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tobiasgrosser committed Sep 7, 2024
2 parents 05a00f1 + 7432a6f commit 3312ee0
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Showing 16 changed files with 519 additions and 302 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Init/Data/BitVec/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1399,14 +1399,14 @@ theorem eq_msb_cons_truncate (x : BitVec (w+1)) : x = (cons x.msb (x.truncate w)
cases b
· simp
· rintro (_ | i)
<;> simp [Nat.add_mod, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_mul_div_right]
<;> simp [Nat.add_mod, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_mul_div_right, Nat.testBit_add_one]

theorem getLsbD_concat (x : BitVec w) (b : Bool) (i : Nat) :
(concat x b).getLsbD i = if i = 0 then b else x.getLsbD (i - 1) := by
simp only [concat, getLsbD, toNat_append, toNat_ofBool, Nat.testBit_or, Nat.shiftLeft_eq]
cases i
· simp [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt b.toNat_lt]
· simp [Nat.div_eq_of_lt b.toNat_lt]
· simp [Nat.div_eq_of_lt b.toNat_lt, Nat.testBit_add_one]

@[simp] theorem getLsbD_concat_zero : (concat x b).getLsbD 0 = b := by
simp [getLsbD_concat]
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/Fin/Lemmas.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ theorem mk_val (i : Fin n) : (⟨i, i.isLt⟩ : Fin n) = i := Fin.eta ..
@[simp] theorem val_ofNat' (a : Nat) (is_pos : n > 0) :
(Fin.ofNat' a is_pos).val = a % n := rfl

@[simp] theorem ofNat'_val_eq_self (x : Fin n) (h) : (Fin.ofNat' x h) = x := by
rw [val_ofNat', Nat.mod_eq_of_lt]
exact x.2

@[simp] theorem mod_val (a b : Fin n) : (a % b).val = a.val % b.val :=

Expand Down
202 changes: 158 additions & 44 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Attach.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,11 +55,14 @@ theorem pmap_eq_map (p : α → Prop) (f : α → β) (l : List α) (H) :
· rfl
· simp only [*, pmap, map]

theorem pmap_congr {p q : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {g : ∀ a, q a → β} (l : List α) {H₁ H₂}
theorem pmap_congr_left {p q : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {g : ∀ a, q a → β} (l : List α) {H₁ H₂}
(h : ∀ a ∈ l, ∀ (h₁ h₂), f a h₁ = g a h₂) : pmap f l H₁ = pmap g l H₂ := by
induction l with
| nil => rfl
| cons x l ih => rw [pmap, pmap, h _ (mem_cons_self _ _), ih fun a ha => h a (mem_cons_of_mem _ ha)]
| cons x l ih =>
rw [pmap, pmap, h _ (mem_cons_self _ _), ih fun a ha => h a (mem_cons_of_mem _ ha)]

@[deprecated pmap_congr_left (since := "2024-09-06")] abbrev pmap_congr := @pmap_congr_left

theorem map_pmap {p : α → Prop} (g : β → γ) (f : ∀ a, p a → β) (l H) :
map g (pmap f l H) = pmap (fun a h => g (f a h)) l H := by
Expand All @@ -73,16 +76,22 @@ theorem pmap_map {p : β → Prop} (g : ∀ b, p b → γ) (f : α → β) (l H)
· rfl
· simp only [*, pmap, map]

theorem attach_congr {l₁ l₂ : List α} (h : l₁ = l₂) :
l₁.attach = l₂ (fun x => ⟨x.1, h ▸ x.2⟩) := by
subst h

@[simp] theorem attach_cons (x : α) (xs : List α) :
(x :: xs).attach = ⟨x, mem_cons_self x xs⟩ :: fun ⟨y, h⟩ => ⟨y, mem_cons_of_mem x h⟩ := by
(x :: xs).attach =
⟨x, mem_cons_self x xs⟩ :: fun ⟨y, h⟩ => ⟨y, mem_cons_of_mem x h⟩ := by
simp only [attach, attachWith, pmap, map_pmap, cons.injEq, true_and]
apply pmap_congr
apply pmap_congr_left
intros a _ m' _

theorem pmap_eq_map_attach {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) (l H) :
pmap f l H = fun x => f x.1 (H _ x.2) := by
rw [attach, attachWith, map_pmap]; exact pmap_congr l fun _ _ _ _ => rfl
rw [attach, attachWith, map_pmap]; exact pmap_congr_left l fun _ _ _ _ => rfl

