Restful Cappuccino is an easy way to access Ruby on Rails RESTful Web Services. This project uses code/ideas from two existing projects CappuccinoResource and CPActiveRecord and add more functionality to make it even more easy and flexible to use.
I am planning on add an installer but for now it can be downloaded manually to your Frameworks folder. In my case I create a subfolder called RestfulCappuccino and copy the files to it.
Once you have your files in place (I am assuming you put them into Frameworks/RestfulCappuccino) you can import it to your models like this:
@import <RestfulCappuccino/RestfulCappuccino.j>
@import <RestfulCappuccino/RestfulCappuccino.j>
@implementation Student : RestfulCappuccino
CPString firstName @accessors;
CPString lastName @accessors;
// You do not ned to do this if you are using your model just to retrieve data from the server.
- (JSObject)attributes
return {
"student": {
// At this moment Restful cappuccino does not do a very job with pluralization it just add an 's' at the end.
// If your class need a different resource path update this class method.
+ (CPURL)resourcePath
return [CPURL URLWithString:@"/" + [self railsName] + @"s"];
This is a basic declaration of a RestfulCappuccino class. A simple Cappuccino class inheriting from RestfulCappuccino. With this simple class you could retrieve any data from the server side Synchronously or Asynchronously. Check the following examples:
Restful Cappuccino generate notifications for every single CRUD method either synchronous or asynchronous. Let me explain what information you can get from the notifications. The RestfulCappuccinoNotification object is used to pass important notification information. Let's start by showing you the definition for this class:
@implementation RestfulCappuccinoNotification : CPObject
id requestor @accessors; // Who request the method.
CPString modelName @accessors; // The model that requested the method, in our example this would "Student"
CPString eventType @accessors; // Type of the event: Load, Save, Update, Remove is mostly for internal use.
id eventParameters @accessors; // The parameters passed to the request (only used in Read operations)
id eventData @accessors; // Some data realated to the method's call. It vary depending on the method.
There are two ways to subscribe to a notification.
1- Using the addObserver static method.
[Student addObserver:self];
2- Or subscribing to the notification directly:
[[CPNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:anObserver selector:@selector(resourceWillLoad:) name:CappuccinoRestfulResourceWillLoad object:self]
Once you are subscribe to the notification, you could retrieve the RestfulCappuccinoNotification instance like this:
[[aNotification object] restfulNotification] // This call will return the RestfulCappuccinoNotification object for that notification
These are the notification that will be generated by RestfulCappuccino:
var student = [Student new:{firstName: "Steven", lastName: "Something"}]; // This method create a local instance it does not make a call to the server
var studemt = [Student create:{first_name:"Steven", last_name: "Somthing"}];
var studemt = [Student create:{first_name:"Steven", last_name: "Somthing"} andRequestor:self];
[Student createAsync:{first_name:"Steven", last_name: "Somthing"}];
[Student createAsyncWithParameters:{first_name:"Steven", last_name: "Somthing"} andRequestor:self];
var students = [Student all];
var students = [Student allWithRequestor:self];
var students = [Student findWithParameters:{first_name: "Steven"}];
var students = [Student findWithParameters:{first_name: "Steven"} andRequestor:self];
[Student allAsync];
[Student allAsyncWithRequestor:self];
[Student findAsyncWithParameters:{first_name: "Steven"}];
[Student findAsyncWithParameters:{first_name: "Steve"} andRequestor:self];
var succesfullySaved = [student save]; // student should be an instance of RestfulCappuccino
var succesfullySaved = [student saveWithRequestor:self];
[student saveAsync];
[student saveAsyncWithRequestor:self];
var succesfullyRemoved = [student destroy]; // student should be an instance of RestfulCappuccino
var succesfullyRemoved = [student destroyWithRequestor:self];
[student destroyAsync];
[student destroyAsyncWithRequestor:self];
I create a simple rail task in order to help me creating the Cappuccino classes. If you are as lazy as I am you will
find it useful :-)
Check the file capp.rake.