Welcome to the overview page of the clinical decision support (CDS) apps that are built as openEHR archetypes and guidelines.
We've gathered all of the available applications in one place and organized them by medical specialty. Please note that the apps have been published for demonstration purposes only and should NOT be used to make medical decisions in their current state.
If you would like to test an app, simply click on "ENG" to access the English version, and "SWE" for the Swedish version. To view a detailed description of the app and its components, click on the application name.
- Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS) - (ENG)
- Villalta Score for Post-thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) - (ENG)
- Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS) - (ENG)
- Pediatric Trauma BIG Score - (ENG)
- MAGGIC Risk Calculator for Heart Failure - (ENG)
- Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE) Algorithm - (ENG)
- Patient Activity Scale II (PAS II) for RA - (ENG)
- BISAP Score for Pancreatitis Mortality - (ENG)
- NEXUS Chest Decision Instrument for Blunt Chest Trauma - (ENG)
- EVendo Score for Esophageal Varices - (ENG)
Select a medical specialty below to view the available apps.
CDS App Challenge 2020 Submissions
CDS App Challenge 2021 Submissions
CDS App Challenge 2023 Submissions
Aldrete score - (ENG)
El-Ganzouri Risk Index for Difficult Airway (EGRI) - (ENG)
Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Depth and Tidal Volume Calculator - (ENG)
Gupta Postoperative Respiratory Failure Risk - (ENG)
Intraoperative Fluid Dosing in Adult Patients - (ENG)
Local Anesthetic Dosing Calculator - (ENG)
Modified Aldrete Score - (ENG)
Modified Mallampati Classification - (ENG)
ABC-stroke score - (ENG)
ACC/AHA Heart Failure Staging - (ENG)
ACEF II Risk Score for Cardiac Surgery - (ENG)
Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry (ADHERE) Algorithm - (ENG)
ADAPT Protocol for Cardiac Event Risk - (ENG)
Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) For PAD Risk - (ENG)
Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score (ADD-RS) - (ENG)
ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) Risk Algorithm including Known ASCVD from AHA/ACC - (ENG)
ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) 2013 Risk Calculator from AHA/ACC - (ENG)
Brugada Criteria for Ventricular Tachycardia - (ENG)
CAHP (Cardiac Arrest Hospital Prognosis) Score - (ENG)
Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) Angina Grade - (ENG)
Canadian Syncope Risk Score - (ENG)
Caprini Score for Venous Thromboembolism (2005) - (ENG)
CART (Cardiac Arrest Risk Triage) Score - (ENG)
Cardiac Output (Fick’s Formula) - (ENG)
Cardiovascular Risk PROCAM Score - (ENG)
CHADS2 Score - (ENG)
Coronary Perfusion Pressure Calculator - (ENG)
Detsky Cardiac Risk Index - (ENG)
Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (DAPT) Score - (ENG)
Duke Criteria - (ENG)
Duke Treadmill Score - (ENG)
Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Score (EDACS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Score (EDACS-ADP) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Emergency Heart Failure Mortality Risk Grade (EHMRG) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Framingham CHD Risk Score - (ENG)
Framingham Heart Failure Diagnostic Criteria - (ENG)
Get With The Guidelines in Heart Failure Risk Score (GWTG-HF) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) - (ENG)/(SWE)
HEART Pathway for Early Discharge in Acute Chest Pain - (ENG)
H2FPEF Score for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction - ENG)
Hemorrhage After Thrombolysis (HAT) - (ENG)
History and Electrocardiogram-only Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (HE-MACS) - (ENG)
Gorlin Formula Calculator - (ENG)
IMPROVEDD Risk Score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) - (ENG)
Indian Takayasu Clinical Activity Score (ITAS2010) - (ENG)
Killip Classification for Heart Failure - (ENG)
MAGGIC Risk Calculator for Heart Failure - (ENG)
Modified SOAR Score for Stroke - (ENG)
Myocardial Performance Index (Tei Index) - (ENG)
New York Heart Association Functional Classification (NYHA) - (ENG)
ORBIT Bleeding Risk Score for Atrial Fibrillation - (ENG)
Ottawa Heart Failure Risk Scale (OHFRS) - (ENG)
