cli tool to easily schedule instance snapshots and rotate it on Outscale Cloud
pip install osc-bsu-backup
make develop
make unit
#you must have an account on the region eu-west-2 from Outscale
aws_access_key_id = XXX_ACCESS_KEY_XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX_SECRET_KEY_XXX
make integration
INFO:osc_bsu_backup.cli:osc_bsu_backup: 0.0.5
usage: osc-bsu-backup [-h] [--instance-by-id INSTANCE_ID] [--instances-by-tags INSTANCES_TAGS [INSTANCES_TAGS ...]] [--volume-by-id VOLUME_ID]
[--volumes-by-tags VOLUMES_TAGS [VOLUMES_TAGS ...]] [--rotate ROTATE] [--rotate-by-days ROTATE_DAYS] [--rotate-only] [--copy-tags]
[--region REGION] [--endpoint ENDPOINT] [--profile PROFILE] [--client-cert CLIENT_CERT] [--debug]
osc-bsu-backup: 0.0.5
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--instance-by-id INSTANCE_ID
instance to backup
--instances-by-tags INSTANCES_TAGS [INSTANCES_TAGS ...]
instances tags to look for, use the format Key:Value. Can be used multiple times
--volume-by-id VOLUME_ID
volume to backup
--volumes-by-tags VOLUMES_TAGS [VOLUMES_TAGS ...]
volumes tags to look for, use the format Key:Value. Can be used multiple times
--rotate ROTATE retention for snapshot
--rotate-by-days ROTATE_DAYS
retention for snapshot, delete snapshots if there are older than N days
--rotate-only only rotate snapshots create by osc-bsu-backup
--copy-tags copy the volume tags to the created snapshots
--region REGION region
--endpoint ENDPOINT endpoint
--profile PROFILE aws profile to use, ~/.aws/credentials. Don't set to use environment variables
--client-cert CLIENT_CERT
for TLS client authentication
--debug enable debug
this tool is intend to be use with cron and aws profile, here is an example of setup
this cron will backup every instance that has the tag autosnapshot=Yes it will only keep the seventh more recent snapshots
#crontab -l
5 2 * * * osc-bsu-backup --profile default --region eu-west-2 --rotate 7 --instances-by-tags 'autosnapshot:Yes'
7 2 * * * osc-bsu-backup --profile default --region eu-west-2 --rotate 7 --client-cert /home/remi/test1.pem --instances-by-tags 'autosnapshot:Yes'
4 2 * * * osc-bsu-backup --profile default --region eu-west-2 --rotate 7 --client-cert /home/remi/test1.pem --instances-by-tags 'autosnapshot:Yes' --instances-by-tags 'Name:test1'
aws_access_key_id = XXX_ACCESS_KEY_XXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXX_SECRET_KEY_XXX
Environment variables could be used for authentication instead of aws profile. Set these environment variables (the --profile
option should not be set):
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow"