Translating text as never been so easy.
npm install @oratek/i18n-file-translator
git clone
# as simple as that
npm install
node index.js -i "path/to/myfile.json" -o 'path/to/destfile.json' -l 'EN' -e 'google' -k 'API_KEY'
JSON input file-o
JSON output file-l
Destination lang-e
Translation engine (google or deepl)-k
API Key (please sea respective documentation for each engine to retrieve the API KEY)
DeepL should detect the input lang by himself :-)
You may reach the api rate limit if your are translating large file, when you see the code 429
you should wait a bit before tranlating again (you api may be blacklisted).
Contributions are welcome, fork the project play with it and make a pull request