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Minor release 14 of June 2023

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@amc1999 amc1999 released this 14 Jun 07:46
· 524 commits to master since this release

Minor release 14 of June 2023

20230614 : v1.15.3

This is a minor release and you can skip it, unless any changes below are important for your model development.

Changes in that release:

  • c++ core: new option ascii_infinity to improve utf-8 support
  • c++ core: in Windows model projects always use BOM in CSV files to improve utf-8 support
  • c++ core: emit build error on attribute redeclaration
  • c++ core: improve range type and fix microdata issues by using non-zero based enum id
  • database: update Modgen compatibility views for range types
  • dbcopy: add model list option to display list of the models in database
  • UI and oms: allow to read single sub-value to improve UI performance
  • UI and oms: significant performance improvements, especially for model run delete
  • UI and oms: add page support display large amount of microdata
  • UI: implement page support output tables, parameters and microdata viewer
  • UI: initial version of microdata viewer
  • RedHat 7 special release version

New option ascii_infinity

OpenM++ uses Unicode ∞ in the enumerators of the lower and upper intervals of partitions. Unicode ∞ is written as a UTF-8 multibyte character in files exported from a model. This can interfere with ASCII-only downstream processing of model results. The new option

 options ascii_infinity = on | off;

can be used to tell the openM++ compiler to use ‘inf’ instead of Unicode ‘∞’ for partition endpoints.

This option is off by default.

Please note that existing parameter input csv files (used in model build or model run) may need to be modified if this option is turned on.

Thanks to Claude Nadeau for describing this issue and suggesting the remedy.

UI changes and microdata viewer

It is a typical situation to have a huge amount of microdata output rows. To avoid potential performance issues microdata UI viewer displays only a small "page" of rows and supports next, previous, first, last page navigation. Also similar UI changes applied to large parameters and output tables.

Please keep in mind microdata UI still under active development and current version published only as initial preview.

RedHat 7 release

There is a special release published for RedHat 7 Linux. Please use it on your own risk, openM++ team no longer support RedHat 7, it may not work as expected.

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