theorem attach_map_coe (l : List α) (f : α → β) :
( fun (i : {i // i ∈ l}) => f i) = f := by
Expand All @@ -95,11 +104,13 @@ theorem attach_map_val (l : List α) (f : α → β) : ( fun i => f
theorem attach_map_subtype_val (l : List α) : Subtype.val = l :=
(attach_map_coe _ _).trans (List.map_id _)

theorem countP_attach (l : List α) (p : α → Bool) : l.attach.countP (fun a : {x // x ∈ l} => p a) = l.countP p := by
theorem countP_attach (l : List α) (p : α → Bool) :
l.attach.countP (fun a : {x // x ∈ l} => p a) = l.countP p := by
simp only [← Function.comp_apply (g := Subtype.val), ← countP_map, attach_map_subtype_val]

theorem count_attach [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) (a : {x // x ∈ l}) : l.attach.count a = l.count ↑a :=
theorem count_attach [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) (a : {x // x ∈ l}) :
l.attach.count a = l.count ↑a :=
Eq.trans (countP_congr fun _ _ => by simp [Subtype.ext_iff]) <| countP_attach _ _

Expand All @@ -114,6 +125,11 @@ theorem mem_pmap {p : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {l H b} :
b ∈ pmap f l H ↔ ∃ (a : _) (h : a ∈ l), f a (H a h) = b := by
simp only [pmap_eq_map_attach, mem_map, mem_attach, true_and, Subtype.exists, eq_comm]

theorem mem_pmap_of_mem {p : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {l H} {a} (h : a ∈ l) :
f a (H a h) ∈ pmap f l H := by
rw [mem_pmap]
exact ⟨a, h, rfl⟩

theorem length_pmap {p : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {l H} : length (pmap f l H) = length l := by
induction l
Expand All @@ -125,17 +141,26 @@ theorem length_attach (L : List α) : L.attach.length = L.length :=

theorem pmap_eq_nil {p : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {l H} : pmap f l H = [] ↔ l = [] := by
theorem pmap_eq_nil_iff {p : α → Prop} {f : ∀ a, p a → β} {l H} : pmap f l H = [] ↔ l = [] := by
rw [← length_eq_zero, length_pmap, length_eq_zero]

theorem pmap_ne_nil {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) {xs : List α}
theorem pmap_ne_nil_iff {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) {xs : List α}
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) : xs.pmap f H ≠ [] ↔ xs ≠ [] := by

theorem attach_eq_nil {l : List α} : l.attach = [] ↔ l = [] :=
theorem attach_eq_nil_iff {l : List α} : l.attach = [] ↔ l = [] :=

theorem attach_ne_nil_iff {l : List α} : l.attach ≠ [] ↔ l ≠ [] :=
pmap_ne_nil_iff _ _

@[deprecated pmap_eq_nil_iff (since := "2024-09-06")] abbrev pmap_eq_nil := @pmap_eq_nil_iff
@[deprecated pmap_ne_nil_iff (since := "2024-09-06")] abbrev pmap_ne_nil := @pmap_ne_nil_iff
@[deprecated attach_eq_nil_iff (since := "2024-09-06")] abbrev attach_eq_nil := @attach_eq_nil_iff
@[deprecated attach_ne_nil_iff (since := "2024-09-06")] abbrev attach_ne_nil := @attach_ne_nil_iff

theorem getElem?_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) {l : List α} (h : ∀ a ∈ l, p a) (n : Nat) :
(pmap f l h)[n]? = Option.pmap f l[n]? fun x H => h x (getElem?_mem H) := by
induction l generalizing n with
Expand All @@ -157,6 +182,7 @@ theorem get?_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) {l : List α} (h :
simp only [get?_eq_getElem?]
simp [getElem?_pmap, h]

theorem getElem_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) {l : List α} (h : ∀ a ∈ l, p a) {n : Nat}
(hn : n < (pmap f l h).length) :
(pmap f l h)[n] =
Expand All @@ -179,8 +205,38 @@ theorem get_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) {l : List α} (h :
simp only [get_eq_getElem]
simp [getElem_pmap]

theorem getElem?_attach {xs : List α} {i : Nat} :
xs.attach[i]? = xs[i]?.pmap (fun _ a => getElem?_mem a) := by
induction xs generalizing i with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ih =>
rcases i with ⟨i⟩
· simp only [attach_cons, Option.pmap]
split <;> simp_all
· simp only [attach_cons, getElem?_cons_succ, getElem?_map, ih]
simp only [Option.pmap]
split <;> split <;> simp_all

