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COSC202 Project: A Non-Destructive Image Editor

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Team Vista's Andie

Contributors: Liam Hayward, Jacob Myron, Josiah Astwood, Orion Soti, Tyler Birkett

Icons by Icons8 and FlatIcon

Getting Started:

To get started navigate to the file menu and open the image you wish to edit.
There are many ways to edit your image from changing colour values, applying filters and transforming your image. These can be found in the corresponding menus, descriptions of each action can be found in the features section.
You can undo and redo any action you've made using the edit menu and adjust the view of your image in the view menu. You could also use the added button shortcuts for the view menu to zoom in, zoom out and reset zoom. (Note! view actions do not alter the image, only the way it is displayed within the application). Supported File Types Include: PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF


File Menu

Save(Ctrl+S), SaveAs(Ctrl+Shift+S), Open(Ctr+O), Export(Ctrl+Shift+E), Language(Ctrl+Shift+L)

Edit Menu

Undo(Ctrl+Z), Redo(Ctrl+Y)

View Menu

ZoomIn(Ctrl + =), ZoomOut(Ctrl + -), ZoomFull(Ctrl + Shift + 1)

Filter Menu

Sharpen Filter(Ctrl + 0), Mean Filter(Ctrl +1 ), Gaussian Blur Filter(Ctrl + 2), Median Filter(Ctrl + 3), Emboss Filter(Ctrl + 4), Sobel Filter(Ctrl + 5), Matrix Filter(Ctrl + 6), Pixelate Filter(Ctrl + 7), Acid Filter(Ctrl + 8)

Colour Menu

Greyscale (Ctrl + G), Contrast Adjust(Ctrl + Shift + B), Brightness Adjust(Ctrl + B)

Transform Menu

Resize (Ctrl + Shift + R), Rotate Left (Ctrl + E), Rotate Right (Ctrl + R), Flip Vertical(Ctrl + V), Flip Horizontal(Ctrl + H), Crop (Ctrl + Shift + C), Draw (Ctrl + Shift + D)

Macro Menu

Macro Start(Ctrl + M), Macro Load(Ctrl + Shift + M), Preset1 (Ctrl + F1), Preset2 (Ctrl + F2)

Part 1 Features

Sharpen Filter

Description: Adjusts the sharpness of the image

Contributors: Orion Soti

Acccessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested with other filter and colour changes

Errors: No known errors

Gaussian Blur Filter

Description: Blurs high frequency areas of the image

Contributors: Orion Soti

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested it along with other image operations

Errors: No known errors

Median Filter

Description: Replaces each pixel with the median value of pixels in a surrounding area.

Contributors: Jacob Myron

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested applying multiple instances of the Median filter as well as testing it alongside other filters and actions.

Errors: No known errors.

Brightness & Contrast Adjustment

Description: Adjusts the contrast or brightness of the current image.

Contributors: Liam Hayward & Josiah Astwood

Accessed via: Colour Menu

Testing: Testing involved making various adjustments to contrast and brightness, checking that operations are saved, and adding/testing sliders to limit user input.

Errors: No known errors

Multilingual Support

Description: Allows the changing of language, supports English, Spanish, Maori and Pirate. IT will update in real time.

Contributors: Tyler Birkett

Accessed via: File Menu/Language Settings

Testing: Testing was completed using JUnit Test for the majority and Refer to the PDF of Testing for GUI Testing

Errors: No known errors


Description: Click on Resize to open a pop up menu which asks for inputs for scale, width, and height. You can use the spinner or enter values manually by keyboard

Contributors: Orion Soti

Accessed via: Transform Menu

Testing: Tested it with large values for scale, width, and height values. Also tested it along with other image operations

Errors: No known errors


Description: Rotates the image in 90 degree increments to the left or right

Contributors: Jacob Myron

Accessed via: Transform menu

Testing: Tested rotating the image both before and after applying a mixture of filters, colours and transform effects. Orientation remains the same after export and saving.

Errors: No known errors


Description: Under the Transform menu, there are two options for flipping the image. One is to flip the image horizontally, and the other is to flip the image vertically

Contributors: Orion Soti

Accessed via: Transform Menu

Testing: Tested it along with other image operations

Errors: No known errors

Image Export

Description: Alows users to export a copy of the current edited image.

Contributors: Liam Hayward

Accessed via: File Menu or HotKey: CTRL + SHIFT + E.

Testing: Tested image types: png, jpg, jpeg, gif all are working. Also set up a check to stop users saving incorrect file types.

Errors: No known errors.

Error Handling

Contributors Jacob Myron, Liam Hayward, Orion Soti, Josiah Astoowd, Tyler Birkett

Testing Known errors purposefully triggered after implementing a fix to ensure the desired outcome.

Errors No known errors.


Description: Testing was done with a combination of some JUnit Testing and Alot of Manual Testing. Please Refer to the Testing documentation PDF.

Contributors: Tyler Birkett

Accessed via: AndieProject/andie/AndieTestingDocumentation.pdf

*Code Refactoring/additions: Any changes to the original methods/classes/skeleton of the program are documented in the Testing doumentation PDF.

