Introduces the project as a fictional Twitter clone named "Mumble" and mentions the technologies used.
In this project, we have utilized the component library we developed in the first part of the Frontend Engineering Advanced (CAS) course at OST in Rapperswil. This project uses Tailwind, React, Next 13, and Typescript technologies.
We used a REST API data endpoint provided by qwacker API and the zitadel Login provider. Our focus was to create a responsive and user-friendly interface that would consume the components from our library.
Developed by Team "Pizza-Hawaii" - Felix Adam and JΓΌrgen Rudigier.
The latest version of our Pizza Hawaii App is available on Vercel here.
The latest version of our Pizza Hawaii App is available on Google CloudRun here
Make sure you work with Node v.16 or later.
git clone
We need a github Token and a .npmrc
to get access to the mumble npm package at smartive education on github.
Create a Token with read and write
packages token and append the generated token to your local .npmrc
For instruction see Github Token Instructions on the Github page.
To authenticate by adding your personal access token (classic) to your ~/.npmrc
file, edit the ~/.npmrc
file for your project to include the following line, replacing TOKEN with your personal access token.
//[insert TOKEN here]
Tip: Add the token also as an environment secret with the name
. Please make sure to keep your token secure and not to share it with anyone.
Create a .env
file and copy these keys and insert confidential values.
make sure there are no whitespaces between keys and values. beware: Quacker backend has a trailing /. Note: The Quacker backend has a trailing slash /.
# Qwacker backend
# Authentication
# Frontend
Install the dependencies with npm install
Register a User at Zitadel.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open with your browser on http://localhost:3000.
You are good to go! π
- Mobile and desktop optimized
- Dark Mode (toggle in the footer)
- Image Preview before posting.
- Supports all image aspect-ratios
- List of all users following you
- Skeletons during loading process
- Random PosterImages when not set
- User Recommender
- Follow favorite User
- Share a Post by share function
- Public Post Detail page
- Richtext editor
- Markdown support for posts (links)
- Parses #Hashtag to links in posts
- Answer to a user @username
- Scroll to selected Post
- View all Post sorted by Hashtag
- Link to a User in a post
- Change User settings (Zitadel account!)
- NextJS API Routes
- Polling posts on active tab
- Auto polling with increasing interval over time
- Notifier when a new Posts are available / deleted / changed
- UserCache
- Custom Error Pages for 400- and 500- http states.
- PWA is ready to use on server. (Desktop / Mobile)
- W3C validity
- Accessibility
- Login & Register: Static no Data
- Timeline: ServerSide
- Recommendations (User-Page): ClientSide
- PostDetail: Static (public version) & ServerSide (user version)
We use these semantics while committing to maintain a meaningful commit history:
new feature for the user, not a new feature for build script
bug fix for the user, not a fix to a build script
changes to the documentation
formatting, missing semi colons
refactoring production code, eg. renaming a variable
adding missing tests, refactoring tests
updating scripts, libraries changes, configurations
ES Linter configuration checks for following topics
We know: sometimes a console.log is needed on the server. Therefore it is on a warning
level as a reminder.
- smartive eslint-config
- import rules sorting
- prettier rules
- no consoles
- react-hook rules
npm run lint
npm run lint --fix
npm run dep-cruise:validate
prepare your local '.env-file' with your credentials (for the moment)
start the test runner with
npx playwright test
or with ui:
npx playwright test --ui
reports are available
npx playwright show-report
npm run prettier --check
npm run prettier:fix
npm run build
and start locally built with
npm run start
API routes can be accessed on. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/auth
The pages/api
directory is mapped to /api/*
. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.
Building image and deploy it to Google Cloud Installation
Install Docker and Docker CLI on your system
create gcloud with service account 'xxx-account' for deployment
gcloud iam service-accounts create "xxx-account" \\n --project "project-xxx"
gcloud components update
gcloud services enable \\n --project "${PROJECT_ID}"
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools create "xxx-pool" \\n --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --location="global" \\n --display-name="xxx-pool"
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools describe "xxx-pool" \\n --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --location="global" \\n --format="value(name)"
export WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_POOL_ID="projects/654053669202/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/xxx-pool"
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers create-oidc "xxx-provider" \\n --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --location="global" \\n --workload-identity-pool="xxx-pool" \\n --display-name="CAS_FEE_23_Provider" \\n --attribute-mapping="google.subject=assertion.sub,,attribute.repository=assertion.repository" \\n --issuer-uri=""
export REPO="smartive-education/app-pizza-hawaii"
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "xxx-account@${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" \\n --member="principalSet://${WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_POOL_ID}/attribute.repository/${REPO}"
gcloud iam workload-identity-pools providers describe "xxx-provider" \\n --project="${PROJECT_ID}" \\n --location="global" \\n --workload-identity-pool="xxx-pool" \\n --format="value(name)"
- Build a Docker image with the following command.