Rapid Arterial oCclusion Evaluation Scale for Stroke (RACE) - (ENG)
READMITS Score for Readmissions in Acute MI - (ENG)
Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) - (ENG)
Reynolds Risk Score for Cardiovascular Risk in Women - (ENG)
SAVE (Survival after Veno-Arterial ECMO) Score - (ENG)
Simon Broome Diagnostic Criteria for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) - (ENG)
THRIVE Score for Stroke Outcome - (ENG)
TIMI Risk Score for UA and NSTEMI - (ENG)
TIMI Score for STEMI - (ENG)
Troponin-only Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes (T-MACS) Decision Aid - (ENG)
UKPDS Cardiac Risk Calculator - (ENG)
US (MEDPED) Diagnostic Criteria for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) - (ENG)
A1C Calculator - (ENG)
Colloid Osmotic Pressure Calculator - (ENG)
Free Water Deficit in Hypernatremia - (ENG)
Insulin Sensitivity QUICKI Calculator - (ENG)
Intracranial Hemorrhage From Thrombolytic Therapy Calculator - (ENG)
Serum Osmolality/Osmolarity - (ENG)
Sodium Correction Rate in Hyponatremia and Hypernatremia - (ENG)
Sodium Deficit in Hyponatremia - (ENG)
Steinhart Model for Acute Heart Failure (AHF) in Undifferentiated Dyspnea - (ENG)
Transtubular Potassium Gradient (TTKG) - (ENG)
Urine Anion Gap - (ENG)
Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) - (ENG)
SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) - (ENG)
Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) - (ENG)
Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS) for Inhalation Injury - (ENG)
ACEP ED COVID-19 Management Tool - (ENG)
ACTION ICU Score for Intensive Care in NSTEMI - (ENG)
Age-Adjusted D-dimer for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) - (ENG)
ALT-70 Score for Cellulitis - (ENG)
Appendicitis Inflammatory Response Score (AIR Score) - (ENG)/(SWE)
AWOL Score for Delirium - (ENG)
BISAP Score for Pancreatitis Mortality - (ENG)
Brescia-COVID Respiratory Severity Scale (BCRSS)/Algorithm - (ENG)
CEDOCS Score for Emergency Department Overcrowding - (ENG)
Cornell Assessment of Pediatric Delirium (CAPD) - (ENG)
Danger Assessment Tool for Domestic Abuse - (ENG)
EMTALA Emergency Medical Care - (ENG)
Estimated Ethanol (and Toxic Alcohol) Serum Concentration Based on Ingestion - (ENG)
FOUR (Full Outline of UnResponsiveness) Score - (ENG)
4-Level Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Probability Score (4PEPS) - (ENG)
GCS-Pupils Score - (ENG)
GO-FAR (Good Outcome Following Attempted Resuscitation) Score - (ENG)
High-dose Insulin Euglycemia Therapy (HIET) - (ENG)
IMPROVE Risk Score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) - (ENG)
mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnea Scale - (ENG)
Modified Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (mSOFA) Score - (ENG)
Modified Sgarbossa's Criteria for MI in Left Bundle Branch Block - (ENG)
NEDOCS Score for Emergency Department Overcrowding - (ENG)
Newsom Score for Non-traumatic Chest Pain - (ENG)
Oxygenation Index - (ENG)
Patient Safety Screener 3 (PSS-3) - (ENG)
Pediatric Asthma Severity Score (PASS) for Asthma Exacerbation Severity - (ENG)
Pediatric Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Size - (ENG)
Pediatric NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS) - (ENG)
PEDOCS Score for Pediatric Emergency Department Overcrowding - (ENG)
POMPE-C Tool for Pulmonary Embolism Mortality - (ENG)
Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) - (ENG)
Quick COVID-19 Severity Index (qCSI) - (ENG)
Quick Sepsis Related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Recognition of Stroke in the Emergency Room (ROSIER) Scale - (ENG)
Rapid emergency medicine score (REMS) - (ENG)
RIPASA Score for Acute Appendicitis - (ENG)
Risk Score for Asthma Exacerbation (RSE) - (ENG)
Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia (SCAP) Score - (ENG)
Sgarbossa's Criteria for MI in Left Bundle Branch Block - (ENG)
Shock Index - (ENG)
Simplified Acute Physiology Score-II (SAPS-II) - (ENG)
Simplified Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (sPESI) - (ENG)/(SWE)
SIRS, Sepsis, and Septic Shock Criteria - (ENG)
Wells Criteria for DVT (D-Dimer) - (ENG)
YEARS Algorithm for Pulmonary Embolism (PE) - (ENG)
5-year risk of cardiovascular disease for Type 1 Diabetes - (ENG)