Part 2 Features

Covolution-based Filters Update

Mean Filter

Description: Replaces each pixel with the mean value of pixels in a surrounding area. Updated to use a newly implemented convolution method to handle the dark edges of the image when using a high radius.

Contributors: Jacob Myron, Liam Hayward, Tyler Birkett, Orion Soti

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested applying multiple instances of the Mean filter as well as testing it alongside other filters and actions. Tested with various radius values in range with images of various sizes.

Errors: No known errors.

Gaussian Blur Filter

Description: Blurs high frequency areas of the image. Updated to use a newly implemented convolution method to handle the dark edges of the image when using a high radius.

Contributors: Orion Soti, Tyler Birkett, Jacob Myron, Liam Hayward

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested applying multiple instances of the Gaussian Blur filter as well as testing it alongside other filters and actions. Tested on images of various sizes and with various radius values in range.

Errors: No known errors.

Edge Detection Filters

Emboss Filter

Description: Creates the effect of an image being pressed into, with the edges being highlighted. There are eight options for this filter to detect the edges at various angles. This is made possible using the newly implemented convolution operator.

Contributors: Jacob Myron, Tyler Birkett, Liam Hayward, Orion Soti

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested alongside other filters and actions.

Sobel Filter

Description: Creates the effect of an image being pressed into, with the edges being highlighted. There are two options for this filter, one is to detect the edges horizontally, and the other is to detect the edges vertically. This is made possible using the newly implemented convolution operator.

Contributors: Orion Soti, Tyler Birkett, Jacob Myron, Liam Hayward

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested both horizontal and vertical edge detection on images of various sizes. Tested alongside other filters and actions.

Errors: No known errors.

Mouse-based Selection Tools


Description: Allows the user to select a rectangular area of the image to crop. The user can click and drag to select the area, and release the mouse to crop the image. The user can also cancel the crop by pressing the escape key.

Contributors: Orion Soti, Liam Hayward

Accessed via: Transform Menu & Toolbar

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested with zoomed images. Crop returns an alert message when you try to start a selection outside image bounds.

Errors: No known errors.


Description: Allows the user to draw on the image. The user can select a colour from the colour picker, the line thickness of the shape outline, and an option for the shape to be filled. You click and drag to draw on the image. The user can also cancel the drawing by pressing the escape key.

Contributors: Liam Hayward, Orion Soti

Accessed via: Transform Menu & Toolbar

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested with zoomed images. Draw returns an alert message when you try to start a selection outside image bounds.

Errors: No known errors



Description: Allows the user to record macros, save them, load them from a file and the user can choose to assign two preset filters for easy access from the menu or toolbar.

Contributors: Tyler Birkett

Accessed via: Macro Menu

Testing: Tested on all fuctions in the colour, transform and filter menus, tested lockout feature to make sure unintended opperations cannot be preformed

Errors: No known errors.

Real-Time Previewing

Description Allows the user to preview certain filters and actions before they are applied.

Contributors Jacob Myron, Tyler Birkett

Accessed Via Filter Actions: Guassian Filter, Mean Filter, Median Filter. Colour Actions: Contrast, Brightness.

Testing Was running into errors where the filter would be continuously applied (e.g. sliding the mean filter from 1 to 2 would apply the meanFilter(2) over the meanFilter(1)). Implemented a janky fix where it would undo before applying the next preview, this caused issues with the macro recording. I implemented a new fix where it would revert to the original image and not add the imageOperation to the ops list until after ok was pressed. This fix did not work with the colour actions after rigorous experimentation, colour actions kept the jank undo fix however they would then be popped from the stack alongside the macroStack if the macro recording was enabled.


Description Adds a tool bar of frequently used and helpful actions.

Contributors Jacob Myron

Accessed Via Just under the menuBar.

Testing No known errors.

Show Us Something

Matrix Filter

Description: Enter the matrix with this filter. Creates an effect similar to the one seen in the Matrix movies. This is made possible using the edge detection filters to grab the edges of the image, and then mapping the edges to a grid of characters.

Contributors: Orion Soti

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested alongside other filters and actions.

Errors: Not much of an error, but depending on the resolution of the image, the characters may appear smaller than expected.

Pixelate Filter

Description: Creates a pixelated effect on the image.

Contributors: Tyler Birkett, Jacob Myron, Liam Hayward, Orion Soti

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested alongside other filters and actions.

Errors: No known errors.

Acid Filter

Description: Creates a acid effect on the image.

Contributors: Tyler Birkett

Accessed via: Filter Menu

Testing: Tested on images of various sizes. Tested alongside other filters and actions.

Errors: No known errors.


Please navigate to the Andie Project Testing Documentation in contained in the Andie folder for extensive testing of GUI any code refactoring and Testing with outside sources (Flatmates) for feedback and suggestions. Testing Document Completed by: Tyler Birkett JUnit Testing for Part 1 Completed by: Tyler Birkett JUnit Testing for Part 2 Completed by: Liam Hayward


COSC202 Project: A Non-Destructive Image Editor






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