Note: if you want to build it locally first, the switch --platform linux/amd64
is necessary if you work on a Mac silicon M1/M2 processor architecture.
We will deploy on a amd linux architecture, this ensures compatibility.
docker build -t --build-arg NPM_TOKEN=<NPM_TOKEN> --platform linux/amd64 .
- Manually upload your Docker container to Google Cloud
docker push
- Manually deploy in the Cloud Run console
install terraForm on your system and on command line
A Docker-build should be in place.
Create a Bucket for Terraform State
- navigate in Google Console to
Cloud Storage
- create a 'Bucket' for the tf-state.
init the project with
terraform init
for confidential environment variables considered we use the Google Cloud Secret Manager
We can add there secret variables and then we can use it without having them in the deploy script.
we have to enable the import theses secrets by using this command:
terraform import google_secret_manager_secret.default ZITADEL_CLIENT_ID
Then we add the following code to terraForm configuration
data "google_secret_manager_secret_version" "nextauth_secret" {
provider = google
secret = "nextauth_secret"
version = "1"
we describe our Project, define local variables, Data source and Terraform State location (Bucket at cloud). This file will be executed first.
The file '' defines the deploy process for in Google Cloud run. Here we define:
- the role-management of cloud runner process
- resources to be applied for the virtual server
- non-confident env-variables
- secret handling vor confident variables
- Ports and Protocols
- deployment settings
All important Sections are documented within the Terraform files
in the /terraform
terraform plan
terraform validate
if the workflow succeeded until here then we can apply the the changes with the switch -auto-approve
terraform apply -auto-approve
if the the deploy process is successful we have a newly built App Pizza Hawaii Mumble serving with CloudRun Service at:
We have a CI/CD Pipeline in place. The pipeline is triggered by a push to the main branch or by a pull request.
The pipeline is defined in the file .github/workflows/main.yml
We have the following steps in place:
- Code Quality
- Unit Tests
- Build Docker Image on GitHub
- Run E2E Tests and Web Vitals
- Push Docker Image to Google Cloud
- Deploy to Google Cloud Run
- Run E2E Tests on live App
The pipeline is defined in the file .github/workflows/pull-request.yml
We have the following steps in place:
- Code Quality
- Unit Tests
- Build Docker Image on GitHub
- Run E2E Tests and Web Vitals
To ensure Quality of deployed Code when deploying, there are github actions running We check Linting of our files, correct styling, TypeScript compiler, and dependencies.
Dependency Cruiser
on every git commit push and on merge-requests.
The Unit-Test using the Test Framework Jest / React Test Library are located in tests/unit/tests/components
We focus on following Requirements or Features to consider a Unit Test meaningful:
- Datamanipulation in the Frontend
- Core Function
- Validation of Data
- Loading behavior
- Fallbacks
- Special Solutions
We test the following Components to ensure the functionality to work:
to run Unit Tests locally:
npm run test-unit
or a specific Test
npm run test-unit AccountFormTest.test.tsx
Docker Container will be built with Production Environment variables.
differs depending on the Workflow if the Build is for test (Vercel) or Production (CloudRun).
To ensure our Web metrics are meeting some standards and will not been ruined by implementing some new features, we check for the following metrics and Web Vital scores:
- First Contentful Paint
- Performance
- Accessibility
- Best Practices
- DOM size
- installable Manifest (PWA check)
- service Worker (PWA check)
These Tests run on the current Docker Container to be deployed. Have a look at the github action logs to see the exact location of the final reports. They are stored for 30 Days at a google storrage API (Example from 4.07.2023)
to run these Tests locally:
npx lhci autorun
To ensure basic functionality we test with several Browsers Workflows and User-Interaction of our Pizza-Hawaii Application. We use Playwright
Library for that. These Tests run on the current Docker Container to be deployed.
Following End-to-End tests are running:
- Register Form: Necessary Fields, Error Messages, Password validation.
- Standalone Post (no login required)
- Standalone Post Login
- Login Page: Login and Logout Procedure
- Posting a Mumble Entry, Like that Post, Unlike it, Delete exactly that Post again.
These tests will be be executed with the following Browsers: Firefox, Chromium & Mobile Chrome.
to run these Tests locally:
npm run test-end2end
with Graphical User Interface starting
npm run test-end2end:ui
The application uses the default settings of next-pwa lib, which provides the following main features:
- caching static assets
- install on native device (add-to-Homescreen)
- offline fallback Page
note: PWA functionality is not running in development environment, if you want to test this locally
you have to build the next js app. and then run with npm start
The Pizza Hawaii App is open source software licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. Non Commercial use.