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OroCommerce 1.0.0 Release is Now Available

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@mbessolov mbessolov released this 18 Jan 02:57
· 2303 commits to master since this release

The Oro team is proud to announce the 1.0 release of OroCommerce, the only true B2B eCommerce platform!

The release announcement is available in our blog. The full list of OroCommerce features and OroCommerce Enteprise and Community edition comparison can be found at our website.

Please follow these instructions to install the application or try the OroCommerce public demo.

Please note, that if you are upgrading from an earlier Beta release you have to upgrade to the RC 1 version first, then download the 1.0.0 release and run php app/console oro:platform:upgrade20 command.

As always, we would love to get feedback along the way through either GitHub, email, or the OroCommerce forum.

Join our community and become a part of the B2B e-Commerce revolution!