auto-api-javascript 1.6.0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @highmobility/auto-api-javascript@1.6.0
Install via package.json:
"@highmobility/auto-api-javascript": "1.6.0"
About this version
AutoAPI for JavaScript/TypeScript - the parsing library for the Auto API vehicle data model
This library aims to provide a low-level access for building and decoding Auto API commands/data structures from/to binary/JSON. Both CommonJS and ES builds are included in this package.
npm install @highmobility/auto-api-javascript --save
import { Command, CommandType } from '@highmobility/auto-api-javascript';
import { Race } from '@highmobility/auto-api-javascript/lib/capabilities';
// Request Race state properties
const request = new Command(CommandType.Get, new Race()).encode();
// Parse command with type hinting
const command = Command.parse<Race>(request);
// Add property
if (command.type === CommandType.Get) {
const { capability } = command;
if (!capability.hasProperty(Race.Properties.GearMode)) {
.createProperty(Race.Properties.GearMode, 'reverse')
.createComponent('timestamp', new Date());
// Encode response
const response = command.setType(CommandType.Set).encode();
import { Command, CommandType } from '@highmobility/auto-api-javascript';
import { Capabilities, Doors, Ignition, MultiCommand } from '@highmobility/auto-api-javascript/lib/capabilities';
const multiCommand = new Command(CommandType.Set, new MultiCommand());
// Command A
const setCapabilitiesWebhooksCommand = new Command(CommandType.Set, new Capabilities());
setCapabilitiesWebhooksCommand.capability.createProperty(Capabilities.Properties.Webhooks, {
available: 'available',
event: 'trip_started',
// Command B
const doors = new Doors();
doors.createProperty(Doors.Properties.Locks, {
location: 'front_right',
lock_state: 'locked',
const setDoorLocksCommand = new Command(CommandType.Set, doors);
// Command C
const setIgnitionStatusCommand = new Command(CommandType.Set, new Ignition());
setIgnitionStatusCommand.capability.createProperty(Ignition.Properties.Status, 'off');
// Set multi-command properties by encoding (sub)commands
[setCapabilitiesWebhooksCommand, setDoorLocksCommand, setIgnitionStatusCommand].forEach((command) =>
multiCommand.capability.createProperty(MultiCommand.Properties.MultiCommands, command.encode()),
// Get JSON representation of multi-command
const multiCommandAsJSON = JSON.stringify(multiCommand);
// Encode multi-command
const multiCommandEncoded = multiCommand.encode();
// Parsing binary encoded command as JSON must yield the same result
multiCommandAsJSON === JSON.stringify(Command.parse(multiCommandEncoded)),
import { CapabilityFactory, Configuration } from '@highmobility/auto-api-javascript';
// Create capability states from Auto API examples
const capabilities = Configuration.getConfiguration().capabilities;
const state = Object.entries(capabilities).reduce((state, [name, { properties }]) => {
const capability = CapabilityFactory.createFromName(name);
for (const { name: propertyName } of Object.values(properties)) {
capability.createPropertiesFromExamples(propertyName as any);
return {
[name]: capability.toJSON(),
}, {});
console.log(JSON.stringify(state, null, 2));