This was made for own uses, but decided to share.
The biggest thank you should go to J7mbo ( for providing the TwitterAPIExchange.php script. I would of never gotten OAuth right and his script does most of the job.
I don't know if I'm going to add anything to this, it is really simple and made for people as a shortcut to Twitter's REST APIs.
Remember to place all the .php files inside the same folder.
For debugging I suggest printing the result of your Request call and possible tables out of the result.
How to actually use it
I'll explain the use with my ModuleScript.
First of all you need a webhost to run this all on. Obviously paid hosts are better, but if you are using this just for testing and/or don't have the money to pay for a webhost, I'd recommend (follow the getting started with PHP tutorial). It took me a while to get the basic stuff down, but it's been working great since then. A bit difficult to manipulate many apps with the cmd bar though. Any webhost with PHP support should work.
Second, you need to create a Twitter Application on
Set ModuleScript's URL and optional secretkey, also all the settings from settings.php
Now you should be good to go for the actual scripting part (check examples folder for more):
All the ModuleScript contains is one function, Request, which will send a simple POST request to the URL provided. It holds 3 parameters: string RequestMethod (POST or GET), string API (all of them can be found from the first link), array Data (a list of all the parameters for the API)
An example code for updating your status (tweeting) would be:
local twitter = require(script.Parent.twitterModule) -- path to the ModuleScript
twitter:Request("POST","statuses/update.json", -- POST is the request method, statuses/update.json is the API
status = "Hello Twitter World" -- status is the argument (all parameters can also be found from the REST API documentation)