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paste-markdown / 1.3.3

paste-markdown 1.3.3

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @github/paste-markdown@1.3.3
Install via package.json:
"@github/paste-markdown": "1.3.3"

About this version

Paste Markdown objects

  • Paste spreadsheet cells and HTML tables as a Markdown tables.
  • Paste URLs on selected text as Markdown links.
  • Paste text containing links as text containing Markdown links.
  • Paste image URLs as Markdown image links.
  • Paste markdown as markdown. See @github/quote-selection/Preserving markdown syntax for details.


$ npm install @github/paste-markdown


import {subscribe} from '@github/paste-markdown'

// Subscribe the behavior to the textarea.

Using a library like selector-observer, the behavior can automatically be applied to any element matching a selector.

import {observe} from 'selector-observer'
import {subscribe} from '@github/paste-markdown'

// Subscribe the behavior to all matching textareas.
observe('textarea[data-paste-markdown]', {subscribe})

Excluding <table>s

Some <table>s are not meant to be pasted as markdown; for example, a file content table with line numbers in a column. Use data-paste-markdown-skip to prevent it.

<table data-paste-markdown-skip>


npm install
npm test


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.



  • paste-markdown-1.3.3.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 10,065
  • Last 30 days 0
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