IContent is a library that allows you to generically load content into a Composable from a specific data model. The IContent components have been created based on the needs of the Inmersoft Development Group to be used in their line of Interactive Digital Guides... but they can be used perfectly in other projects. Components can be used separately or by calling the parent component IContent so that a predefined data model is passed as parameters. In the components that support HTML, the possibility of accessing the links found in the text is included.
Texts with HTML format (Allows navigation through links included in the text)
Images in carousel
Panoramic Images (360*)
Add Jitpack in the repository configuration
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add in project dependencies
implementation 'com.github.orlandev:icontent:1.3.1'
Inmersoft Guides: This library is being used in the projects they belong to to the line of "Digital Interactive Guides" belonging to the Inmersoft Development Group.
- Descubre Trinidad ( Inmersoft ) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inmersoft.descubretrinidad
- Cementerio Santa Ifigenia (Santiago de Cuba) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inmersoft.santaifigenialite