5-year risk of cardiovascular disease for Type 2 Diabetes - (ENG)
American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator - (ENG)
Australian Type 2 Diabetes Risk (AUSDRISK) Assessment Tool - (ENG)
Basal Energy Expenditure - (ENG)
Burch-Wartofsky Point Scale (BWPS) for Thyrotoxicosis - (ENG)
Cambridge Diabetes Risk Score - (ENG)
FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score) - (ENG)
HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance) - (ENG)
Hypoglycemia Risk Score - (ENG)
Ideal Body Weight and Adjusted Body Weight - (ENG)
Insulin To Carb Ratio Calculator - (ENG)
PEDIS Score for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - (ENG)
Progesterone to Estrogen Ratio (Pg/E2) Calculator - (ENG)
ABIC Score for Alcoholic Hepatitis - (ENG)
Acute Pancreatitis Balthazar Score - (ENG)
AIMS65 Score for Upper GI Bleeding Mortality - (ENG)
AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) - (ENG)
ATLAS Score for Clostridium Difficile Infection - (ENG)
BARD Score for NAFLD Fibrosis - (ENG)
Bristol Stool Form Scale - (ENG)
Child Pugh Score for Cirrhosis Mortality - (ENG)
CLIF-C ACLF (Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure) - (ENG)
Clostridium Difficile Infection Calculator - (ENG)
Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) - (ENG)
DeMeester Score for GERD - (ENG)
EVendo Score for Esophageal Varices - (ENG)
Fatty Liver Index - (ENG)
Fecal Incontinence Severity Index (FISI) - (ENG)
Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) Index for Liver Fibrosis - (ENG)
Forrest Classification of Upper GI Bleeding - (ENG)
Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score - (ENG)
Glasgow Pancreatitis Score - (ENG)
Harmless Acute Pancreatitis Score (HAPS) - (ENG)
Harvey-Bradshaw Index for Crohn's Disease (HBI) - (ENG)
Hepatic encephalopathy grades - (ENG)
Immune-Related Adverse Events for GI Toxicity - Colitis - (ENG)
King's College Criteria for Acetaminophen Toxicity - (ENG)
Kruis Score for Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - (ENG)
Lille Model for Alcoholic Hepatitis - (ENG)
Liver Decompensation Risk after Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) - (ENG)
Los Angeles (LA) Grading of Esophagitis - (ENG)
Maddrey's Discriminant Function for Alcoholic Hepatitis - (ENG)
Mayo Score / Disease Activity Index (DAI) for Ulcerative Colitis - (ENG)
MELDNa/MELD-Na Score for Liver Cirrhosis - (ENG)
Milan Criteria for Liver Transplantation - (ENG)
Model For End-Stage Liver Disease Score (MELD) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Montreal Classification for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - (ENG)
Mumtaz Score for Readmission in Cirrhosis - (ENG)
NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) Activity Score - (ENG)
Oakland Score for Safe Discharge After Lower GI Bleed - (ENG
R Factor for Liver Injury - (ENG)
Reflux Symptoms Index - (ENG)
Revised Natural History Model for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis - (ENG)
Revised Original Score for Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) - (ENG)
Rockall Score for Upper GI Bleeding (Complete) - (ENG)
Rockall Score for Upper GI Bleeding (Pre-Endoscopy) - (ENG)
Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient (SAAG) - (ENG)
Simplified Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) Score - (ENG)
Spleen Injury Scale - (ENG)
Stool Osmolar/Osmotic Gap - (ENG)
Tokyo Guidelines for Acute Cholangitis 2018 - (ENG)
Tokyo Guidelines for Acute Cholecystitis 2018 - (ENG)
UK-PBC Risk Score - (ENG)
Wexner Score for Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS) - (ENG)
4A's Test for Delirium Screening - (ENG)
6 Minute Walk Distance - (ENG)
Abbreviated Mental Test 4 (AMT-4) - (ENG)
Braden Score for Pressure Ulcers - (ENG)
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Scale - (ENG)
Cumulative Illness Rating Scale-Geriatric (CIRS-G) - (ENG)
Elderly Mobility Scale (EMS) - (ENG)
Elixhauser Comorbidity Index - (ENG)
Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) - (ENG)
Falls Efficacy Scale-International (FES-I) - (ENG)
FRESH (Frail elderly support research group) screening for fragility - (ENG)/(SWE)
Geriatric risk profile - (ENG)
Modified Norton Scale (MNS) - (ENG)
Norton Score For Pressure Ulcer Risk - (ENG)
Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale (PAINAD) - (ENG)
Tinetti Balance Test - (ENG)
Absolute Reticulocyte Count & Reticulocyte Index - (ENG)
4Ts for Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (4Ts for HIT) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Absolute Eosinophil Count Calculator - (ENG)
Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) - (ENG)
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) - (ENG)
Albumin Globulin Ratio Calculator - (ENG)
Binet Staging System for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) - (ENG)
Blood Volume Calculation - (ENG)
Blood Type Calculator - (ENG)
Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia (CISNE) - (ENG)
Corrected Count Increment (CCI) for Platelet Transfusion - (ENG)
Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) Volume - (ENG)
Ganzoni Equation for Iron Deficiency Anemia - (ENG)
HIT Expert Probability (HEP) Score for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia - (ENG)
HScore for Reactive Hemophagocytic Syndrome - (ENG)
Intrauterine RBC Transfusion Dosage - (ENG)
Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) Calculator - (ENG)
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection - (ENG)
Plasma Dosage - (ENG)
PLASMIC Score for TTP - (ENG)
Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy (SIC) Score - (ENG)
Therapeutic Plasmapheresis Calculator - (ENG)
Transferrin Saturation Calculator - (ENG)
Villalta Score for Post-thrombotic Syndrome (PTS) - (ENG)
Apfel Score for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting - (ENG)
Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) - intubated patients - (ENG)
Cardiac Arrest Risk Triage Score (CART) - (ENG)
Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) - (ENG)
Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) - (ENG)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis Mortality Prediction Model (DKA MPM) Score - (ENG)
Geneva Risk Score for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis - (ENG)
Infusion Factors - (ENG)
Ireton Jones Equation Calculator - (ENG)
IV Drip Rate Calculator - (ENG)
Michigan Risk Score for PICC-Related Thrombosis - (ENG)
National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) - (ENG)
Nonverbal Pain Scale (NVPS) - (ENG)
Nutrition Risk in the Critically Ill (NUTRIC) Score - (ENG)
Nutrition Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002) - (ENG)
Rapid Shallow Breathing Index (RSBI) - (ENG)
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) - (ENG)
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) - (ENG)
Neonatal Partial Exchange for Polycythemia - (ENG)
Thompson Score for Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy (HIE) - (ENG)
AKIN Classification for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - (ENG)
Charlson Comorbidity Scoring System (CCI) - (ENG)
CKD Classification - (ENG)
CKD Prediction in HIV+ Patients - (ENG)
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Assessment - (ENG)
Kidney Failure Risk Calculator - (ENG)
Kinetic Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (keGFR) - (ENG)
Licurse Score for Renal Ultrasound - (ENG)
McMahon Score for Rhabdomyolysis - (ENG)
MDRD GFR Equation - (ENG)
Mehran Score for Post-PCI Contrast Nephropathy - (ENG)
RENAL Nephrometry Score - (ENG)
Revised Lund-Malmö eGFR - (ENG)
Revised Schwartz Equation for Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) (2009) - (ENG)
RIFLE Criteria for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - (ENG)
STONE Nephrolithometry Score for Renal Calculi - (ENG)
Urinary Protein Excretion Estimation - (ENG)
ABC/2 Formula for Intracerebral Hemorrhage Volume - (ENG)
Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) - (ENG)
ASTRAL Score for Ischemic Stroke - (ENG)
Bacterial Meningitis Score for Children - (ENG)
Barnes Jewish Hospital Stroke Dysphagia Screen - (ENG)
Barthel Index for Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - (ENG)
Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale - (ENG)
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure - (ENG)
CHALICE (Children's Head injury ALgorithm for the prediction of Important Clinical Events) Rule - (ENG)
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Severity Scale (CP-SSS) - (ENG)
Disease Steps for Multiple Sclerosis - (ENG)