theorem getElem_attach {xs : List α} {i : Nat} (h : i < xs.attach.length) :
xs.attach[i] = ⟨xs[i]'(by simpa using h), getElem_mem xs i (by simpa using h)⟩ := by
apply Option.some.inj
rw [← getElem?_eq_getElem]
rw [getElem?_attach]
simp only [Option.pmap]
split <;> rename_i h' _
· simp at h
simp at h'
exact Nat.lt_irrefl _ (Nat.lt_of_le_of_lt h' h)
· simp only [Option.some.injEq,]
apply Option.some.inj
rw [← getElem?_eq_getElem, h']

@[simp] theorem head?_pmap {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) : (xs.pmap f H).head? = xs.attach.head?.map fun ⟨a, m⟩ => f a (H a m) := by
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) :
(xs.pmap f H).head? = xs.attach.head?.map fun ⟨a, m⟩ => f a (H a m) := by
induction xs with
| nil => simp
| cons x xs ih =>
Expand All @@ -194,6 +250,66 @@ theorem get_pmap {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a, p a → β) {l : List α} (h :
| nil => simp at h
| cons x xs ih => simp [head_pmap, ih]

@[simp] theorem head?_attach (xs : List α) :
xs.attach.head? = xs.head?.pbind (fun a h => some ⟨a, mem_of_mem_head? h⟩) := by
cases xs <;> simp_all

theorem head_attach {xs : List α} (h) :
xs.attach.head h = ⟨xs.head (by simpa using h), head_mem (by simpa using h)⟩ := by
cases xs with
| nil => simp at h
| cons x xs => simp [head_attach, h]

theorem attach_map {l : List α} (f : α → β) :
( f).attach = (fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨f x, mem_map_of_mem f h⟩) := by
induction l <;> simp [*]

theorem attach_filterMap {l : List α} {f : α → Option β} :
(l.filterMap f).attach = l.attach.filterMap
fun ⟨x, h⟩ => (f x).pbind (fun b m => some ⟨b, mem_filterMap.mpr ⟨x, h, m⟩⟩) := by
induction l with
| nil => rfl
| cons x xs ih =>
simp only [filterMap_cons, attach_cons, ih, filterMap_map]
split <;> rename_i h
· simp only [Option.pbind_eq_none_iff, reduceCtorEq, Option.mem_def, exists_false,
or_false] at h
rw [attach_congr]
· simp only [h]
rw [ih]
simp only [map_filterMap, Option.map_pbind, Option.map_some']
· simp only [Option.pbind_eq_some_iff] at h
obtain ⟨a, h, w⟩ := h
simp only [Option.some.injEq] at w
subst w
simp only [Option.mem_def] at h
rw [attach_congr]
· simp only [h]
rw [attach_cons, map_cons, map_map, ih, map_filterMap]

theorem attach_filter {l : List α} (p : α → Bool) :
(l.filter p).attach = l.attach.filterMap
fun x => if w : p x.1 then some ⟨x.1, mem_filter.mpr ⟨x.2, w⟩⟩ else none := by
rw [attach_congr (congrFun (filterMap_eq_filter _).symm _), attach_filterMap, map_filterMap]
simp only [Option.guard]
split <;> simp

theorem pmap_pmap {p : α → Prop} {q : β → Prop} (g : ∀ a, p a → β) (f : ∀ b, q b → γ) (l H₁ H₂) :
pmap f (pmap g l H₁) H₂ =
pmap (α := { x // x ∈ l }) (fun a h => f (g a h) (H₂ (g a h) (mem_pmap_of_mem a.2))) l.attach
(fun a _ => H₁ a a.2) := by
simp [pmap_eq_map_attach, attach_map]

@[simp] theorem pmap_append {p : ι → Prop} (f : ∀ a : ι, p a → α) (l₁ l₂ : List ι)
(h : ∀ a ∈ l₁ ++ l₂, p a) :
(l₁ ++ l₂).pmap f h =
Expand All @@ -211,46 +327,51 @@ theorem pmap_append' {p : α → Prop} (f : ∀ a : α, p a → β) (l₁ l₂ :
l₁.pmap f h₁ ++ l₂.pmap f h₂ :=
pmap_append f l₁ l₂ _

