The following describes the content of each of the folders in this repository:
democrazy/: contains the basic files of the Django project
- examples/: contains two example .jon files with the data of a regional and a local election. Both files can be loaded into the system
- cyl_2019.json
- valladolid_2019.json - schema/
- election_schema.json: schema that specifies the format that the .json files that are used to import / export data in the system must have - uml-models/:
- uml-models.asta: analysis and design models in a single file .asta
- examples/: contains two example .jon files with the data of a regional and a local election. Both files can be loaded into the system
forms/: contains the Python files with the forms of Django
migrations/: contains files in which all the changes that have been made to the logical design of the BD since the creation of the project are registered)
models/: contains the Python files that implement the * models * of Django
services/: contains the Python files that implement the services
- photos/: contains the photos included in the HTML files
- scripts/: contains JavaScript files that give dynamism to HTML pages
- styles/: contains CSS style files that modify the appearance of HTML pages -
templates/: contains HTML + DTL files
tests/: contains the unit tests that have been implemented
views/: contains the Python files with the views of Django
db.sqlite: file containing the SQLite3 database
Dockerfile: builds the docker containers, both the Dajndo and the nginx web server needed to deploy the application
docker-compose.yml: defines the use of docker containers
docker-requirements: text file containing the installation dependencies of docker containers
- Django's own file and serves to manage the application through a unified interface
nginx.conf: web server configuration file nginx
- run the tests in the main/tests/ directory and provide a report of the coverage of those tests
- run the flake8 tool to evaluate the quality of the written code
- run the tests in the main/tests/ directory
To execute the project you need to install
- Docker (
- Docker Compose (
Once both Docker and Docker Compose are installed, it is necessary to perform the following steps to boot the system:
- Through a console, access the repository folder
- Execute the command
docker-compose up --build
- Open the browser and go to the address
localhost: 8080
Once the system is executing, to be able to execute any of the * .sh * files it is necessary to follow the following steps:
- Through a console, access the repository folder
- Execute the following command so that the corresponding .sh file is executed in the Django * docker * container:
docker-compose exec django run - ****. sh