Douleur Neuropathique 4 (DN4) - (ENG)
DRAGON Score for Post-TPA Stroke Outcome - (ENG)
EGSYS (Evaluation of Guidelines in SYncope Study) Score for Syncope - (ENG)
Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source (ESUS) Criteria - (ENG)
Fisher Grading Scale for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) - (ENG)
Functional Outcome in Patients With Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (FUNC) Score - (ENG)
HINTS for Stroke in Acute Vestibular Syndrome - (ENG)
Hunt & Hess Classification of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage - (ENG)
International Working Group (IWG) 2 Criteria for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis - (ENG)
Los Angeles Motor Scale (LAMS) - (ENG)
McDonald Criteria for Multiple Sclerosis (2017 Revision) - (ENG)
Modified Fatigue Impact Scale - shortened (MFIS-s) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Modified Fisher Scale for SAH - (ENG)
Modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale for Parkinson’s Disease - (ENG)
Modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (mNIHSS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Modified Rankin Scale for Neurologic Disability - (ENG)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - (ENG)
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
NINCDS-ADRDA Criteria for Alzheimer’s Disease - (ENG)
OESIL Score for Syncope - (ENG)
Ottawa Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) Rule for Headache Evaluation - (ENG)
Pittsburgh Response to Endovascular therapy (PRE) Score - (ENG)
RCVS₂ Score for Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome - (ENG)
Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS-R) - (ENG)
Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) Score - (ENG)
Rule of 7s for Lyme Meningitis - (ENG)
Secondary Intracerebral Hemorrhage (sICH) Score - (ENG)
SEDAN Score for Post-tPA Hemorrhage - (ENG)
STONE Score for Uncomplicated Ureteral Stone - (ENG)
Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Scale - (ENG)
Trunk Impairment Scale - (ENG)
Webster Rating Scale for Parkinson’s Disease - (ENG)
BWH Egg Freezing Counseling Tool (EFCT) - (ENG)
Fetal Biophysical Profile (BPP) Score - (ENG)
Maternal-Fetal Hemorrhage Rh(D) Immune Globulin Dosage - (ENG)
Pregnancy Due Dates - (ENG)
VBAC Risk Score for Successful Vaginal Delivery (VBAC) - (ENG)/(SWE)
ACR TI-RADS Calculator for Thyroid Nodules - (ENG)
Adrenal Nodule MRI Calculator - (ENG)
Adrenal Washout Calculator - (ENG)
ALBI (Albumin-Bilirubin) Grade for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) - (ENG)
Asymptomatic Myeloma Prognosis - (ENG)
Brain Metastasis Velocity (BMV) Model - (ENG)
Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS) Grading - (ENG)
D'Amico Risk Classification for Prostate Cancer - (ENG)
Duval/CIBMTR Score for Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) Survival - (ENG)
Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System for Myelofibrosis (DIPSS) - (ENG)
ECOG Zubrod Performance Status - (ENG)
EUTOS Score for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) - (ENG)
Febrile Neutropenia MASCC Score - ENG)
FIGO Staging for Ovarian Cancer (2014) - (ENG)
Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (FLIPI) - (ENG)
Fong Clinical Risk Score for Colorectal Cancer Recurrence - (ENG)
Fuhrman Nuclear Grade for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma - (ENG)/(SWE) -
GALAD Model for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) - (ENG)
Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS) for Cancer Outcomes - (ENG)
Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes Folliculaires (GELF) Criteria - (ENG)
Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation-specific Comorbidity Index (HCT-CI) - (ENG)
IMDC (International Metastatic RCC Database Consortium) Risk Model for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma - (ENG)
International Prognostic Index for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL-IPI) - (ENG)
International Prognostic Index for Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (IPI and R-IPI) - (ENG)
Karnofsky Performance Status Scale - (ENG)
Khorana Risk Score for Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer Patients - (ENG)
