It's a WinForms app written in .NET Framework with some NodeJS. I deliberately choose WinForms technology because I wanted to have power over Windows features like notifications or lock screen. WPF app doesn't support timers as good as WinForms, so maybe technology is a bit outdated but suits my purposes very well!
If you want to run this app please download whole project and run Pomodoro App.exe file from "./Pomodoro App/bin/Debug" relative path
#Additional notes:
This applications requires some permissions or software to run: a) NodeJS installed on PC in order to run ChatGPT b) If you want to make use of chatGPT go to: and generate API key and paste it to ./chatGPT/.env file b) Admin rights to change etc/hosts files to block websites
Currently this app doesn't support playing music because these files are too large to store in repository