- A running OpenLDAP server or a server to run ldap-compose stack
- A running smtp service
- PROXY_HOST the fqdn/ip of proxy
- LDAP_URI the fqdn/ip of ldap server
- LDAP_USER_BASEDN the ldap searching base DN of your ldap server
- CI_INIT_ADMIN/CI_INIT_PASSWORD/CI_INIT_EMAIL administrator's uid/password/email for Gerrit and Jenkins which must be existed in your OpenLDAP server.
- VOLUME_DRIVER must be changed to "local" if rbd-docker-plugin is unavailable.
- Email section in env.config.
- Specify required variables in the env.config file.
- Specify Email section in env.config and set NOTIFY_ON_CHANGE=true for ldap-ssp.
- Specify RELAY_MYDOMAIN and RELAY_HOST in env.config for smtp-relay service.
- Run:
./ci.sh -f ldap-compose.yml up -d
- Access http://PROXY_HOST/lam/ and login with password specified in LDAP_PWD.
- Create or import the admin entry according to CI_INIT_ADMIN and CI_INIT_PASSWORD and CI_INIT_EMAIL.
- Run:
./ci.sh -f ldap-compose.yml exec smtp-relay /bin/sh
to get into the container. - Exec:
/saslpasswd.sh -u example.com -c admin
container. - Access http://PROXY_HOST/ssp/ and change the password whenever you want.
- Login to another server if ldap-compose has already started on current server. The ldap-compose and docker-compose can't start up on the same server by default because they both have a proxy that needs the 80 port.
- Specify required variables in the env.config file.
- Specify Email section in env.config
- Run:
./ci.sh -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- Access http://PROXY_HOST in your browser.
- Specify PROXY_NODE to the docker node name on your PROXY_HOST.
- Specify DOCKER_SWARM_URI to the URI of your swarm manager node.
Start up a smtp relay service( smtp-relay is included in the ldap-compose stack and needn't be started up seperately)
- Specify RELAY_MYDOMAIN and RELAY_HOST in env.config for smtp-relay service.
- Run:
./ci.sh -f ldap-compose.yml up -d smtp-relay
- Run:
./ci.sh -f ldap-compose.yml exec smtp-relay /bin/sh
to get into the container. - Exec:
/saslpasswd.sh -u example.com -c admin
container. - Specify Email section in env.config and set NOTIFY_ON_CHANGE=true for ldap-ssp.
- Run: ./ci.sh scale jenkins-agent=2
cd demo ./import-demo.sh