@[simp] theorem pmap_reverse {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs.reverse → P a) : xs.reverse.pmap f H = (xs.pmap f (fun a h => H a (by simpa using h))).reverse := by
induction xs <;> simp_all

theorem reverse_pmap {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) : (xs.pmap f H).reverse = xs.reverse.pmap f (fun a h => H a (by simpa using h)) := by
rw [pmap_reverse]

@[simp] theorem attach_append (xs ys : List α) :
(xs ++ ys).attach = (fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, mem_append_of_mem_left ys h⟩) ++ fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, mem_append_of_mem_right xs h⟩ := by
simp only [attach, attachWith, pmap, map_pmap, pmap_append]
congr 1 <;>
exact pmap_congr _ fun _ _ _ _ => rfl
exact pmap_congr_left _ fun _ _ _ _ => rfl

@[simp] theorem attach_reverse (xs : List α) : xs.reverse.attach = fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, by simpa using h⟩ := by
@[simp] theorem pmap_reverse {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs.reverse → P a) :
xs.reverse.pmap f H = (xs.pmap f (fun a h => H a (by simpa using h))).reverse := by
induction xs <;> simp_all

theorem reverse_pmap {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) :
(xs.pmap f H).reverse = xs.reverse.pmap f (fun a h => H a (by simpa using h)) := by
rw [pmap_reverse]

@[simp] theorem attach_reverse (xs : List α) :
xs.reverse.attach = fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, by simpa using h⟩ := by
simp only [attach, attachWith, reverse_pmap, map_pmap]
apply pmap_congr
apply pmap_congr_left

theorem reverse_attach (xs : List α) : xs.attach.reverse = fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, by simpa using h⟩ := by
theorem reverse_attach (xs : List α) :
xs.attach.reverse = fun ⟨x, h⟩ => ⟨x, by simpa using h⟩ := by
simp only [attach, attachWith, reverse_pmap, map_pmap]
apply pmap_congr
apply pmap_congr_left

theorem getLast?_attach {xs : List α} :
xs.attach.getLast? = match h : xs.getLast? with | none => none | some a => some ⟨a, mem_of_getLast?_eq_some h⟩ := by
rw [getLast?_eq_head?_reverse, reverse_attach, head?_map]
split <;> rename_i h
· simp only [getLast?_eq_none_iff] at h
subst h
· obtain ⟨ys, rfl⟩ := getLast? h
xs.attach.getLast? = xs.getLast?.pbind fun a h => some ⟨a, mem_of_getLast?_eq_some h⟩ := by
rw [getLast?_eq_head?_reverse, reverse_attach, head?_map, head?_attach]

theorem getLast_attach {xs : List α} (h : xs.attach ≠ []) :
xs.attach.getLast h = ⟨xs.getLast (by simpa using h), getLast_mem (by simpa using h)⟩ := by
simp only [getLast_eq_head_reverse, reverse_attach, head_map, head_attach]

@[simp] theorem getLast?_pmap {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) : (xs.pmap f H).getLast? = xs.attach.getLast?.map fun ⟨a, m⟩ => f a (H a m) := by
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) :
(xs.pmap f H).getLast? = xs.attach.getLast?.map fun ⟨a, m⟩ => f a (H a m) := by
simp only [getLast?_eq_head?_reverse]
rw [reverse_pmap, reverse_attach, head?_map, pmap_eq_map_attach, head?_map]
simp only [Option.map_map]
Expand All @@ -259,14 +380,7 @@ theorem getLast?_attach {xs : List α} :
@[simp] theorem getLast_pmap {P : α → Prop} (f : (a : α) → P a → β) (xs : List α)
(H : ∀ (a : α), a ∈ xs → P a) (h : xs.pmap f H ≠ []) :
(xs.pmap f H).getLast h = f (xs.getLast (by simpa using h)) (H _ (getLast_mem _)) := by
simp only [getLast_eq_iff_getLast_eq_some, getLast?_pmap, Option.map_eq_some', Subtype.exists]
refine ⟨xs.getLast (by simpa using h), by simp, ?_⟩
simp only [getLast?_attach, and_true]
split <;> rename_i h'
· simp only [getLast?_eq_none_iff] at h'
subst h'
simp at h
· symm
simpa [getLast_eq_iff_getLast_eq_some]
simp only [getLast_eq_head_reverse]
simp only [reverse_pmap, head_pmap, head_reverse]

end List

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