Mantle Cell Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (MIPI) - (ENG)
Modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS) for Cancer Outcomes - (ENG)
Mekhail Extension of the Motzer Score - (ENG)
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC/Motzer) Score for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) - (ENG)
Modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (mRECIST) - (ENG)
Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria - (ENG)
Multiple Myeloma International Staging System (ISS) - (ENG)
Multiple Myeloma Response Criteria - (ENG)
PREVAIL Model for Prostate Cancer Survival - (ENG)
Prognostic Index for Cancer Outcomes - (ENG)
Prostate Tumor Volume & Density - (ENG)
PSA Doubling Time (PSADT) Calculator - (ENG)
REACH-B Score for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) - (ENG)
Revised Multiple Myeloma International Staging System (R-ISS) - (ENG)
Radiation Biologically Effective Dose (BED) Calculator - (ENG)
Risk of Malignancy Index (RMI) for Ovarian Cancer - (ENG)
Sokal Index for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) - (ENG)
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule (SPN) Malignancy Risk Score - (ENG)
SSIGN Score for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma - (ENG)/(SWE)
UCLA Integrated Staging System (UISS) for Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) - (ENG)
Color Vision Screening (Ishihara Test) - (ENG)
Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) Calculator - (ENG)
Visual Acuity Testing (Snellen Chart) - (ENG)
Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score with CRP (ASDAS-CRP) - (ENG)
Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score with ESR (ASDAS-ESR) - (ENG)
ASAS Criteria for Axial Spondyloarthritis (SpA) - (ENG)
ASAS Criteria for Peripheral SpondyloArthritis (SpA) - (ENG)
Harris Hip Score - (ENG)
Open Fracture Gustilo Classification - (ENG)
Patient Activity Scale (PAS) for RA - (ENG)
Recurrent Instability of the Patella (RIP) Score - (ENG)
Shoulder Pain And Disability Index (SPADI) - (ENG)
Mirels’ Criteria for Prophylactic Fixation - (ENG)
Osteoporosis Index of Risk (OSIRIS) - (ENG)
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Instrument (ORAI) - (ENG)
Osteoporosis Self Assessment Tool for Women (OST) - (ENG)
Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation (SCORE) - (ENG)
Asthma Predictive Index (API) - (ENG)
Brief Resolved Unexplained Events (BRUE) Criteria for Infants - (ENG)
CATCH (Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head injury) Rule - (ENG)
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Kawasaki Disease Diagnostic Criteria - (ENG)
Modified Asthma Predictive Index (mAPI) - (ENG)
Paradise Criteria for Tonsillectomy in Children - (ENG)
PECARN Pediatric Intra-Abdominal Injury (IAI) Algorithm - (ENG)
PECARN Rule for Low Risk Febrile Infants 29-60 Days Old - (ENG)
Pediatric Appendicitis Risk Calculator (pARC) - (ENG)
Pediatric Appendicitis Score (PAS) - (ENG)
Pediatric Asthma Score (PAS) - (ENG)
Pediatric Crohn's Disease Activity Index (PCDAI) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS2) - (ENG)
Pediatric ins and outs - (ENG)
Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure (PRAM) for Asthma Exacerbation Severity - (ENG)
Pediatric SIRS2 - (ENG)
Pediatric SIRS, Sepsis, and Septic Shock Criteria - (ENG)
Pediatric Trauma Score (PTS) - (ENG)
Rochester Criteria for Febrile Infants - (ENG)
Rome IV Diagnostic Criteria for Infant Colic - (ENG)
Shock Index Pediatric Age-Adjusted (SIPA) - (ENG)
Step-by-Step Approach to Febrile Infants - (ENG)
Westley Croup Score - (ENG)
Withdrawal Assessment Tool (WAT-1) for Pediatric Withdrawal - (ENG)
Acetaminophen Overdose and NAC Dosing - (ENG)
Antivenom Dosing Algorithm - (ENG)
Atropine Dosing for Cholinesterase Inhibitor Toxicity - (ENG)
Benzodiazepine Conversion Calculator - (ENG)
Cryoprecipitate Dosing for Fibrinogen Replacement - (ENG)
DigiFab (Digibind) Dosing for Digoxin Poisoning - (ENG)
Fomepizole Dosing - (ENG)
HERDOO2 Rule for Discontinuing Anticoagulation in Unprovoked VTE - (ENG)
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Dosing Calculator - (ENG)
Insulin Dosage Calculator - (ENG)
Naloxone Drip Dosing - (ENG)
Phenytoin (Dilantin) Correction for Albumin / Renal Failure - (ENG)
tPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator) Dosing for Stroke Calculator - (ENG)
Vitamin-D Doses Range Recommendation - (ENG)
Warfarin Bleeding Risk Score - (ENG)
Warfarin Dosing Calculator - (ENG)
ASSIGN Score - (ENG)
Denver HIV Risk Score - (ENG)
DIRE Score for Opioid Treatment - (ENG)
Drug Resistance in Pneumonia (DRIP) Score - (ENG)
Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) - (ENG)
Dutch Lipid Clinic Network Criteria (DLCN) - (ENG)
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) - (ENG)
HIV Needle Stick Risk Assessment Stratification Protocol (RASP) - (ENG)
Immunization Schedule Calculator - (ENG)
Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) - (ENG)
Manning Criteria for IBS - (ENG)
Marburg Heart Score (MHS) - (ENG)
Morse Fall Scale - (ENG)
Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) - (ENG)
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) For Low Back Pain - (ENG)
Pack Years Calculator - (ENG)
Prediction of Alcohol Withdrawal Severity Scale - (ENG)
ROME IV for Constipation - (ENG)
ROME IV for Dyspepsia - (ENG)
Self-administered comorbidity questionnaire (SCQ) - (ENG)
Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI) - (ENG)
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 - 12 item version (WHODAS 2.0) - (ENG)/(SWE)
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 - full 36 item version (WHODAS 2.0) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT-10) - (ENG)
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Consumption (AUDIT-C) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for alcohol scale - revised (CIWA-Ar) - (ENG)
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS Screener) - (ENG)
Credibility and Expectancy Questionnaire (CEQ) - (ENG)
Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) - (ENG)
DSM-5 Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder - (ENG)
DSM-5 Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - (ENG)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Score (GAD-7) - (ENG)
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) - (ENG)
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) - (ENG)
Medical Outcomes Study - Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Metabolic Syndrome Criteria - (ENG)
Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale Self-rated (MADRS-S) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory - revised (OCI-r) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self-Rated (PDSS-SR) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomology (QIDS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale 14 (RAADS-14) - (ENG)/(SWE)
Stanford Sleepiness Scale - (ENG)
V-Risk (Violence-Risk) 10 - (ENG)
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) - (ENG)/(SWE)
A-a O₂ Gradient - (ENG)
A-a O₂ Gradient (simplified) - (ENG)
A-a O₂ Gradient (complex) - (ENG)
Altitude-Adjusted PERC Rule - (ENG)
BAP-65 Score for Acute Exacerbation of COPD - (ENG)
Berlin Criteria for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - (ENG)
Diffusing Capacity Of The Lungs For Carbon Monoxide (DLCO) Calculator - (ENG)
du Bois Score for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Mortality - (ENG)
BODE Index for COPD Survival - (ENG)
Bova Score for Pulmonary Embolism Complications - (ENG)
Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score (CPIS) for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) - (ENG)
COPD Assessment Test (CAT) - (ENG)
COVID-GRAM Critical Illness Risk Score - (ENG)
DECAF Score for Acute Exacerbation of COPD - (ENG)
Fleischner Society Guidelines for Incidental Pulmonary Nodules - (ENG)
Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Criteria for COPD - (ENG)
Gupta Postoperative Pneumonia Risk - (ENG)
Hestia Criteria for Outpatient Pulmonary Embolism Treatment - (ENG)
Horowitz Index for Lung Function (P/F Ratio) - (ENG)
LENT Prognostic Score for Malignant Pleural Effusion - (ENG)
Light's Criteria for Exudative Effusions - (ENG)
MuLBSTA Score for Viral Pneumonia Mortality - (ENG)
Murray Score for Acute Lung Injury - (ENG)
Ottawa COPD Risk Scale - (ENG)
PERC Rule for Pulmonary Embolism - (ENG)
Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) Risk Score - (ENG)
PSI/PORT Score - (ENG)
RADS (Radiologist’s Score) for Smoke Inhalation Injury - (ENG)
