To start use it you must install plugin
script/plugin install git://
Easiest way to generate RSS:
@posts = Post.all render :rss => @posts.to_rss {|feed, item| feed[:link] = polymorphic_url(item) }
And add link to RSS in your <head></head>
<%= rss_link_tag "RSS", posts_url(:format => :xml) %>
Plugin searches title of feed item in these fields:
title, name, lead, heading
And description in following:
description, body, contents
Also you can define own values of these RSS attributes. Check out examples of usage:
render :rss => @posts.to_rss do |feed, item| feed[:title] = "#{item.title}: #{item.description.first(10)}..." feed[:description] = render_to_string(:partial => "posts/to_rss", :object => item) feed[:link] = polymorphic_url(item) feed[:author] = "#{}" end
The only required attribute is feed Also, you can customize feed properties:
# config/environment.rb
ToRss::Config.feed[:title] = "The best channel you have ever seen" ToRss::Config.feed[:link] = "" ToRss::Config.feed[:description] = "Feed of posts"
Also, you can rewrite it in controller:
render :rss => @posts.to_rss(:feed_title => "Overwritten title", :feed_link => "", :feed_description => "Zhopa123") do |feed, item| feed[:title] = "#{item.title}: #{item.description.first(10)}..." feed[:description] = render_to_string(:partial => "posts/to_rss", :object => item) feed[:link] = polymorphic_url(item) end
Copyright © 2009 Mikhail Tabunov, released under the MIT license