🛠 Font:Reduced Font size in the precation page for proper UX (1c65112 )
⚠Precautions: Changed the panels to inset (983221e )
⚠Precautions: The precations page is now populated with information (e40a43b )
🛠 SEO: dixed the SEO image link (7689429 )
🌐SEO: Meta tags to enhance SEO of the app (ccec435 )
📞 Helpline: Helpline contact information (58180ef )
🌃Theme: Button to switch between Dark mode and light mode (8697e15 )
⛑Helpline:Updated the helpline page with contact info (b001c8d )
📖Stats: Colors for different data in the stats page (531120e )
📖Information: The informationpage is populated with general information (a5419ad )
🚀Stats: The stats page is now geeting the API data, (b498f23 )
🛠Typo: Website name typo in (fb7a272 )
📖Readme: Added the live website (e4c42ee )
❎Removal: Default favicon icon (af3ece7 )
🚀UI: Meta theme color (f0c8a89 )
ℹ Readme: Disclaimer about the type of app (1525336 )
🚀UI: Theme colors, new pages, removed unnecesary files basic landing page (548ef27 )
❎ Removal: Treeshaking for vuetify. The loader has a bug that that affects the bottom nav (a9ad316 )
Create LICENSE (e07067c )
Create (2d1a5c5 )
Update issue templates (09a97d8 )
🚀Initial Commit (8eb4936 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.