Data Science studies
- import of data in csv, xlsx, html, json and txt examples
- filters type, reorders indexes
- data series/data frames from tuples, dictionaries and lists
- concat data frames
- filter and sort dataframe, export data
- dataframe selection
- treatment of missing data
- series interpolation
- aggregate new calculated columns to a data frame
- removing columns from a data frame
- frequency distribution
- descriptive statistics extracting the count / mean / std / min / 25% / 50% / 75% / max from a dataframe
- plot using matplotlib.pyplot (boxplot, histogram, scatterplot)
- creates value ranges by cutting dataframes
- identify and removes outliers
- Frequency distribution for qualitative variables
- Frequency distribution for quantitative variables (custom classes)
- Creation of frequency distributions with pandas `value_counts()`, `crosstab()` and with custom classes, using the `value_counts()` and `cut()` functions together.
- Use of Sturges rule to obtain an optimal number of classes for a given sample size.
- Plot the histograms with pandas and seaborn
- Mean, median and mode
- Calculates the main measures of central tendency: arithmetic mean, median and mode.
- Indentifies important characteristics of a distribution, such as the presence of asymmetry and its direction from the relationship between measures of central tendency.
- Measures of position
- Obtainment of quartiles, deciles and percentiles of a distribution
- Building and interpreting a boxplot, using quartiles
- Dispersion measures
- Obtainment three important dispersion measures. The mean absolute deviation, the variance and the standard deviation.
- Descriptive analysis of The National Household Sample Survey - PNAD of 2015, that investigates general characteristics of the population, education, work, income and others, which we could reveal some interesting information, including the following highlights:
- Income Density Inequality by States in Brazil
- In general women are more educated than men
- Women have lower income than men regardless of color
- White and yellow people income are considerably higher than black people
- Men have a substantially higher income than women, even though they have the same amount of years of study
- 99% of the Brazilian population in 2015 had a maximum income of R$ 15000
- In terms of income, in 2015, the vast majority of the Brazilian population fell into category E (maximum 2 minimum wages)
- Binomial distribution:
- The basic concepts of the binomial probability distribution
- How to identify and solve problems that involve a binomial experiment
- How to obtain the probability of events that involve only two possibilities of result
- Poisson distribution
- The basic concepts of the Poisson probability distribution
- Normal distribution
- The basic concepts of normal probability distribution
- Working with the standardized table Z
- How to obtain the probabilities using the normal distribution in a set of situations
- Sampling techniques
- Concepts of population and sample
- The identification of finite and infinite populations
- When to use the sampling technique in a study
- Sample selection techniques, such as:
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Cluster sampling
- Level and confidence interval
- The conceptualization of parameters and estimation
- The central limit theorem
- Levels of confidence and significance
- Obtaining the margin of error for an experiment
- Obtaining confidence intervals for a point estimate (interval estimation)
- Sample size calculation
- Determining the size of a sample, to ensure that it is representative of the population
- Sample size calculation for finite and infinite quantitative variables
- The application of a two-tailed parametric test
- The execution of the hypothesis test steps
- The rules for rejecting the null hypothesis of a test
- To understand and calculate the p-value of a test
- Applying a z-test with Python tools
- t student distribution
- Building and querying a t student table
- The application of a one-tailed parametric test
- Defining hypotheses and obtaining critical areas for a one-tailed test
- Applying a t test with Python tools
- The application of a comparison test between different sample means
- The definition of hypotheses for tests between two samples
- The application of a z test, for two samples, with Python tools
- The chi-square distribution
- To build and consult a chi-square table
- The application of non-parametric chi-square test
- The calculation of the p-value with the chi-square distribution
- The application of non-parametric comparison tests between dependent samples
- The elaboration of the non-parametric test of Wilcoxon
- The application of non-parametric tests of comparison between independent samples
- The elaboration of the non-parametric test of Mann-Whitney
- The use of Python tooling for application of Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests
- To obtain a matrix of covariance
- The Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- To get a correlation array
