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MOOC platform: Microservices

To deploy application on your host, go to k8s folder and do comands for files there like (account-service example):

kubectl create -f account-config.yaml,account-service.yaml,postgresqldb-deployment.yaml, \

Also, you should specify your folder for database mountPath in postgres-deployment.yaml files.

To check if it works correctly, please execute this command in terminal to forward port from mediator pod (ports are same, name of pod you should get by command "kubectl get pods")

kubectl port-forward mediator-79dcd7b49f-4lr7j 8080:8080 10000:10000

Also, port forward RabbitMQ pod to your localhost:

kubectl port-forward rabbitmq-5488d756f4-5ls5s 5672:5672 15672:15672 

Then, start the client application, and it will run correctly.


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