-value pair, get the table schema, convert a column to List, and rename columns!:
print table.getRowsByKey('name','a')
print table.getSchema()
print table.colToList('name')
table.renameCol('iterable arg','new name')
print table,'\n'
It supports vertical concatenation (same schema!), and horizontal concatenation with SQL-like joins!:
table2 = Table(['ID','name','constant','new name'])
table2.append({'new name': 6, 'constant': 3, 'ID': 3, 'name': 'c'})
print table
table3 = Table(['another column!'])
table3.append({'another column!': 'x'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'y'})
table3.append({'another column!': 'z'})
print table
table3 = Table(['name','age'])
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':3})
table3.append({'name': 'a','age':2})
table3.append({'name': 'c','age':1})
table.hConcat(table3, join='name')
print table
sort(cmp,key,reverse) in place:
table.sort(key=lambda x:x['age'],reverse =True)
print table
table.sort(key=lambda x:(x['constant'],x['ID']))
print table
It also supports group by:
table.append({'new name': 4, 'constant': 4, 'name': 'a', 'age': 5, 'ID': 2, 'another column!': 'x'})
table.append({'new name': 5, 'constant': 4, 'name': 'a', 'age': 6, 'ID': 2, 'another column!': 'x'})
table.append({'new name': 6, 'constant': 4, 'name': 'a', 'age': 8, 'ID': 2, 'another column!': 'x'})
print table
print table.groupBy(['new name'], lambda args: float(sum([i[0] for i in args]))/len(args),['age'])
print table.groupBy(['new name', 'constant' ], lambda args: sum([i[0]+i[1] for i in args]),['age','constant'])
At last but no least, you can filter it like this (returns a new table):
tableFiltered = table.filter(lambda age: age>2,['age'])
print tableFiltered
tableFiltered2 = table.filter(lambda name,constant: name == 'a' and constant==3 ,['name','constant'])
print tableFiltered2