- To interpret coefficients of covariance and correlation
- The basic definitions of a simple linear regression
- The ordinary squares method for obtaining the parameters of the model
- To estimate the parameters with the use of the StatsModels Library Tooling
- To calculate predictions inside and outside the sample
- How to create a table with descriptive statistics of dataset data
- How to Create a Correlation Matrix for Descriptive Statistics Table Data
- Dependent variable behavior:
- How to plot the dependent variable
- How to import the seaborn library
- How to create a dependent variable box-plot
- How to create a two-variable box-plot
- How to configure the styles and colors of the seaborn library
- How to make a histogram with the dependent variable
- Dependent vs explanatory variables
- How to plot scatter plots between dataset variables with pairplot, jointplot and lmplot
- Test and training datasets
- How to prepare data and create training and test datasets
- How to check the file sizes generated by the train_test_split function
- How to estimate a linear regression model
- How to get punctual forecasts
- How to interpret the estimated coefficients
- How to make graphical analysis of forecasts
- Comparing models
- How to estimate a new model, but this time using another explanatory variable
- How to create the new model's training and test datasets
- How to compare the two models
- Other regression metrics
- Mean square error and its root
- Saving and loading a model
- How to save and load the estimated model using the pickle library
- How to apply the logarithmic transformation to dataset data
- How to perform the frequency distribution of the transformed dependent variable
- F statistic and T statistic (Stats model)
- How to plot the scatter plots between the transformed variables of the dataset
- How to analyze the dispersion between the transformed variables
- How to estimate the linear model using training data
- How to obtain the coefficient of determination (R²) of the estimated model
- Generating forecasts for model test data
- How to obtain the coefficient of determination (R²) for model predictions
- How to generate the model's point forecast
- How to reverse the transformation to get the estimate in reais
- How to create a simple simulator
- How to obtain the model intercept
- How to obtain the regression coefficients
- How to create a DataFrame to store model coefficients
- How to interpret the estimated coefficients
- Graphically analyzing model results
- Discover confidence interval with tconfint();
- Describe our data statistically.
- What it is, how to use it and when to use the Z Test and the T Test.
- Generate a confidence interval for the averages of our distributions;
- Use statsmodels `get_compare()`;
- Compare means;
- Compare different averages;
- Use the normaltest;
- Nonparametric test;
- Use the ranksums.
- How to Discern which sources are valid for data collection;
- Define the objectives of the experiment, as well as identify the manipulable variables and the response of the experiment;
- The importance of planning an experiment;
- How to limit the area of experimentation;
- Factorial planning.
- Calculate the degrees of freedom of the residual;
- Do the statistical significance analysis of the parameters of the model;
- Build and interpret a normalized paret graph.
- Propose new models to better represent the reality of an experiment;
- Analyze a predicted chart by observing with the purpose of inferring the quality of the representativeness of a model;
- Relate the R2 correlation coefficient with the quality of the adjustment and with the results presented by a graph of predicted by observed.
- Use the adjusted model to obtain informations about the recipe;
- Difference between statistical laws and mathematical laws;
- Build and interpret color maps;
- Insert lines on color maps to facilitate interpretation of results.
- Models of machine learning
- Supervised learning
- Binary classification
- Cross validation (KFold)
- Shuffle KFold
- Stratified KFold
- GroupKFold
- Pipeline
- GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV for optimization of hyper-parameters
- Linear Support Vector Classification (Linear SVC)
- Support Vector Classification (SVC)
- Decision tree Classsifier
- Dummy Classifier
- Multinomial Naive Bayes
- AdaBoost Classifier
Multidimensional data:
- Random Forest Classifier
- Random Forest with SelectKBest
- Evaluate results with Confusion Matrix
- Random Forest with RFE (Recursive feature elimination)
- Random Forest with RFECV (Cross-validation estimator)
- Random Forest with PCA
- Random Forest with TSNE
- Unsupervised learning
- K-Means
- Meanshift
- Silhouette coefficient
- Davies bouldin index calculation
- Calinski Harabasz index calculation
- Relative validation
- Cluster structure validation
- Cluster stability validation
- Deep Learning
Keras with Tensorflow
- ReLu
- Softmax
- Export model to .h5 file
- MLOps
Create a web api to use a ml model using Flask and pickle