1.5.0 (2020-05-12)
Bug Fixes
add link to jenkins pipelines (0e67bb1 )
add simple example (3b3aaf6 )
add the documentation compendium to resources (9aba1a6 )
conventional commits typo (423df0e )
extra backtick (6939b17 )
gitignore need not use . in path (64a8808 )
indenting (835583d )
move pristine into subdirectory (781d9e4 )
remove unused jenkins and testing files (cfed249 )
remove yaml in example (b410975 )
update .gitignore (d7107cc )
update period (0c9e6e1 )
update docs-react to get params by-name support for examples (385003d )
update pristine to include git issues template (16fc0ba ), closes #409
building: add definitions section (b8bd636 )
wording change (3b6b60b )
building: remove unneeded definitions (718cd97 )
add choose a license to resources (1e38132 )
add info on using this repo (1671d3e )
add issue templates (5bc409d )
add Jenkinsfile (2d9a5e4 )
add file (ed3781a )
update release to be more specific (ba46d70 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.