RAPID Score for Pleural Infection - (ENG)
Respiratory ECMO Survival Prediction (RESP) Score - (ENG)
REVEAL Registry Risk Score for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) - (ENG)
RIETE Score for Risk of Hemorrhage in Pulmonary Embolism Treatment - (ENG)
Static Lung Compliance (Cstat) Calculation - (ENG)
Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 (VACO) Index for COVID-19 Mortality - (ENG)
Acute Gout Diagnosis Rule - (ENG)
Age-Adjusted ESR/CRP for Rheumatoid Arthritis - (ENG)
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) - (ENG)
CASPAR Criteria for Psoriatic Arthritis - (ENG)
Jones Criteria for Acute Rheumatic Fever Diagnosis - (ENG)
Leiden Clinical Prediction Rule for Undifferentiated Arthritis - (ENG)
Patient Activity Scale II (PAS II) for RA - (ENG)
SLICC Criteria for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) 2012 - (ENG)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K) - (ENG)
ASA Physical Status/ASA Classification - (ENG)
Cardiac Anesthesia Risk Evaluation Score (CARE) - (ENG)
CholeS Score for Duration of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - (ENG)
LACE Index for Readmission - (ENG)
LRINEC Score for Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection - (ENG)
Maximum Allowable Blood Loss (ABL) Without Transfusion - (ENG)
Pancreatic Fistula Risk Score - (ENG)
POSSUM for Operative Morbidity and Mortality Risk - (ENG)
Preoperative Mortality Predictor Score (PMP) - (ENG)
Revised Cardiac Risk Index for Pre-Operative Risk - (ENG)
Risk-E Score for Cardiac Surgery in Active Infective Endocarditis - (ENG)
Surgical Apgar Score for Postoperative Risk (SAS) - (ENG)
Blast Lung Injury Severity Score (BLI) - (ENG)
Canadian CT head injury rule (CCHR) - (ENG)
CHIP (CT in Head Injury Patients) Prediction Rule - (ENG)
Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) - (ENG)
Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS Score) - (ENG)
New Orleans/Charity Head Trauma/Injury Rule - (ENG)
NEXUS Chest CT Decision Instrument for CT Imaging - (ENG)
NEXUS Chest Decision Instrument for Blunt Chest Trauma - (ENG)
NEXUS Criteria for C-Spine Imaging - (ENG)
Pediatric NEXUS II Head CT Decision Instrument for Blunt Trauma - (ENG)
Pediatric Trauma BIG Score - (ENG)
Subaxial Injury Classification and Severity Scale (SLICS) - (ENG)
Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Scale (TLICS) - (ENG)
Trauma Associated Severe Hemorrhage (TASH) Score - (ENG)
Trauma Injury Severity Score (TRISS) - (ENG)
Wound Closure Classification - (ENG)
Combined Critical Illness Recognition in All Ages - (ENG)
HIV and Malaria Co-Infection Medication - (ENG)
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate LM-Rev - (ENG)
Holliday-Segar Fluid and Electrolyte Maintenance Formula - (ENG)/(IND)
ISTH DIC Score - (ENG)
NAS Score - (ENG)
VIA Screening - (ENG)
Fast tracking scale for Ambulatory surgery - (ENG)/(SWE)/(ES)
Tisdale Risk Score for QT Prolongation - (ENG)
Oakland score for safe discharge after lower GI bleed - (ENG)
Predictive criteria for covid-19 cytokine storm - (ENG)
UKELD score - (ENG)
AHA Antibiotic Prophylaxis AP Guidelines for dental procedures - (ENG)/(ES-AR)
ETDRS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) Severity Scale - (ENG)
Humpty Dumpty Falls Scale (HDFS) - (ENG)
Migraine - (ENG)
MUST tool - (ENG)
PECARN pediatric head injury/trauma algorithm - (ENG)
Pediatric Mobility Risk Assessment Scoring - (ENG)
Revised ASRS V1.1 for ADHD - (ENG)
Sickle Cell RBC Exchange Volume calculator - (ENG)
Simplified Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring Tool (sFNAS) - (ENG)/(ES-AR)
Simplified Functional Movement Disorder Rating Scale (S-FMDRS) - (ENG)
tPA Contraindications for Ischemic Stroke - (ENG)
The applications presented on this page have been published for demonstration purposes only and should NOT be used to make medical decisions in their current state. The apps are not intended to replace clinical judgement and all clinical information must be validated by the user prior to use. The user assumes sole responsibility for any decisions made or actions taken based on information generated by the CDS applications. Cambio Healthcare Systems and the individual authors of the published clinical models assume no liability of any kind.