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thrift_x64-linux 0.19.0-vcpkg71560bd5d52318ab335c7bb967b6bd0308c095b6dadf3782912a28f5e2ab2ea9

Install from the command line:
Learn more about NuGet packages
$ dotnet add package thrift_x64-linux --version 0.19.0-vcpkg71560bd5d52318ab335c7bb967b6bd0308c095b6dadf3782912a28f5e2ab2ea9

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

Apache Thrift is a software project spanning a variety of programming languages and use cases. Our goal is to make reliable, performant communication and data serialization across languages as efficient and seamless as possible.

Version: 0.19.0 Triplet: x64-linux CXX Compiler id: GNU CXX Compiler version: 10.3.1 Triplet/Compiler hash: 3600011444071beb27b81ff82b3c866e3d4054636e3011609deb313d2baf57fd-7300d6fc76582335b0d9fd6dc6a00f69d7ba728b9d6444ad2a9d42f054e1d991-6412c9187daf57acbd3ee58de315ff9e91d42afb Features: core Dependencies: boost-date-time boost-locale boost-range boost-scope-exit boost-smart-ptr libevent openssl vcpkg-cmake vcpkg-cmake-config zlib